Friday, October 31, 2008

Two Bits of Chipmunk News

Somehow one of my colleagues at Total Politics persuaded Hazel Blears to do the Daily Politico questionnaire while I was away. Nice of them to tell me! You can read it HERE. Highlights...

* Her favourite magazine is, ahem, Ride.
* She thinks it is a "shame LabourHome has never found its voice"
* She is a great fan of Barack Obama. Well, she doesn't quite say so, but it's easy to get her drift
* She has a bit of a crush on Gene Hunt

I'm rather looking forward to Tuesday morning when I shall have the pleasure of interviewing Hazel face to face for the next issue of the magazine. What do you think I should ask her?


  1. Which does she prefer: Hazelnuts or Almonds ?

  2. "How is that Gordon Brown (and hence you as well) think that we, the rest of us, are all so thick as to be taken in by their endlessly repeated lies?"

    Take the risible benefit we are likely to get from wind power for instance and the fact it is only viable thanks to massive subsidies from our electric bills.

    Take the news that Labour are going to expand Heathrow - because they say the British economy will suffer if we do not.

    Just how thick do they think we are?

  3. How do you keep a straight face while quoting what you know to be rubbish?

  4. You will be able to ask her whether she will be reading her nice new copy of 1984.

    Tom Harris was not too impressed with his apparently.

  5. Was her decision regarding local government reorganisation in Cheshire as cynical as Gwyneth Dunwoody alleged?

  6. What does she think of women Labour MPs being lined up in the Commons by the Whips to ask George Osborne personal questions during a debate on Treasury matters?
    Demeaning or what?

  7. Her favourite broadcasters: Carolyn Quinn and Martha Kearney.
    All sisters together for the cause!

  8. A ducati! sure they look good, and they go fast- when they go at all that is. But they sure give you a sore ass and God are they high maintenance. A gixer's quicker, reliable, handles as well and a lot cheaper. Oh but its not usually red, I suppose that's the attraction.

  9. What does it feel like being a gay pin-up?

  10. Given that no publisher is going to give you an advance on your autobiography, what have you got lined up to do after the next election?

  11. Ask her what it feels like to be a senior henchman in an evil regime.

    You could also ask her if they all have uniforms that they wear at cabinet meetings.

  12. Does she ever get embarrassed spouting the drivel the party give her?

  13. I hear that the chipmunk fancies me...and so she should!!

  14. Is she looking forward to the new blue dawn?

  15. Ask her to jump off a cliff with George Brown tied to her left leg, and Alistair Darling tied to her right. Word verification: Zator (the Mighty).

  16. at's she going to do with her time after 2010 ?

  17. "What do you think I should ask her?"

    I'm thinking of making an exception. Will you?

  18. Hello Iain:
    Ask her why she spouts such drivel.
    The pet name you have for her of 'Chipmunk', is most appropiate.
    Surely, if, as I believe, she is a lawyer, she must have at least half a brain.
    Every statement she burbles invariably contains her favourite clichès, 'people out there and moving forward'.

    Stupid patronising woman.

    Ask her also, if she truly believes that the 'people out there' are all as thick as her and her deluded dumbo NuLab chums to believe the drivel they churn out, day after day?...

    God what a shower!

    Bring on the General Election, the sooner the better!

  19. why are we still in Afghanistan, what is the exit strategy

  20. Ask her why, when they can find the money to create 800,000 new, useless public sector jobs since 1997, and unlimited funds to waste on inefficient wind turbines, it's apparently going to take until 2010to equip our forces in Afghanistan with vehicles which can provide a modicum of protection from roadside IEDs?

  21. Ask her if plans to spend spend spend our way out of Brown's recession would be more appropriate for a country that actually has some money left to spend.

    How many generations will it take to pay off Browns Debts including PFi's and how much longer would it be if he ups spending while the recession decreases his tax take.

    Ask him if the legitimising of Sharia law tribunals is a retreat from all the progress we have made since 1215.

    Ask her what it is like being the second sexiest female MP

  22. On reflection Mr Dale I very much doubt you will be able to fill your questions with the bile and invective I feel for her and her discredited party and her lying bastard leader.

    So maybe you should cancel your interview since I suspect you are far to well mannered to properly reflect your readerships opinions.

    Maybe - given that we are now faced with an endless array of duplicitous spin - maybe you should ask what she thinks of her party leaders pledge to end spin (itself just an example of spin), since this neatly encapsulates her lying boss' contempt for our intelligence.

  23. What is she going to do after she loses her seat at the next GE?

  24. Why in the face of overwhelming evidence of future misery she remains so goddamned chipper?

    Word verification "squesse" perhaps you could give her one from all of us?!?

  25. Given her belief in e-participation what will she be doing to help ensure a good response to the NHS consultation on "the additional uses of patient records" -

    And will she be suggesting that other departments/agencies, including DCLG, organise similar consultations on their plans for big databases and how the contents will be used?

    Sorry to spoil the thread by suggesting a serious question but this consultation appears to have had almost no publicity until one of the Computer Weekly bloggers raised it on Friday.

    and it was then picked up by


    The consultation raises all sorts of "interesting" questions.

  26. Ask her why she has no shame.

    I can (barely) understand her toeing the party line, but how can she justify being so enthusiastic?

  27. Ask her if she's on the same planet as the rest of us. On the Daily Politics last week, in response to a remark that infrastructure projects could not be brought forward because of the planning laws, she commented that housing could be.
    Has the ginger dwarf ever tried to get planning permission for a housing development?
    It can take years and local authorities are expensive and unhelpful.

  28. Trevorsden - excellent posts!

    I've long wondered why journalists (esp in electronic media) don't just cut off interviewees who spout Party drivel as they barefacedly deny the evidence that's obvious to all. Blears is exactly one of those. Their patronising assumption that all we need to be fed is their chickenshit (please censor if desired), whereupon we will all become unquestioning supporters, is outrageous. Dictionary entry: blears v.t.: smothers rational discourse with lies; assoc with: smears, dreary, bleary, blethers. Eg 'Hazel blears the subject'.

    Ask her how she feels about being one of the leading proponents of this phenomenon and thus responsible for the decline of faith in the democratic process - one of the most serious charges possible against a politician.

    Ask her how many Iraqui deaths she personally feels responsible for, given her slavish support of Bliar. None, one, ten, a hundred?

    Ditto British soldiers.

    Ask her which aspects of Mandy's behaviour she finds most reprehensible.

    Hammer her into the floor; make her flee in tears. Like Trevorsden, I cannot express my loathing for this appalling woman and all she stands for.

  29. Hazel, do you think you could make a gay boy striaght?

  30. You'll be charmed. She's a very nice woman, more normal than most politicians.

  31. Just ask her whom she thinks she's kidding.

  32. On the 9th July earlier this year [source: Hansard] Hazel Blears stated that whilst she appreciated the enormous amount of social work and community projects undertaken by Christian charitable groups in the UK she does not approve of the underlying Christian motives of this army of volunteers [Christianity offends the secular humanist orthodoxy]. It is a fact that Christian groups up and down the country have been and continue to be denied public funds for their charity work for no other reason than that they are Christian. Hazel Blears was particularly concerned in her Commons speech that Christians should not be evangelical.

    As a Christian resident in Salford I'd like to ask Hazel: "Please can you explain just what you find so offensive and unacceptable about Christian faith-based groups doing valuable community work? Why should funding be denied to such groups just because they have a strong Christian ethos? Why should Christians be made to feel ashamed of expressing their faith in public? Should Christians obey the will of God or the will of Hazel Blears and the Labour Party? Hazel, have you taken over from God?" Richard Carvath, Salford.
