Thursday, October 02, 2008

Last Word on the Conservative Conference

The Evening Standard reports that next year the Conservative Conference will run from Monday to Thursday after the personal intervention of David Cameron. Apparently this is designed to make it 'family friendly'. I disagree. What this does is make it less attractive to those who can't (or won't) take four days out of their holiday entitlement. The consequence will be that fewer working people will be able to go. How ridiculous. Personally, I'd run it from Thursday until Sunday. I'd love to know what research lay behind this move.

While I am on ther subject can I just say that I thought this year's conference was the best organised I have attended for a long time. Fingerprint Events have had a lot of stick over the last couple of years - including some from me - but credit where credit is due. They put on a fine conference. The ICC was an excllent venue with very friendly staff and muich better than average (and reasonably priced) catering. I was also well impressed with Birmingham. I saw a side to it that I hadn't known about and now positively look forward to going back in 2010.


  1. Come off it, Iain, the only people who got to party conferences are those who haven't got proper jobs in the first place.

    I bet you have something planned for the Thursday, don't you? Is it a rally of the We Like DD Fan Club?

  2. What about all those people still in school but who are interested in party politics? This is wrong. Dave, change your mind. Thursday to Sunday! Tories will get the monday splash.

  3. Huntin & shootin?

  4. That's an awful idea - I could make it this year, but my partner couldn't which made it much less fun.

    What they should do is make Spring Forum a worthwhile weekend and Party conference a long weekend.

  5. I do hope he didn't threaten to throw his toys out of the pram again.

  6. With no debates and no votes what's the point.Message is simple...members don't matter.

  7. Arn't these conferances for the yelly audience anyway. The next one is likely to be the last before the general election. All the parties will be trying to maximaise good coverage.

    Do they always have the conferances in the same order ?

  8. Anon @ 7:46 - How much hunting and shooting do you think happens on a Sunday ?

    Of course you are a Nu Labour troll and know nothing, and care nothing, about the green bits that keep your crime ridden, dirty, over populated, corrupt cities apart.

    We've got a long memory and will have our revenge on you all.

  9. Calm down dear,calm down.

  10. I was going to go next year - the change with childcare commitments has made it more difficult, in fact it would probably stop me going.

    Thursday to Sunday would be much better!

  11. I love Birmingham! I'm glad someone else has seen it in a good light, at last.

  12. I can’t help think this is more from the press office than from DC office if they have it mid week you get fall conference coverage on the BBC.

  13. Iain, loved the top trumps cards handed out at the TP stall at conference. me and a couple of very nice young ladies were playing with them for half an hour to keep us amused while we queued for cameron's speech on wednesday.

    one thing we did notice however, was that there were not that many categories, so after a while we resorted to making our own up, such as level of baldness, most likely to oust their leader, or ever how many chins they had!

    so for next year, can you put a few more categories in there? such as age perhaps, majority, or percentage majority?

    overall tho, great fun!

  14. Surely it would be more family friendly to run Thursday to Sunday, as generally there is more 'free' childcare over a weekend in the shape of grandparents etc? I don't have children myself, but this is my experience as a doting auntie.

  15. all political paties are dying
    the debates are dominated by PPC's
    TV no longer covers

    who let that happen

    If Dave wants to be family friendly why doesnt agree to implement equal pay in full by 2010

    now that would be family friendly

  16. As a Conservative you should be in church anyway on a Sunday

  17. shop workers can nolonger opt of sunday working so why should you lot

  18. Saw Derek Draper on his way out of Symphony Hall yesterday after DC's speech. At least he wore a suit, no tie, but still managed to look scruffy and bedraggled. His expression was very gloomy as well.

  19. to anon 11:35 regarding shop workers.

    yes they can. simple as that. get your facts straight.

    and to the anon before that, you clearly still live in the dark ages.
