Thursday, October 02, 2008

Veep Debate Live Webchat Tonight - Or Not...

I'm debating whether to do a CoverItLive live webchat during the Vice Presidential Debate tonight. The only trouble is, it doesn't start until 3am, so I'm not sure whether it's worth it if no one apart from me will be online! let me know your views in the comments.

My early enthusiasm for Sarah Palin is melting. Her media interviews have been weak in the extreme, and she has a huge amount riding on tonight's debate. She needs to perform and perform well, otherwise McCain's campaign could be about to hit the buffers. I think I said when she was selected that I thought this would either be a brilliant move or a car crash. After her convention speech I thought the former. Now I am edging towards the latter.

I keep being asked which ticket I am supporting, and the truth is that I am still on the fence. I want to see the remaining three debates before deciding - and you dear reader will be the first to know my decision. I am sure my endorsement will make all the difference. (For those devoid of a sense of humour, that was a J.O.K.E).

So, should I do a webchat, or not tonight?

UPDATE: No webchat, but I will have an Open Thread with no comment moderation.


  1. How about just doing a review once you've slept on it?

  2. I would suggest a live webchat of a debate between the 2 VP Candidates is probably a complete waste of your time and of complete indifference to the majority in the UK.

    Better to get a good nights sleep

  3. Nah. Have an early night, Iain. Sounds like you've had a long week one way and another.

  4. Waste of time Iain

    Obama is now almost certain to win. Now lets see- one party led economy to ruin, candidate trumpets experience. Other one says change is needed, charater more important. Sounds terribly familiar...

  5. I watched the POTUS debate, if it is anything like that I think you would be better of sleeping.

    That said, If Biden is anything like his speech writer (Neil Kinnock!!!), it might be worth watching!

    In the UK Nick Clegg resembles Neil Kinnocks political style and he mimes children's nursery rhymes and thinks pensioners only recieve £30 a week! Then there is the dirty 30! So if Biden is anything like Kinnock - it might be a good laugh at the very least!!!

  6. Staying up to watch that Demon Woman? Are you insane?!?! ;)

    Though if it is as bad as the Katy Couric interview (& I pray it is!) I would be tempted to stay up for the amusement factor alone.

  7. Get some sleep. Sky+ it and blog about it later if you want?

    I think it will be mildly entertaining because Palin is so obviously out of her depth, but at 3am will you appreciate it as much?

  8. Save your energy for domestic matters.

    After his speech at the Labour Conference you wrote that this was the moment you felt sure Gordon couldn't win. I think you were writing the opposite of your real feelings. The economic crash plays straight into his unappealing hands. Cometh the hour, cometh the weirdo.

    He now has a green light for more state control, more interference, more Gordon. He must have sudddenly become very aroused. I feel scared.

  9. Well I've got Friday off at Uni Iain so you'll have at least one fellow politico to keep you company!

    Personally, I'm very anxious to see how Palin stands up - I have a feeling she is going to be utterly crushed.

  10. dave h -

    I do not detect the wish for more Gordon that you percieve. The BBC may trot this line out and some of the Labour MP's talking to themselves but Labour are finished! DOOMED, like the pithy LD's!

  11. dave h -

    I do not detect the wish for more Gordon that you percieve. The BBC may trot this line out and some of the Labour MP's talking to themselves but Labour are finished! DOOMED, like the pithy LD's!

  12. "My early enthusiasm for Sarah Palin is melting."

    Blimey, I should hope so too. She's car crash politics. So, as several have said before, the debate may, with any luck, be entertaining in its way (shouldn't rubberneck but just can't resist...)

  13. I know you get readers in the US and elsewhere outside the UK Iain, but is it really worth punishing your body to do that? Plus we don't want you falling asleep whilst updating your blog ;)

  14. Glad to hear your enthusiasm for the homophobic, creationist, corrupt, gun nut, inexperienced thicket Sarah Palin is melting.

    The question really must be why did you defend her in the first place. Those of us holding our hands up against were not doing so because of her gender but because of the homophobia, creationism, corruption, gun nuttery, inexperience and thickness.

    Biden really ought to wipe the floor with her, hopefully in a nice way, but there may even be tears, and you should forget the idea of live blogging this I think.

  15. Not worth it. But with Palin's performance being so dire, how long can you stay on the fence? She's appallingly shallow and stupid.

    By the way, do you think homosexuality is a choice?

  16. On the homophobia thing: is she? As far as I know, she considers homosexual acts immoral, but is there anything else? Or does "homophobia" now cover anyone who believes that? If it does, I think it's a pretty worthless label.

    I shall listen to the debate on R5Live, but I suspect a live webchat for all of 4 people would be a pretty sad affair.

  17. Iain, very good of you to even think of doing this, but you KNOW you will fall asleep half way, no matter how interesting.

    Record it, watch it, summate it in the morning.

    But I have to ask, how come a Tory is thinking of endorsing the American Socialists, ie Obama ?

    Alan Douglas

  18. I'll be up watching it but i'll be so high on pro plus i won't be online...

    Her media appearances have been appalling, she's been sheltered from the press too much as a result so has lost confidence, she doesn't appear to know a great deal about anything. her record in alaska has some good points, but some pretty appalling cases as well (rape kits anyone?).

    Biden has to ensure he doesn't patronise her in the way Bush 41 did against Ferraro on the 80s. He needs to focus on giving a succinct answer to each question and have the odd dig at McCain. I suspect Palin will fall apart of her own accord - afterall, if she melts under the pressure of a Katie Couric interview, she's not going to be able to handle a full on national debate.

    One more worrying point - mcCain's slogan is "country first". Does anyone seriously believe she is the best person in America to take over as President should the need arise? This wasn't country first, it was campaign first.

  19. Don't bother Iain. I'm certain it will be anodyne fare, with Palin spluttering out pre-rehearsed soundbites to middle America while Biden, who could take her to the cleaners, cowers in the danger of appearing too aggressive towards a woman.

    It is a shame too, because should Biden actually give her the drubbing she so richly deserves, we'd be able to get her off the ticket and get McCain back in the driving seat...

  20. "She needs to perform and perform well, otherwise McCain's campaign could be about to hit the buffers."

    Not likely. Having the gaffe prone Biden has hardly derailed the Obamaessaiah's campaign. Even if Palin isn't quite the politician people were hoping for people will still be voting for the President first, not the Vice President.

    Neither VP appears that competent but both are only a heartbeat/bullet/bomb/accident away from the top job.

  21. Dear Mr Paul all Palin has to do is stand up without falling over to win this debate - Biden is on a hiding to nothing. Kennedy did not win his debate with Nixon he merely did not lose, which was good enough.

    And as for VPs - anybody remember Agnew? Or the guy who could not spell Potato or the guy who claimed to have invented the internet? Nah - give me the woman with the baby seal bashing club any day.

    As for her abilities, well given the disaster that so called wise experienced clever politicians and bankers have led us into I think such comments are a bit rich.

    And Palin is not a creationist - such people believe the world and universe began 4000 years ago. Now these people do exist - I met a Scottish one a couple of months ago. But thats not what Palin has said.

    And Mr Dale - just go to bed, VPs are just not worth the effort.

  22. I hope Mrs Palin does well. Just to shove the criticism shown towards her by bigoted women haters on your page, UP their nether regions!

    I just cannot understand why she has attracted such bile and filth. people should have a little more respect.

    I like her. I like Hilary Clinton. It would have been fun having those two in a debate.

    I hope she does well tonight. I hope she reminds the democrat how he asked a wheelchair democrat to stand up!! But- we dont get any of the bile and hatred shown towards him!

    Iain. as Harry said - you have had a hard week. Go to bed and Sky+ it!

  23. just to be contrary: do it live and all power to your Red Bull-fuelled blog (other stimulants are available).
    If it is car crash TV you want to experience it live. J G Ballard knew the power of that when he wrote Crash.
    BTW: Alan Douglas needs to start reading up on Obama's policies. If he thinks the chosen one is a socialist he should invest in a dictionary.

  24. I'd get some kip if I were you.

    @V's L

    On the homophobia thing: is she? As far as I know, she considers homosexual acts immoral, but is there anything else? Or does "homophobia" now cover anyone who believes that? If it does, I think it's a pretty worthless label.

    as a pedant, I've never liked the term 'homophobia' as it seems to mean 'dislike of homosexuals' as opposed to 'fear of' (but then, as we all know, 'paedophilia' merely means 'love of children' and should technically be entirely discrete from 'pederasty' which it now seems to mean). But taking the accepted modern definition, I'd say that thinking that homosexual acts are 'immoral' and (as she presumably does) condemn one to eternal damnation does qualify. Wouldn't you? I'm not saying it should be illegal, mind, but it smacks of p*ss a bit when people say "I'm not homophobic, I just don't approve of it" unless they genuinely mean "I'm not scared of gays".

  25. there is the potential for a train wreck tonight which would be worth staying up for. But the facts are that the VP debates never make any difference to the race itself. At this point Palin can only make herself look adequate. She has completely missed the boat for anything greater.

  26. Strapworld it's so annoying when people play the gender card. why should people go easier on her just because she's a woman - now that WOULD be sexist. She's had no harder a time than any other candidate, the simple truth is that she has not stood up to proper scrutiny.

    people are concerned with her not because she's a woman, nor because she's working class or a non-washingtonian. People are concerned about her because of the incredibly awful answers she's given to some pretty simple questions.

    it's time to stop making excuses for her.

  27. I'll be staying up to watch and I'll join in the webchat if you decide to do it, but it doesn't sound like there'll be that many of us!

  28. I will be up Iain. Please do it!

  29. @trevorsden

    Palin might not fit your very narrow definition of a creationist, but for all intents and purposes that is exactly what she is.

    She advocates the teaching of creationism alongside science, giving as she says 'both sides of the subject'. But to put creationism on the same pedestal as evolution is distinctly troubling, one being a belief system the other based on theory, research and fact. One cannot counter or compete with the other.

    She is also an endtimer with her pastors firmly believing in The Rapture - in many ways on can hardly wait for her to be miraculously whisked off.

    Palin is an immensely stupid, puffed up person who has only got to where she is with a tremendous amount of self-belief. This is not to be entirely sneered at, as she has certainly achieved much to get where she is.

    But, a fundamentalist Christian, a rabid anti-abortionist, an advocate of allowing states to make their own laws - we could well see segregation return in places even if Palin doesn't want such a thing - and a woman who thinks homosexuality is a choice that responsible people reject, should not be allowed anywhere near the White House for the good of America and the rest of the world.

  30. iain i too am undecided as to whether to stay up and watch although i probably will catch some z's and tehn get up for it - I actually think that Palin will surpass all expections and infact the McCain camp have been dampening down expectations and she will hit the ball well and truly out teh park tonight and re-invigorate the race once again it will be game on.

  31. Don't do it - sounds like it's going to be boring and embarrassing.

    Can't imagine how I would vote for this election if I were American - as a Tory, I'm not sympathetic to Democrat leanings, but Dubya turned out to be dreadful, and McCain comes across as even worse.

    As for Veeps, isn't there anyone around with the balls of Lyndon Johnson (yes, I know he was a bastard). Oh well, too late now, just have to hope Obama has what it takes (in terms of personality) to lead Congress and the country in the difficult times ahead.

  32. Re jokes, you may wish to borrow A J Taylor's method of signalling his to the literal minded: [goak]. Trouble is, some readers won't get it even then.

  33. early night and have a look at it in the morning!

  34. Hmmm.. not sure if I am having to write this twice as first effort lost in the ether or if I will be repeating myself. So I will confine myself to this

    Dear Happy Northern Hunter

    Rabid anti abortionist? Well give me that any day to a rabid abortionist. Someone who wants to save human life is rabid he he/she?

    If Palin does not fit the definition of a creationist - why call her one. Words mean what they want them to mean to 'rabid' lefties do they?

  35. I think its on at 2am, not 3am. I would love to take part in your wee webchat but I'll understand if you feel you're not able.

  36. I think I might get some sleep and watch it on channel more4 tomorrow evening.
    I wonder if there is any evidence of Sarah Palin doing badly in interviews. I havent seen all of them but she did fine in all the bits I have seen and read. Isn't this just another example of the left-wing media doing a hatchet job on someone they don't like just like they did on John Major, William Hague and particularly Michael Howard? I was very amused by Justin Webb's comments which were laughable. He also claimed that Conservatives were turning against her and then cited one of Obama's most prominent supporters.
    The people who hate her are the same people who hate us and think Blair was great so my support isn't wavering.
    I doubt greatly that she is a Margaret Thatcher but as long as she is sane and can think rationally she is going to be better than the alternative. Obama and Biden set a fairly low bar. We'll see how she does but I hope she strikes a blow against Socialism and the left-wing media everywhere.

  37. the McCain camp has been seriously downplaying expectations on this, basically, if she makes it through 90 minutes without declaring war on Pakistan or running off in tears they're going to declare it a victory.

    Hate to say it peeps, but....I told you so.

    And Iain come on. The way McCain has 'handled' the Bailout vote?? What a fraud. What a joke. What an embarrassment.

  38. 3 out of 30 in support. That's democracy buddy - a restful sleep it is.

  39. I might well be up! =)

  40. Iain - Andrew Sullivan points out that palin thinks being gay is a choice, and adds -

    "She also believes that the world was created 6,000 years ago, that the sun once stood still above the earth, and that witchcraft is a big enough threat to have a witch-doctor personally protect her from it.

    For the record, Palin opposes all rights for gay couples, opposes marriage equality, opposes allowing gays to serve openly in the military, opposes gay-inclusive hate crimes legislation, opposes the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, and opposes immigration rights for same-sex spouses of American citizens."

    You happy with that?

  41. Jonny, yes, a lot of views are attributed to her, but I have never seen direct quotes from her on these issues. Care to provide any? Andrew Sullivan certainly hasn't.

  42. Iain - stick with Palin. She's a good woman and a moderate one. Her worst crime is to have been a bit vague and hesitant in answer to a couple of slanted questions from hostile interviewers.

    On the positive side, she is confident, charming and has the ability to inspire. She will make a first-class VP and has the strength and energy to fight her corner. She has done a good job in Alaska and has real experience of political responsibility - by contrast with Obama and Biden who have run nothing except their campaigns.

    Her opponents are making her out to be some kind of nut or right-wing extremist. She ain't . She is not homophobic (the Couric interview makes that quite clear). She wants to ensure that evolution is taught in school as an established principle (and does not want to put creationism on the curriculum). She attends a moderate church, not a loony fundamentalist one. There are no scandals of any significance attaching to her (Troopergate is a joke). She is a Christian and pro-life, but is that really a problem?

    She would be a breath of fresh air in Washington - just as McCain would. Obama is a very talented and charming politician who has never done anything and whose position on many issues seems vague and shifting.

    Maybe Obama will win - but I think you ought to give Palin another chance. She would appreciate it!

  43. The only reason for staying up so late to watch would be to get in early if Ladbroke's re-open their 'Will Palin be replaced as VP Candidate' market...
    But as I'm up for work at 5.30am I might just wait 'til then.

  44. on the "gay is a choice" stuff, she was going along those lines in the interview with Katie Couric. Not sure how much exposure that section has had but I'm sure you can find it on the CBS website.

    and on Justin Webb's assertion that some conservative commentators are turning against Palin, he's write - he just didn't cite the best source. The National Review is the most right leaning political blog in the US, and even Kathleen Parker and David Frum (Bush's ex speech writer) have called out against her

  45. he's "right" of course. derr

  46. anon @ 2:12 - do you own a tv?

    Watch her interview with Katie Couric where she can't answer wrt John McCain rolling back regulation - "I'll find some and get back to you on that"

    And here's the Supreme Court question -

    All she does is fall back to b/s r-w doctrine, "states vs. federal" blah blah...

    She is awful. And stupid.

  47. Iain, just watch Palin's interview with Katie Couric to see her views on homosexuality.

    In the same interview, she also expresses her belief that a girl who was raped, or suffered incest, should not be allowed to have an abortion.

    She has been filmed with her pastor, who is 'in the name of Jesus' fighting witchcraft.

    She has also campaigned against Chaucer in Alaska's libraries and asked how books could be banned.

    And she can't even name a single newspaper he might once have read.

    It is certainly true that it is hard to actually pin down PAlin's full belief but this seems to be because she can't even engage on a sensible level with the media.

  48. I do like my politics but staying up untill 3am to watch something that will repeated untill I'm sick is not my idea of fun.
    Personally I would ban most of this hyped up, fanatical, religious type American election from ever appearing on British TV just because I'm already bored with the ever lasting drone of it!

    Oh! If she really believes that the world is 4000 years old then what needs to be said? That to me says all I need to know about someone!
    Dont stay up for this american hype.

  49. Iain,

    A good idea to have a live web chat. Also perfect time for me it's the time I take my medication.

    Also I find the people about at that hour are so interesting.

  50. I'm recording the debate and I'll watch it tomorrow.

    Iain, how on earth can you possibly be 'on the fence' with this election? Pathetic.

    The McCain/Palin ticket is the most anti-intellectual ticket ever. McCain's actions have been nothing short of bizarre. Palin is so out of her depth that it's disturbing.

    MY CRINGE REFLEX IS HURTING! Sarah Palin should step down immediately.

    By the way, Sarah Palin thinks homosexuality is 'a choice'. Oh dear.Oh dear.

    McCain did not put the country first in making his V.P. choice, and Palin is not qualified to lead the United States.

    Barack Obama is going to win by a landslide. I bet when that that happens Iain Dale will go "I always supported Obama - I was just waiting to see if he could really win"!!

    Shame on you Iain Dale. If you want the world to be a better and safer place then you can only support Barack Obama.

    Wake up and smell the coffee. Live in the modern world. Try to 'get it'.

  51. She has also campaigned against Chaucer in Alaska's libraries and asked how books could be banned.

    what a ludicrous woman. The funny thing is I can almost forgive her biblical literalism, homophobia, and other silly views, they just make her gullible, easily led and small-minded.

    But to campaign against some of the founding works of literature makes her actively anti-intellectual, stupid and a nasty piece of work. I hope she gets creamed in front of everyone.

    I too, remain somewhat puzzled as to what can possibly have led Iain to have any support for her whatsoever, unless it is the pro-life thing. (My apologies, Iain, if you're pro-choice. I've always received the impression from what I've read here that you're not. But then I haven't read everything here.)

  52. She's had no harder a time than any other candidate, the simple truth is that she has not stood up to proper scrutiny.

    Actually she has stood up well to extremely improper scrutiny. The unprecedented viciousness of the personal attacks set a new low in media bias and leftist tactics, as the late Vince Foster said "The politics of personal destruction".

    Seen the videos of the little kids singing about the Dear Leader yet? Creepy.

  53. I don't think I'll be able to bear watching it - the Palin interviews so far have been so cringeworthy I've had to watch them with one finger sticking out of the foetal ball I've been driven into, hovering over the mute button. I'll be snoring away in bed during the debate - this is one I'll be happy just to watch excerpts from tomorrow.

  54. I'm in America. I'm totally watching. Should be some great craic.
    I hope Tina Fey rocks up!

  55. Yak40 is Karl Rove and I claim my prize.

  56. Yak40 is Karl Rove and I claim my prize.

    Ha ha. Wish I had his money tho'.

    No, I'm utterly disgusted with the media in this election cycle. Almost without exception they have been in the tank for Obama from the start, all pretence at impartiality has been abandoned.

    Where's the in-depth looks at Obama's background ? There's huge holes in his sanitised history. What about the strongarm tactics his people used in many precincts during the caucuses ? What about the almost theft of the nomination from Hillary at the convention ? What about the foreign money funnelled to him ?

    Utter silence and tonight there's a "debate" moderated(?) by someone who has a book praising the Annointed One to be published on inauguration day. No conflict there !

  57. Trouble is, I can't watch these debates. They make me cringe. I can manage about thirty seconds, to get a feel of how the two speakers are performing, but that's the limit.

  58. If anyone sees me on the internet at 3a.m. they can shoot me...zzzz

  59. It will be a sort of Neil Kinnock meets the Beverley Hill Billies...

    Go to bed Iain

  60. Yak40,

    Agreed with the moderator on the VP debate, Gwen Ifill is not exactly sitting on the fence about Barack!

    But I don't accept this stuff about left wing media bias, it's a load of old nonsense. What I do see happening is a more effective use of new media by left leaning organisations and the Dems, internet, YouTube etc. Also, the natural inclination of comedy shows such as Daily Show, Colbert, Bill Maher, has overemphasised some of this stuff.

    But Palin was given a seriously easy time by Charlie Gibson whilst giving her a showcase for her personal life. But not knowing the basic tenet of America foreign policy for the past 7 years? Come on.

    Obama has clearly run a more effective media campaign - eg. setting up a specific repudiation unit to avoid the Swiftboat tactics. He even went on O'Reilly....

    But really, Palin and McCains poor performance has really been down to them, not the any left wing conspiracy. She's useless and he's duplicit. All that bulls*t last week about suspending his campaign and going to DC to sort out the Bailout. Complete crap - he did neither.

  61. Iain - why not leave an open thread, so we can blog away at our little geeky hearts content?

  62. Swift Boating ? Trouble with that is that the original Swifties were basically 100% correct (they didn't want to emphasise the medal stuff, only JK's despicable behaviour once he got back to the US). BTW, he has still not released his discharge records as he promised umpteen times so he's still hiding something. Kinda like Obama has yet to release a lot of his personal info expected of a Pres candidate these days, what's he hiding ? Wasn't it odd that the film in Denver completely skipped from High School to Chicago ? Nothing about Occidental U, Columbia U, no old friends ?
    Once again, the MSM is in the tank for Obama, there's no doubt, you only have to watch, read or listen.

    Here's more BO lunacy. When he loses he can take them down to Guyana, there's a vacant compound waiting.

  63. I don't know what else you want about Obama, he's released his drugs use, if there's more out there I don't understand why the right haven't exploited it?

    That article is nothing worse than some of the old b*llocks written on Conservative Home.

    I don't get what this rampant fear is of Obama. I really don't get it.

  64. yak40, you've repeated the same nonsense about the swiftboaters and Kerry before. It is absolutely clear that the swifboaters were factually incorrect on most matters and Kerry signed the SF-180 to release his full military records. John McCain 2004-08-06 "I condemn the [SBVT] ad. It is dishonest and dishonorable. I think it is very, very wrong." NYT "on close examination, the accounts of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth prove to be riddled with inconsistencies." LAT "These charges against John Kerry are false." WaPo "although Kerry's accusers have succeeded in raising doubts about his war record, they have failed to come up with sufficient evidence to prove him a liar." ABC Nightline and AP also corroborated Kerry's record. Steve Hayes, founder member SBVT "It became clear to me that it was morphing from an organization to set the record straight into a highly political vendetta. They knew it was not the truth." McCain certainly hasn't signed the SF-180 (and never will). Obama has written about many of the aspects you say haven't been covered and the media have done extensive opposition research into his life story. What we haven't had is McCain's medical records (and no 3 hours for a handful of reporters to read over 1000 pages is not disclosure). And we haven't had Cindy McCain's tax returns. What is he hiding?

  65. Suspect staying up late to watch Palin will be rather like staying up to watch Amir Khan's last fight on pay-per-view.

  66. right we go!!!
