Monday, October 20, 2008

Glenrothes Candidates Take the Daily Politico Test

The four main candidates in the Glenrothes by election have now all answered the Daily Politico questionnaire for Total Politics.

Peter Grant (SNP)
Harry Wills (Lib Dem)
Lindsay Roy (Labour)
Maurice Golden (Conservative)

Two of them think Billy Connolly is the funniest man alive, two of them like dancing at ceilidhs, one of them collects Economist magazines and one of them has a phobia about filling in forms. Interesting people, eh?!


  1. As a fan of Billy Connolly, a regular reader of the Economist and someone who was at a ceilidh at the weekend, they sound pretty interesting to me. Not sure what you're getting at unless that last question wasn't sracastic rhetoric.

    I do disagree on one score, I don't mind the odd form.

  2. I like Harry Wills' answers to the following questions - I wonder if they're compatible. ;-)

    Who is your best friend in politics?

    Menzies Campbell MP.

    Complete this sentence: The thing I hate about politics is...

    Weak leadership.

  3. Brown is sending his beard to knock on doors

  4. Maurice lists amateur wrestling as a hobby - surely that's a point of note.

  5. Well I guess someone has to think of something to say. I see that the Libdem wants to repeal a law that is not on the statute book. An exemplary non-policy?

  6. Only a LibDem could wish to abolish a law that doesn't exist (42 days detention)

  7. Iain - did you comment on Colin Powell backing Obama? I havent seen that posting on your blog.

  8. "Which five words would your friends use about you?

    Passionate, dedicated, caring, a leader, robust." - Lindsay Roy

    Hmm. I suspect they'd be happy with "bigheaded"...

  9. Good feature but I'm afraid I'm going to have to be a pest and ask when the Farage interview will be up Iain?

  10. OOOOOOOh dear....a conservative who reads The Sun

  11. Anonymous 2.48pm. The magazine will be on newsstands from Friday and on the website early next week. it's a good 'un!

  12. anonymous 2.02pm, that will be Colin Powell and Iain Dale then.

  13. Harry Wills??? His dad must have been in love with Princess Di!

  14. good luck to all candidates!

  15. I have an itchy bottom!

    Has anyone got a hammer and a chisel or some sand paper?

  16. The Conservative candidate wants to repeal the European Communities Act 1972. Can that be interpreted as anything other than "Better Off Out"? Should David Cameron be told?

    And he's very keen on the train but listens to Chris Moyles (a radio programme I think or am I going to be told this is an ipoddy kind of thing?) on the way to work. Now I know you can listen to the radio on the train but is it likely? Or is he someone who is really keen on trains, but in fact, when it comes to it, actually drives to work?

    Oh, the perils of allowing your answers to a trivial questionaire to be analysed to death.

  17. Has Lindsay Roy resigned from his job as head teacher or does he just take unpaid leave during the campaign?

    I ask because his "manifesto" consists of an attack on his employers (Fife Council).

    If he wins,he's set up for life as a Labour MP, BUT IF HE LOSES.....

    PS Most of these attacks on Fife Council are in respect of matters devolved to the Scottish Parliament.....strange when its a Westminster bye-election.

  18. Iain have you been to a ceilidh

    u may be going to israel but you'll no have travelled laddie until you go to a ceilidh
