Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ten New Blogs V

1. Itchy Thinking
2. Blog of Small Things - politics and business
3. Confessions of a Political Animal - Labour blog
4. Daniel Clarke - Labour's candidate in Eastleigh
5. Richard Holloway - Sceptical Conservative
6. School Gate - Education blog
7. We're British, Innit? - The blog of the book
8. Hywel Williams MP - Welsh language blog of the Plaid MP
9. The Real Machiavelli - Conservative attack blog
10. Green Diary - Centre right blog

To see a full directory of more than 1,600 political blogs click HERE.


  1. Thanks Iain for posting my blog.

  2. Is this really the dross that Labour can drum up as PPCs? I realise Eastleigh isn't a hotbed of socialism, but posts such as "Thank God Comrade Digby is pissing off" and the ones slagging off Donal Blaney (even if Blaney is a fruitloop who needs taking down a peg once in a while) aren't what you might expect from a prospective Government MP.

    Along with Benn the Even Younger in Shoreham and the schoolgirl in Skipton who thinks it's a jolly lark to break US electoral law, Labour ain't exactly offering us the creme de la creme.

  3. Well anonymous I guess you are someone I have had dealings with before, hence you not having the courage to post under your own name. If you are a Tory you might like to question your PPC in Soton who wrote a piece in the local press demonstrating total ignorance of your own party's policies. You obviously have no confidence in your own intellect or any other of your qualities, because you are only willing to write under anonymity.

  4. Glad Gio is doing well.

  5. Thanks for posting my blog. It's actually called School Gate, and is the Times' education blog...

  6. A blog by the Tory Hywel Williams would be a good read I reckon...

  7. Cheers for the posting Ian. Can't wait for the nex issue of Total Politics.
