Friday, October 03, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Friday

1. Theo Blackwell looks at the reshuffle.
2. Glyn Davies is backing Nick Bourne.
3. Cicero's Songs on the return of the undead.
4. Ben Brogan on the real Damian McBride.
5. Cranmer on the feminisation of politics.
6. Alan Cochrane explains Des Browne's departure.
7. Tim Montgomerie on a likely Tory reshuffle.
8. Colin Byrne finds Mandelson's appointment positively orgasmic.
9. Tory Diary says Boris is beginning to deliver.
10. Alex Singleton says Mandy was missing London.
11. Donal Blaney demonstrates his man love for Bill O'Reilly.
12. Paul Waugh explains the death of the Duchy of Lancaster.


  1. Is there an American policy? Gonna need one.

  2. How provocative is it to say 'burning the money'? Yeah, not now - bad now. But rude, accurate & funny all at the same time - cool.

  3. Iain, beware recommending comment that comes without research. Regarding Des Browne being offered a combined NI and Scottish brief this is hardly far from precedent as Hain combined Wales and NI and regarding the Duchy of Lancaster being outside the Cabinet, this has been done before (eg Gus Macdonald under Blair).

  4. Colin Byrne.

    Now there is a Solid Gold Wanker of the First Order.

  5. Genuinley shocked by the right waing blogs today. Much to my suprise homophobia is alive and well

    I suppose this is why they all clap at all the cameron marriage stuff?

  6. Iain. Good choices, but I think it would be appropriate for you to comment on the fact that Tom Harris has been dismissed from his Ministerial post and sent to the back benches. Whatever your political views, this is sad news, given how much Mr. Harris has done to open up the Ministerial world to the blog-reading public.

  7. well done on sky......

    just interested to ask you, do you find the comments on guido's caption contest insulting? or are the critics being too politically correct?

  8. Iain - you made 10 predictions. 3 were right, 7 were wrong. Let us debunk the myth that you are in the know, or even particularly good at predictions.

    Bad news about Tom Harris. Where is Cruddas?

  9. Please learn to count. I got 5 right and 5 wrong - a better hit rate than most.

  10. Iain, do the thoroughly homophobic vibes of Guido's blog not piss you off? They certainly piss me off.

  11. That new poll in the daily telegraph is good! The Tories on 45% and the LD's being squeesed by Labour. That's good - Labour defeat plus the LD's going home in a Yellow Taxi!

    I hate those LD's! The are a nasty business!

  12. CON 45.00% 382
    LAB 31.00% 219
    LIB 15.00% 19

    Tory Majority if 114 on electoral calcus!

    The icing on the cake is Nick Clegg loses Sheffield Hallam! Looks like the Yellow Taxi will be leaving without him! Still he can spend more time with his Latex Neil Kinnock mask!

  13. I don't think Iain is rsponsible for anyone else's blog. We've got to be PC in public but wh must there be a nebulous code everywhere? Obviously, chances are Iain will delete here and rightly so - or have a pop at people/comments he finds offensive. But don't visit where you'll be offended and just cheer up for crying out loud.
