Friday, October 24, 2008

More Sarah Palin From Saturday Night Live

President Bush endorses Sarah Palin.


  1. In bet they would not be doing this is they were from a ethnic minority group.

    The left control the media, Do you remember Spitting Image went off the air as soon as Labour came to power as it had done its job in brainwashing the people to hate the Tories.

  2. Rab C Nesbitt finished in 1997 also, coincidence that anti-English communist Jocks have infiltrated every high position of power in England via the "British" guise since McLabour came to power in 97?.

  3. Anonymous said...
    "Rab C Nesbitt finished in 1997"

    It finished in June 1999.

  4. Seems you are correct Mr Wikipedia!.

  5. Johnny Norfolk,

    What on earth has this got to with an 'ethnic minority'? It's called satire and is the staple of British politics in particular.

    And as for the left controlling the media, have you told that Rupert Murdoch, etc?

  6. Johnny Norfolk said...
    "Do you remember Spitting Image went off the air as soon as Labour came to power as it had done its job in brainwashing the people to hate the Tories."

    It went off the air over a year before Labour came to power.

    The last episode went out in February 1996. It was axed because of falling popularity.

  7. Where can I get a Dress up Sarah doll?

  8. This time 4 yrs ago we thought John Kerry would win.

  9. Do you remember Blairs devil eyes. The Tories withdrew it because of left wing media pressure. It ok for the media (BBC) to attack the right but not the left.
    You can see it all the time.

    The Credit Crunch, now The Downturn. I can assure if it was a Tory government the BBC would have been called a recession months ago.

    Labour/BBC have conned the british people over the last 10 years.

  10. Johnny Norfolk said...
    "Do you remember Blairs devil eyes. The Tories withdrew it because of left wing media pressure. "

    The 'devil eyes' campaign didn't work, did it? It worked against the party.

    It was generally seen as childish.

    It wasn't withdrawn due to left-wing media pressure but as a result of complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority.

  11. We withdrew the Devil Eyes ad, but Labour were allowed to keep that spot with PETE POSTLETHWAITE playing an angel (who moonlighted as a cabby) who wanted a Labour Victory. Disgusting.

    I liked the "16 years!" comment at the end of the video , very good!

  12. Was that Nadine Dorries MP doing a stand in for Sarah Palin? or was it the genuine article?
