Thursday, October 16, 2008

Poll Result: And The Next Question Time Host Is...

Well, it's a two horse race according to readers of this blog. And Andrew Neil wins it by a short neck from Jeremy Paxman.

Andrew Neil 30%
Jeremy Paxman 28%
Eddie Mair 11%
Martha Kearney 6
Andrew Marr 4%
Jeremy Vine 4%

All the others were 3% or less. 677 people voted.

Talking of Andrew Neil, he has just started his own daily blog on the Daily Politics website. As you would expect, it is rather good. The Daily Politics website has also had a revamp - lots more video clips and they have also started a morning email to alert people as to who will be on their programme.

I don't get to see the Daily Politics that often but I am really glad they have got Anita Anand to replace Jenny Scott. She gells well with Andrew Neill and has a great sense of humour. Quite how she manages to do the Daily Politics AND then do three hours on 5 Live Drive I do not know. Maybe she has a thing about irascible older male co-presenters. Just asking!


  1. Can we get someone who can be even more patronising to his guests, especially women?

  2. 4 Scots in the top 6!

  3. Congratulations Ian,Ladbrokes the bookies have put your good self in at 50/1 to be the next host ,ahead of ,wait for it,Mike Smithson at 100/1

  4. Anita Anand - reminds me of that classic 'Goodness Gracious Me' sketch where the guy insists that Superman must be Indian, 'because he has two jobs'. Wonderful stuff.

    Why don't they bring that show back?

  5. Neil, Paxman, Mair...what does it matter? They're all Labour stooges, afraid to ask a single hard or searching question of their beloved party while attacking the Conservatives at any available opportunity.

    As for Anita Anand, she's laughably obvious in her craven toadying to anybody who is Labour. She doesn't even pretend. Perfect for the Daily Politcs, then.

    Thank God the Conservatives will be in power soon. Then they can set about tearing up the Brown Broadcasting Corporation and set about creating something which might allow room for the occasional debate.

  6. Have you by any chance got a picture of Andrew Neil with the dusky Anita Anand?

  7. Iain, are you being ironic? Jenny was lovely and has a Phd. in Economics. She briefed Andrew Neil for the questions he asked Ed Balls on the economy which reduced Balls to a state of blinking.

    Anita is a lightweight, who does little except giggle and smirk when she perceives Gordon Brown has done well.

  8. I like Anita Anand. She is a good performer. But I liked Jenny Scott more. The problem is they didn't use her properly. Scott has some seriously good credentials in economics and guess what we've been going through a slow burning economic downturn for the last couple of years which has developed into a crisis. Anand is all smiles and professionalism but she knows jack-s**t about economics and her questions underline her woeful lack of knowledge on the subject.


  9. Well, irascible older male sort of lets you out doesn't it?

  10. Anita is too cravenly NuLab.

  11. Iain, we demand to know how the "write-in" vote went as well - how many put, shall we say, your name down ?

    Alan Douglas

  12. Because there's not enough over-representation of Scots in Politics.

    God help Question Time. I can see the useless academics from Glasgow University (all rabid anti-unionists) drafted in every time there's a snowstorm or the West Coast line gets delayed at Penrith.

  13. I don't really care - it can be anyone, just so long as its not Paxman ,Mair, Kearney, Marr or Vine

  14. One should look at the London Mayoral debates earlier this year to see how either of those two would fare on such a show. Neil created a stirring yet orderly debate (in pretty much the QT format, in fact) while Paxman fostered an unintelligable environment of chaos. No prizes for guessing which host I picked...

  15. Paxman and the general public... hmm, can't see that working. Will the debate ever be thrown open to the pawpers in the audience? Actually, that would probably make it more watchable...

    And Jeremy Vine.... please...! Lest we forget his Peter Snow-lite performance on Election Night. Yee-Ha Cowboy.

    PS// Just read your winalot twitter comment... that was quite amusing.

  16. What on earth have the 27 people who voted for that plank Jeremy Vine been taking.
