Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Confessions of a Proof Reader

Me: Surely Dr Dr, doesn't have an 'e' on the end?
Ben: That would be Doctor Dre, the American rap star...
Me: [goes red]
Ben: And he's only two years younger than you...
Me: You're sacked.


  1. Oops. Iain, does the Q7 CD player refuse to play Dr Dre? Surely not.

  2. Later in same conversation...

    Iain: but surely M&M is a type of chocolate?

  3. But you're an ABBA fan, why would anyone expect you to know anything about music..?!

  4. Maggie Thatcher Nutcrackers


  5. I have no idea what this Dr Dr thread is about but recently came across a World War 1 German officer called Herbert Ritter von Wurmb. After the war he qualified as a medical practitioner and then as a dentist. His full title then was Dr.Dr Herbert Ritter von Wurmb (because he was a Doctor twice over). I wonder if this titling is still current in Germany today?

  6. Iain, have you forgotten about Dre?

  7. Ha! I love a good old proofing mix-up. I've been sent to the verge of hysteria by such things on deadline.

    Reminds me of my favourite typo, which made it into several publications' Christmas TV listings: "Chitty Chitty Gang Bang".

    Or a wonderful mistyping of a feature I dictated to someone about an actor who "was in Bread". Which came out as "inbred". Luckily this was spotted before anyone sued me for libel!

  8. anon 1:44

    I think his full title would be Herr Dr. Dr. ....

  9. i have also heard herr dr dr refered to as herr double doctor.

  10. Screw Ben. Clearly deserved.

  11. blue eyes - lmfao.

    Iain can I bring to your attention the very excellent rap charts? Just in case you need to start channelling the youth vote again?


  12. Yes, all these are possible: Herr Dr. Dr. Stop. Herr Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. hc. Stop. (using stop to avoid repeating full stop). A brace of Drs are known as Dres. (a married pair of Drs. for example). All common practice in Germany today. The Austrians are ten times worse when it comes to titles.

  13. Surely a married pair of Drs is a paradox?

    Old Joke - but it describes my family!

  14. At this very moment (well almost) I am currently proof-reading a very boring but technically involved document, so I feel your pain.

    As far as firing Ben, I hope you gave him the compulsory two verbal warnings or one written warning beforehand? :)

  15. Maybe it should be "Confessions of a Prof Reader - or how to doctor other people's work" (ok, sorry about that one...).

  16. I am sure Dr Dre knows your name Iain!
