Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Question Time Should Empty Chair Labour Tomorrow

Phil Woolas is rapidly becoming the most unpopular Labour Minister in the government - or at the very least the one with the loosest lips. Having pulled him from opening a debate in the Commons on immigration, Labour media honchos have now withdrawn him from tomorrow evening's Question Time programme. Paul Waugh has the story. Perhaps Question Time should empty chair the Labour panellist in protest. Tub of lard, anyone?


  1. No, I think David 'Letterman' Dimbleby should just rip the piss and not bother with a 'tub of lard'.

    What on earth has the country come to when people are frightened to express their views for fear that the 'thought police' Stasi will then declare you a 'non-person'.

    How ridiculous...

  2. Phil Woolas must have Banna skinns tide to the bottom of his shoes. He recently made another gaff telling hard pressed families to re-mortgage their houses in a credit crunch to pay for Insulation and cavety wall Insulation.

    Surprised the Tories are not getting the EU Via an MP or MEP to investigate Mandelson. I think it would be in the public interest to see whether Mandelson broke rules of conduct with regard to the hospitality he received on the Boat Holiday. Rules are rules and if Mandelson broke them it is in both the national interest and European taxpayers interest to see whether mandelson has compromised his office.

    Surely the big Story in the Osborne affair is that Mandelson did slag Brown off and then accept a job offer. Why all the fuss about things said in private if Mandelson did not diss Brown?

    The Peston/ Mandelson link has also been exposed in the last few days, surely there are huge ramifications for both the government and BBC if these two had a channel of communication during the banking crisis that worked against the national interest in leaking sensitive information.

    Peston exposed himself and Mandelson to this by the explicit details being published by Peston on his BBC blog with regard to Osborne & Mandelson's briefly sharing hospitality on the same boat. I think the communications footprint that Peston may have left in it's self will hang both Mandelson and Peston as a police investigation into Peston alleged manipulation of markets in the Financial crisis through leaked government information .

  3. Tub of lard?

    Chance for you to get on the prog then Iain!!

  4. I believe there are many Labour Party personalities that the BBC could ask to cover for Pill Woolly.

    Roberto Peston and that other labour laddie Robinson the one with the glasses and smooth head.

  5. It is not so long ago that Harperson was pulled at the last minute.

    I don't see QT as a bastion of democracy, but you can kind of see in how much contempt Labour hold accountability and candour.

    This is all so nasty. There is an evil stench at number 10. Our economy has collapsed, we have an unelected leader and now all the shits are back to destroy everything.

    How long will it be until people take to the streets and start a revolution? Probably never.

  6. I'll do it! Its bloody boring with nothing for me to do now.

  7. "It is not so long ago that Harperson was pulled at the last minute."

    What at... a wife swapping party?

  8. Caroline Flint -

    Do it naked and walking round the room making sure hands and well placed objects are not in the way!

    You don't have to say anything as you are more appealing when you don't talk!

  9. Speaking of Harperson...

    George Osborne was pulled from appearing with her in Bournemouth after the Labour Conference. Should he have been empty chaired, Iain?

  10. You are wrong. I seem to recall that Alan Duncan was originally due to be on the programme, then he was replaced by Osborne, and then switched again.

    Unless of course you know different.

  11. Tub of lard, anyone?

    How did you know Hattersley was going to be on?
