Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sarah Palin (the Real One) on Saturday Night Live

Those nice people at NBC have just emailed me the embed codes for Sarah Palin's appearance on Saturday Night Live last night. Enjoy...

And now, the Palin Rap...


  1. Was anyone else disappointed? Palin had hardly anything to do, and she did NOTHING with Tina Fey - they just walked past each other! Enormous anticlimax...

  2. I htought it was hilarious! :)

  3. I thought the second was better..

    Amy Poehler [sp?] is absolutely fantastic and putting on a performance like that is not a mean feat when she is heavily pregnant.

    Bravo ! Don't let Tina Fey have all the credit..

  4. Iain, I have to say I have now become totally lost in which one is real or not. Was that REALLY the real Palin who walked past Tina Fey, or some camera trick ?

    Alan Douglas

  5. Maybe my expectations were unrealistically high :

  6. utterly brilliant, it really was like looking in a mirror between them

    Shame she isnt going to be VP, with a bit more experience, she would make a good leader.

  7. I'm in love with her all over again!

  8. Why haven't you mentioned the Lisa Ann take on Sarah? I have spent the past week blogging about Sarah Palin, or maybe it was Serra Paylin? I have started to get confused between the real one and the version played by the lovely Lisa Ann.

  9. She's a smart cookie. Underestimate her at your peril.

  10. wow those good people at NBC EMAILED you the embed codes.

    I just got them off the SNL website like everyone else...guess you must be REAL important hey?

  11. God I sometimes hate the idiots who waste everybody's time posting comments like that. Why don't you just piss off somewhere else and pollute another blog?

    The mentality of wasting your time posting such acenine rubbish is what gets me.

  12. I expect that NBC just couldn't wait to get Iain's traffic this time :)

  13. Yes I was actually disappointed with the lack of substance in her role. Alec Baldwin was funny as always but I really wanted her to do something in conjunction with Tina Fey. Oh well

  14. Acenine? No, Mr. Dale, it's Asinine.

    On the other hand, maybe you meant: acentric, meaning without a centre or not centralised.

    Either way, I think your nonny critic will understand

    Not a criticism, just happy to help.

  15. Iain, don't take so much offence at Charlie Root. Is it wrong for him to point out you making yourself out to be so big that NBC have you on their books of 'must update' people. Your the one that lied on your own blog of what is quite patently false.
    Your like one of those boys at school who lies about what they did on the weekend to make them sound amazing. In a word - pathetic!

  16. Sarah Benincasa is funnier than the Sat. night live things. Check out her Palin vlog updates. Sarah Benincasa on Youtube

  17. Ha ha!

    Very funny, I've blogged about it here!?!

  18. Yes, this is funny - Dale trying to big himself up for his connexions only to be revealed as a tosser. Hmmm.

  19. The republicans seem to have developed an image problem at this election.

  20. And the winner of the 2008 US Presidential election is... Governor Sarah Palin. Yeah, OK, so she won't actually hold office, but think about it:

    Obama-Biden inherit: A world recession, global terrorism, messy military deployments and Hilary Clinton sniping from the wings.

    McCain gets: At best, the above (minus Hilary); more probably, humiliating defeat.

    Palin gets: Easy re-election in Alaska, worldwide celebrity, and probably her own talkshow.

  21. I really wanted her to do something in conjunction with Tina Fey

    Fey won't have anything to do with Palin - Fey is obviously just another nasty urban lefty showing their usual intolerance.

    The thing that a lot of pundits don't understand about Palin (and 99.9% of those outside the US) is that she's real. The self-styled elites on both sides look down on her because she didn't go to Ivy League schools (cf Oxbridge), worked her way up and is generally representative of millions of working people.

    Which is why, last week, Biden drew a few hundred to a rally in NH whereas Palin drew 20,000 in the same town a couple of days later. These scenes are being repeated wherever she goes.

    The Joe Plumber episode also showed this divide, here's a guy thinking of buying out his boss for $250K or so and asks Obama a tax question. Obama says it's good to tax such levels higher and "spread it around". Joe argues and for his pains has his life dug up and put in the press, blogs etc, pretty good intimidation for any others ? To top it off, Obama then mocks him at a later meeting. Unbelievable, Democrats, party of the working man, well maybe once but no longer.

    Joe P had more checking by the media in a few days than Obama has had in two years.

  22. Hear hear Yak40

    Truthfully, I think Palin would be a breath of fresh air around Washington. For heavens sake we need a human being running things for a change.

    Looks though like we might end up with Obama and more of the same old, same old. Bush may have stole his Presidency but Obama has bought his... and we'll all pay for it, mark my words.

    Credit by the way to Palin for braving SNL, you showed 'em girl.

  23. Yak40...bless him! He seems to have missed the clarifications about Joe the Plumber.

    Anyway, the thought of Sarah Palin in office terrifies me but i thought this wasn't a bad move by the sense she came across as less weird than usual. Its desperate at the moment for the McCain ticket, so they need to play large my reckoning this was one worth playing.
