Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mandy: There May be Trouble Ahead...

Paul Waugh explains why HERE. Brown has snubbed Mandelson and appointed Jack Straw his Anti Corruption Czar. The previous holder of the post was Mandelson's predecessor John Hutton.

But while there's music and moonlight and love and romance, Let's face the music and dance.


  1. Hmm.. I don't see much mileage in this rather dull story. It is not half as dangerous as which Russian Oligarch's yacht Mandy has stayed on recently.

    In fact, Iain, I would have thought a 'sharp operator' like you could have spotted a 'self-inflicted' injury to distract attention from a serious offence elsewhere..

    This is pure Mandelsonian News Management - smoke, mirrors and a bit of distraction...

    Of course the meeja won't report all that other stuff, because whereas Jack Straw is unlikely to have them bumped off in a dark alley, you can't be quite certain with the Ruskies that Mandelson mixes with...

  2. Is it not just the case that it would look slightly daft giving someone who has left the Cabinet twice due to scandal/corruption the anti-corruption brief?

    Yours in nobility

    The Prof

  3. Paul Waugh....eerrrrrrrr !!!!!.


    Another pointless Thread

  4. This is pretty dull stuff from you Ian. Surely there are more interesting things for you to comment on.

  5. Shadow Justice Secretary Nick Herbert said:
    "for some inexplicable reason the Prime Minister has decided not to trust his new Business Secretary with an anti-corruption portfolio"

    Inexplicable??? Is Nick Herbert thick or something?

    Then again reformed Poachers do make good Gamekeepers, obviously Gordon does not believe that Mandy has been reformed.

  6. oooh ... a good bit of double bluff here from anon 4.31, get Dolly to give you a pay rise.

    Brown and Mandy are only it seems really joined at the lip.

  7. The Mandy person has really put the wind up you all.

  8. Apologies but - on another reading it seems another 'Anon' expects us not to recognise a bit of sarcasm.

    Desperate stuff.

    Pardon me for this, yet another post, but I think this story - Mandy having his corruption brief whipped away - is hilarious.

  9. Dear oh dear Dale. You really are losing it. I'd concentrate on securing a decent and winnable seat in time for the snap election...

  10. Wow - astroturf all over this one within minutes.

    Dolly - you on piece-work ?

  11. Anon 4:54

    Are YOU thick or something? It is S-A-R-C-A-S-M.

  12. Mandy in the cabinet is like having
    Cobra as a pet. One day, it will surely sink its poisonous teeth on the hand that feeds it. Max Hastings piece on Lord Sleaze in Evening Standard is good.

  13. I do not like that worm Straw getting this. Straw as anti-corruption Czar! Laughable indeed! It confirms what I said to Osborne about Brown! I should perhaps remind him what I said to him in 1994 on that telephone call-" I can destroy you!"

  14. "Wow - astroturf all over this one within minutes.
    Dolly - you on piece-work ?"

    There is clearly a Dalewatch operation in progress at DollyTrolley HQ.

  15. Lady Finchley @ 5:24

    Are you thick or something?

    Anonymous @ 4:54 was also sarcasm :)
