Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Thursday

1. Taking Liberties reports from the Freedom Zone. And again from Day Two.
2. Antony Little exposes the killjoy attitude of the Green Party.
3. has a list of the Top 10 Coolest Presidents.
4. Paul Waugh on David Miliband's support for General Galtieri.
5. Tom Harris is covered in embarrassment. And I am not surprised.
6. Simon Chapman is right on dementia.
7. Guido owns me.
8. Steve Richards looks back at the conferences.
9. Gypsy Rosa Prince sees no sign of a Tory reshuffle in her crystal ball.
10. Iain Martin rails against the leftist pointlessness of Newsnight.
11. Donal Blaney reckons Bill Clinton's to blame. For everything.
12. Sadie Smith doesn't say Women! Know Your Place!



    Asks Brian Simpson, one of Labour’s “North Western Region” MEPs in a recent edition of the Labour magazine “Egremont Today”

    “I don’t know about you, but I am getting a bit fed up with those who keep telling me we need to have an extra public holiday centred around St George’s Day. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for an extra public holiday, but I am afraid I do not consider myself English. I consider myself British and I believe the extra public holiday should be on a day that is close to all of us British people, not one of its regional parts. So, I find myself in agreement with George Galloway MP, when he says Battle of Britain Day in September would be the ideal candidate. It is an important date in our history and September can still offer some reasonable weather on which to have a public holiday. Unfortunately English nationalism is on the rise and although 56% of the population still favour being in the UK , 34% believes we should separate into 4 different countries, which I believe would be a disaster. Fuelled by Margaret Thatcher who did her level best to destroy all three of them. For the Welsh, Scottish and Irish, a national identity exists, but what identity exists in England ? I feel as a born and bred Lancastrian, that I have more in common with the Scots and Welsh than I do with Southern England . For me, the English Parliament would be an object disaster for the North of England, as it would be dominated by London and the South East and we would be treated like second-class citizens. No, keep the England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland for the sports field; but in the world that really matters, let’s stick to the United Kingdom and end all of this nationalism nonsense. I am proud to be British, so let’s have a public holiday on a day relevant to Britain . What do you think?”

    Brian Simpson’s email is:- Briansimpson. Labour@virgin. net

  2. Illustration: Geography 101
    For infant school pupils (and McLabour MPs!)
