Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ten New Blogs VII

Join the Riad Revolution - a new LibDem blog
The Real Hansard
Young Unionists
Another Day - Centre right blog from an ex investment banker
Werner Patels - Canadian political pundit
Stories Behind the Stats - Welsh domestic violence blog set up by Nerys Evans AM
Whipped Senseless
Jimmy Lee Shreeve - Libertarian journalist
Bloggers 4 UKIP
Imtiaz Ameen - Tory activist in Dewsbury


  1. you should host this video iain


    it gets to the point about the smirking joker whose screwed things up

  2. Nerys Evans AM is doing something really worthwhile here. well done also to you Iain for considering it worthy of mention.

    As with any kind of crime, statistics never convey the whole picture, but there is something about domestic violence which renders it particularly difficult to understand for some people with a political background. It is as if they would rank it somewhere alongside having one's bike stolen, unpleasant, maybe worth a quick cup of tea and a biscuit, but you need to dust yourself down and get on with the really important business of delivering leaflets and getting a good % share of the vote, even in an unwinnable seat, otherwise the opposition will get ideas about the area being a peachy target.

    p.s. if we're having a poll on youtubes, i'm for the cute pandas, even if They Can't Win Here.

  3. I do like that bloggers4ukip
