Sunday, October 05, 2008

Quentin Davies to the Rescue!

The government reshuffle is now complete. And the big news is... that Quentin Davies has been given a job at the Ministry of Defence. I assume it is as a junior minister.

All I can say, is that a man less likely to make it as a minister I have yet to meet. I do not envy John Hutton's task in embedding him into a Ministerial team. But it should be entertaining for the rest of us.


  1. It's an utter Shambles.

  2. Entertaining unless you happen to be in the Forces that is.

  3. The shame of the man.

  4. They got the er.. lovely.. Quentin, we got Mr Ed Timpson (the really good MP for Crewe and Nantwich).


    Labour, can we do another episode of Swap Shop? Please!

  5. The Labour Government's answer to Nicholas Soames...

    I wonder how big the key in his wardrobe is ?

  6. Bryant, Simon, Davies: 3 risible clowns joining the existing circus of governing fools. But these three take the ministerial team down to 3rd division level. Exactly what 'debts' can Brown be paying off here? What is going on?

  7. Like one of those old 'good news, bad news' sketches that they used to do on 'Crackerjack'..

    The Good News is we've fired Des Browne ! [HOORAY ! HOORAY ! ]

    The Bad News is Quentin Davies is going to the Ministry of Defence..
    [BOO ! HISS ! BOO ! HISS ! ]

    I wonder if he will be able to sort out the execrable quality of armed forces accommodation ? I'm sure he wouldn't put up with such crap living quarters for himself..

  8. He'll probably defect to the Taleban.

    Either that or the squaddies will use him for target practice.

    Either way, we'll never see him again. Which is good news.

  9. All I can say, is that a man less likely to make it as a minister I have yet to meet

    So you've still got the pleasure of meeting Sion Simon to look forward to, Iain?

  10. The wages of disloyalty...

  11. "O would, or I had seen the day
    That Treason thus could sell us"

    Parcel of Rogues "Robert Burns

  12. The armed forces are a remarkable group of men and women motivated by the virtues of loyalty and service.

    And their reward is Quentin Davies?

    So, Quentin, please tell us all you know about loyalty and service....we've got a good ten seconds to spare...

  13. He was, in fairness, a member of the Tory shadow cabinet in the past - so someone must have thought he had some talent then. I understand you may resent what you see as treachery - but to say that he isn't able enough to be a junior minister seems a little bit like sour grapes.

  14. Anon 8.17pm

    Nobody is disputing that Quentin Davies may be suited to this role but that is not the issue - the issue is loyalty and THE MANNER that he defected to Labour and how he allowed himself to be paraded on the media by Brown THAT will NEVER be forgiven or forgotten and if you want to call it sour grapes go ahead.

  15. He is a treacherous bastard who has the morals of an alley cat. He deserted the people of Grantham and refused to step down so that a by-election could be held.
    A prime candidate for a 'fragging'.

  16. Quentin Davies is a truly execrable specimen of humanity - alongside him, Mandelson looks like a pillar of probity and rectitude.

    As the proud father of a serving soldier, the appointment of this unprincipled, self-seeking, cynical, opportunist creep to a ministerial position in charge of our armed forces makes my skin crawl with disgust.

    May his tenure be difficult, unsuccessful, and short, and may he soon progress to the cesspit where he belongs.

  17. Saw him at Labour conference - standing in the reception of the Midland looking around for someone, anyone, to talk to... before wandering off, no doubt back to his room.
