Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who's the Novice Now?

The Telegraph is reporting that US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulsen is refusing to meet our novice esteemed Prime Minister on his much vaunted trip to New York to solve the world's financial crisis. You'd laugh if it wasn't so sad - and so humiliating for this country. More HERE.


  1. The article says that to rescue our banks would cost £20 billion. How much are we in hock for on Northern Rock?

    £20 billion is Crossrail and ID cards - very easy cash to find.

  2. Yes a complete Humilation for Brown!

    He is that well respected internationally that he is snubbed and told to sling his hook!!!

    Brown claimed the credit for the Short selling ban, I am suspicious that the US informed the UK of their impending change of policy and Brown let Labour nick the idea. The markets close in this country before the US and Brown in political desparation advised of the governments intention. I should imagine Brown's crowing of thinking this idea up will have really annoyed those on the other side of the pond, the snub therefor is a put down for Brown's dreadful behaviour.

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  5. Brown has been "gobbing off" about how great he is and how he has been telling those stupid Americans how wrong they are and how he is the expert. And we wonder why he's getting a custard pie from Paulsen. What an arrogant arse Brown is.

  6. If I was Paulson I would not want to meet Brown either unless I had a good sense that Brown would actually put his money where his mouth is. As it is Paulson probably believes quite rightly that all Brown is doing is grandstanding. Same old, same old.

    "Also travelling with the Prime Minister were Elle Macpherson and the Duchess of York."

    I thought that Brown did not do celebrity politics.

  7. It was obviously OK to be a novice in 1997 when Gordon Brown was Shadow Chancellor!

  8. It's just so embarrassing. Gordon told the UK press that he would go forth into the world bringing down commodity prices and regulating international financial markets. The truth is that no one on the international stage takes him seriously.

    I do not like living in a country where my leader is just a joke and a figure of fun.

  9. "Also travelling with the Prime Minister were Elle Macpherson and the Duchess of York."

    I wonder if Brown has taken the farmy-farmy play set? Moo-cow and Piglet could be put in a diplomatic bad to save any embarrasment!

    Indeed I hope Brown has taken enough Crayons and Felt-tip pens with him!

  10. Its a shame Brown's experience didn't include not backing a party in a foreign election.

    Yet another basic mistake (like selling Gold at the bottom of the market ) from the unelected man who pushed Tony Blair out of office.

  11. 'diplomatic bag' is what it should have read!

    Brown is such a joke it is unreal!

  12. Am I correct in thinking that this is the second time Brown has been snubbed on a visit to the USA?

    With his arrogant demeanour I wouldn't put it past him not to have made prior fixed arrangements for this visit, expecting people to drop everything when his highness arrives on their doorstep.

  13. Its a shame Brown's experience didn't include not backing a party in a foreign election.

    Yes, Brown makes more mistakes than a Novice. Brown is a complete tool!

  14. Brown on a Labour party political broadcast saying "they are going to help people with their mortgages" WTF? How the hell can he help them - what rubbish: The bloke is an idiot.

    Now he claims credit for the Olympics. What a joke that bloke really shows himself to be.

  15. There does seem to be a hint of b0llocks in this article.

    Brown is in NY presumably for the UN Summit and the Clinton Global Initiative, whilst Paulson and Bernanke are taking questions from Congressional leaders in DC (and have been for the last 2 days) as they try to put a rescue package together.

    To be honest, I would think if God came knocking this week, Bernanke and Paulson would probably be excused for having more important things to get on with.

  16. Perhaps the Americans prefer Karla Bruni and are dropping a gentle hint that we should hitch up with Europe and forget the special relationship.
    At least, it gives Brown a decent excuse to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan. Countries have gone to war for lesser insults.

  17. If it is in the Telegraph it must be true.

    Is this the same Paulson who wishes is proposing "financial socialism" banking system in the US, by bailing out and buying upo at least 50% of US mortgages and all toxic debts?

    If i was a Tory i would be rather glad of Mr Brown's measured response to the US inspired financial crisis. At least here we are adopting an approach which preserves the essence of a capitalist finance system, albeit with some tighter regulations.

    The conservatives (either Rep or Con Party) veer between free market laissez faire market dogma to state socialist approaches. No wonder you guys are going to lose the US election.

  18. Crowing to a Labour Conference about going to New York to "save the World and end Child Poverty" is all very well but as Gordon said we live in a "Global Community" and hubris and telling other countries what to do in public, especially the USA, is never very wise.

    No doubt they'll be frantic mid-Atlantic phone calls to cobble together a meeting with a junior US Treasury Official to save Gordon's face but you have to laugh otherwise you'd cry.

    Under him the "Special Relationship" with the americans is dead - the "Yanks" now prefer to do business with Sarkozy or Merkel who they see as the real power-brokers in Europe

  19. Andy C -

    Brown has been shown to rate very low on the international stage. He is being snubbed because his views are worthless. Brown and Labour are doomed - DOOMED! Why listen to a bloke who's best days are behind him?

    Brown is useless and everything he touches turns to excrement!

  20. So our vastly experienced financial Guru Gordon is not invited to the top table in New York.
    So hes not going to sort out the international crisis and wont meet the "financial and government leaders".
    That apart lets await the delusionary spin on his victorious return.

  21. Daniel, Brown makes a hash of everything he does. No Tory wants Brown anywhere near power in reality other than for electoral reasons. Brown ruins everything he gets involved with, why do you think their is such disquite about Brown in the Labour party? These people work with him, hate him and think he is useless. What are the rest of the country to conclude?

  22. In the aftermath of the Comrade Chairman Brown's speech, amidst celebration of the comrades in the Labour Party,US Treasury Secretary Paulson gently reminds them what he thinks of Comrade Chairman Brown!

    Brown is no economics Wizard[He was at one time History/Sociology Lecturer in a Scottish College of Technology (Polytechnic)] and no International Statesman. I agree that US these days would rather have SarkoZy or Merkel to talk to.

    It is the second time, he has mistimed his visit to US. This says something about this 'experienced' leader! The last time, when the Pope was visiting there, he was a forlorn figure wandering in the Streets of Washington.

    He joins Bill Clinton's congregation in New York where Blair is also going. Bill, Blair, Brown ... yesterday's men!

  23. whilst i agree that the centre of power in Europe is Sarkozy and Merkel - meeting Brown would be a waste of time - theres another reason for the American snub - Brown has been towing the UN transnational line - in that the American markets must be under the control of a GLOBAL regulator.

    Bet that went down like a lead balloon across the pond.

  24. Is this why they leaked the Ruth Kelly story, to give the papers something else to write about and take the spotlight off Gordon No Mates?

  25. Read the Telegraph articel. If true, what, a, dope.

  26. Apropos the imminent reshuffle and Tiny Tim's wish to remain Foreign Secretary : one can almost (I said almost) feel sorry for the Supreme Leader having (yet again) to make a decision. If he leaves the little one where he is it will show weakness. If he moves him anywhere else he gains yet another enemy. Hearts of stone and laughter come to mind.

  27. Gordie told us he was "going to rebuild the worlds financial system", but he's apparently only going to meet "a handful of New York financiers".

    Hank Paulson apparently wants the UK to either join the US scheme or to set up our own. Either way would cost about £20 billion and the Bank of England 'aint keen on that idea.

    Just how does he propose to sort out the worlds finances?

  28. Knowledge of the Jonah effect has crossed the pond.


    Jonah will have to put his begging bowl away.

  29. Oh well, maybe he'll make another cringworthy appearance on American Idol

  30. Broen is useless!

    Crikey the bloke manages to screw everything up! It is all about keeping him in No.10 as long as possible. The Kelly resignation has been pre-meditatored by Brown's accolites to give an excuse to fire those who were going to resign over Glenrothers! Believe me! I know what they are upto!

  31. No surprise at all, as Brown has been using the United States as a handy dumping ground for blaming all the problems of the UK, the source of all our ills, and global turbulence with a 'Made in America' sticker on it...

    Yet Gordon is not, it would appear, willing to assist with the bailout which would be the first step to solving this problem...

  32. Slightly off-topic, I found this on the BBC website, reporting Harman's speech today,

    In a personal attack on Mr Cameron, she (Harman) said there was something not "quite right" about him.

    "He's the kind of man your mother used to warn you about," she said. "He'll promise you the world. But if he ever got his wicked way with you - in the ballot box - you'd never hear from him again."

    In my work, for many years, I have promoted equality. It’s not been entirely easy but it has been the right thing to do.

    A large part of this work has been to eradicate stereotyping. But it seems that these values and goals don't apply to someone who appears to be nothing more than a bitter, single issue, female supremacist. Her words are sickening.

    That said, in what she says she does give an interesting insight into her personal construct and how her warped and twisted values have taken root. No wonder she comes across as a sexist man-hater.

    Notwithstanding a ‘real world’ need to score political points, her word are not acceptable. Harman is someone who continues to provide evidence that she is not fitted to high office.

    She should f*ck

  33. Mrs Dromey, the champagne socialist living in SE London borough with sink schools, like her mate Blair, who sent her sons to selective schools in Orpington miles away is in no position to stereotype people.

  34. Harmon is the type of woman my dad warned me about!

  35. martin, don't disagree with you wrt Brown's international standing but I genuinely don't think anyone's being snubbed, this is just lazy reporting. Honestly, we've enough problems of our own right now, we don't really care about a plss pot bank in the UK.

    Am genuinely quite amused to see politicians for once showing how unimportant they are.

    McCain so out of his depth right now, trying to postpone the debate, what an @rse. Obama not far behing him.

  36. Did anyone really believe for a minute that Gordon Brown was any good? The sad thing with the media is they reproduce spin doctors' diktats. Suddenly we're told the dear leader had a successful speech when nothing of the sort happened. The good thing is, Brown stays and that means wipeout.

  37. @ martin day

    This farmy-farm meme definitely has legs. It originated on PB a few days ago and is already spreading...

  38. Oooooh, I very much hope he 'enjoys' a well deserved 'Kinnock treatment' in the USA!
    Remember when Kinnock went to the USA as leader of the opposition and nobody wanted to see him or even knew who he was! Kinnock was left to roam the streets talking to old tramps, ha ha ha ha, in his scruffy old clothes he looked like a dosser anyway, needless to say he bombed at the election!
    Brown has used the USA as his whipping boy to appeal to his core support and the Eurotrash, time for ole uncle Sam to kick his arrogant Limey ass and teach him some humility me thinks!

  39. Absolutely hilarious. I knew Gordon Brown's conference c*** about his plan to save the world economy was never going to work, but I didn't think it would be coming down this quickly.

  40. Brown being or keeping his distance from the Bush McCain Neo Cons - sounds pretty good to me.

    Will the Neo con McCain be at Tory conference this year

    Will Gideon Osborne be helping McCain in the same way he helped Bush get elected in 2000. Gideon worked for the Republican campaign in 2000 ( FACT ).

    You keep ranting on about Brown been snubbed by the Republican White House, as that is good news to Brown.

  41. @cassandra.
    Remind us how long it was until Tories were allowed back into the White House for even a 'brush past', after Michael Howard opened his arrogant mouth and severely upset them.
    Bush and Brown will be working together to sort out these global problems, while Tories have no input and can only hang around kicking their heels.

  42. Amusingly - Brown met with the heads of most of the big hedgies this morning, most of whom are now under investigation by the SEC and whom he made such a big deal out of forcing the HBOS sale last week.

    Bet that was a comfortable conversation.

  43. I don't blame him- gord would bore him stupid.

  44. According to the real news, Brown will b at the White House on Friday.


  45. Hank Paulson was too busy to come see Mr Brown in NY, which wasn't meant as a snub but a simple statement of reality.

    Mr Brown has just finished a breakfast with about 20 fund managers, including BSDs* from Goldman Sachs, Blackstone, Black Rock, Cantillon, and George Soros himself.

    Brown held informal talks with various world leaders last night - Zapatero, Rudd, Lula, Rasmussen, Baroso

    He's also meeting Tom Geithner of the New York Fed this afternoon

    Gordon Brown will go to the White House tomorrow to discuss the global financial crisis with George Bush.

    Keep up Iain.
    All this was on Brogan, who is travelling with the PM.

    Looks like Draper will have plenty to do when he starts his online rapid rebuttal of Tory blogs being.. how shall we say..'economical with the actualite'?

  46. Err - he's actually meeting the president Iain.

    How humiliating for you Iain

  47. These pathetic tory attempts to undermine Gordon are starting to backfire.

    ha ha

    The tories are on their way back to obscurity.
