Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Please Fill in My Annual Readers Survey

Annual Blog Reader Survey

Each autumn I ask my blog readers to take part in a survey about their views on this blog, what's working and what isn't. I've just uploaded it and I hope you will spend a few minutes filling it in. There are around twenty questions and it should take around ten minutes to complete. Last year, more than 2,200 of you did so.

Take the survey HERE.


  1. If you put England on the list I'll do it.

  2. And Yorkshire??? No probs Iain.

  3. Minor quibble: the question about income is phrased badly. For advertising reasons you should do it as household income, not 'how much do you earn' - for an 'other half' who does a bit of freelance work, the difference in the answers to these two questions can be quite large!

  4. Mandy's always been an enforcer. No other cv can match it in Labour. Whereas the Tories only schism is Europe. NHS, Education (to be fair,most people don't give a monkeys about the nuances of educashun pollycy), pfi (unchecked), defence and the Doozy - economics. As George said (gosh, he looks young - I hope he's showing some respect to Jazz Clarke) Tories have never been blinged by money. Wealth can't be ostentatious and money can be stupid. Conway's lad needs a slap 'fuck you - i'm rich' was his club night's name!!

    They're more screwed than they know and bringing Mandy back is necessary for stability of government. He can separate the staff from the politics. If the civil servants start tossing it off, we're dead.

    Perhaps they operate in cabals - I don't care. I've never liked exclusive clubs but may be that's how they operate. It must be tough being that centralized - personally, I couldn't be arsed.

    I think I'm just chuffed they have a politician again and Mags is back too. The cabinet is full of mongs and for me mental health I need to be vaguely able to hope that it doesn't go into meltdown.

  5. Let's remeber at the next election 1964 - A close election despite the Labour party coming back from the political dead.

    By this I mean - keep campianing in all seats until Labour is dead!

  6. An enjoyable wee survey, Iain.

    Hope you find the results useful!

  7. The Lib Dumps have dropped a huge testicle by dumping Ming. Laying into Bozza on any questions? Err.. nope!

  8. I feel drained Iain. Are there really that many political bloggers out there?

  9. $500 million boondoggle to the 'tv & film industry' - whoa ther Goebels, ain't finished me dinner. Just a thought - lot of wedge.

  10. Stymied on the occupation question. Can't see which category to put "Church of England Priest" into.

    I'm sure Cranmer will have the same (yet slightly elevated) problem...

  11. I forgot to mention in my earlier post, I was a bit miffed (yes, miffed, of all words that I could have chosen, I chose that one) that you didn't ask about any Scottish blogs.

    It didn't quite make me cry, but it almost did.

  12. It would not allow me to answer questions on page 7. Also very limited range of occupation. I did not fit in.

  13. I find your blog interesting and entertaining. I have a question though. You have claimed people like "Guido" as friends, yet they encourage, facilitate and incite vile homophobia. Are you ever going to challenge or denounce this publicly?

  14. anon October 04, 2008 12:19 AM

    Think if you look into guido's history you will find an interesting area that addresses your concern IIRC.

  15. How do those of us who have recently joined the growing army of Gordon Brown's unemployed answer Questions 2 & 3?

    Last job and pay, or what we will probably have to acccept given the state of the private job sector i.e. 50% less than before?

  16. I work as a nurse and there didn't seem to be any category that fitted. I ended up ticking the teacher box.

  17. What's Ed Vaizey? chopped liver?

  18. Sorry - I get redirected to SM's home page. Not a problem with previous survey.

    WIll try again as others have obviously got in

  19. What on Earth is Twitter?

  20. I've been touring your recommended sites and I got bored quick.

  21. What a lousy and unimaginitive list of options for what job one does. Whoever drew up that lists seems to have tried to list all the professions they can conceive meeting at a Tory Conference (with the exception of teachers) and then tacked on one or two alternatives.
