Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ten New Blogs IV

Another ten recently started blogs, or ones I have only just come across...

1. Johnny Norfolk - Blog of a Norfolk Tory.
2. Not a Village in Westminster - Labour blog based in Glasgow
3. Frank Field MP
4. Tameside Mafia
5. Richard Benyon MP
5. Political Cheat Sheet - Politics for people who aren't politicians
6. Charlotte Gore - Libertarian LibDem
7. Thingummy - SNP blog - campaign manager for Osama Saeed
8. Steve Fowler's UKIP blog
9. Dale Bassett
10. Bloggers4UKIP


  1. Well, anonymous, perhaps you would be more at home with some of the more the moronic comments sections to play in, but... I happen to think this is a brilliant feature. Many of these bloggers are totally new to things, and this gives them some traffic and some possible links. So, I've been critical of Iain putting down some bloggers, but he deserves some thanks for this feature.

  2. Goodness gracious me, old
    Johnny Norfolk's gone and got a blog. Well done that man.
    If he cheers up a bit he might even get a few comments.

  3. Thanks for the Blogger4UKIP link Iain, I forgot how hard it was to start a blog from scratch!

  4. Thanks for the link Iain.

  5. Thanks very much for linking my blog Iain.

  6. Thanks for the link love Iain.
