Thursday, November 13, 2008

Alastair Campbell As You Have Never Seen Him...

If you were Prince Charles, and were about to celebrate your sixtieth birthday, how might you best do it? Why, by listening to Alastair Campbell play HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the bagpipes, of course. I jest not.


  1. Thank the lord that the 'Richard and his Mum Show' is now on some nothing channel that nobody watches. They were always New Labour Luvvies and now they can cosy up to Alastair Campbell with the benefit of no-one watching.

  2. Remind me, were the bagpipes part of his act when he was [still is] a gigolo?

  3. Translated from the Gaelic, Campbell means "Crooked Mouth"- How appropriate!

  4. Aghhhh... Pass the gin bottle...

  5. The retired pornographer, serial lier and debaser of the body politic has a book to sell. This unsavoury immoral man is trying to reinvent himself.

    And he has a another book to sell. Based on his own guilt ridden descent into depression, it is a poorly written self help book disguised as a novel. It will be in the remainder bin within a month of publication. Utter drivel.

  6. The Scottish God Parents of my son would take exception at the sight of Campbell not dressed in kilt. What was the number Brown the Brave?

  7. God, I'm so glad I never watch this!

  8. Ever had the feeling someone's blowing on your pipes?

  9. only someone like campbell could play the bagpipes ...says it all really!

  10. But he's a staunch republican? What a media whore.

  11. My goodness. There really is no beginning to his talents, is there?
