Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Saturday

1. EU Referendum explains why political journalists are scum. Or worse.
2. Robin Lustig on the experience v judgement conundrum.
3. Robert Peston has some worrying news for West Ham fans. And Iceland.
4. Ed Vaizey shares his thoughts on the reshuffle. The Labour one.
5. Charles Crawford has some fun making plans for Nigels.
6. Vicky Ford finds some Conservative policies to shout about.
7. Ministry of Truth on the Brown reshuffle.
8. West Brom Blog defends Chris Huhne over the EU Arrest Warrant. But Trixy isn't so impressed.
9. Chris Whiteside explains the importance of the Navy.
10. Dan Hannan says the best way to get through the credit crunch is to leave the EU.
11. Raedwald on Tom Harris's sacking.
12. Tracey Crouch on what the voters of Chatham & Aylesford make of Mandelson's return.

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