Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Waldegrave is new Eton Provost

The new Provost of Eton College? None other than William Waldegrave... Who'd have thunk. The current Provost, Eric Anderson, leaves his post in January 2009. Waldegrave attended Eton in the 1950s and his son went there too. Apparently the Queen appoints his successor.

Maybe one day I shall be appointed by the Queen to the headship of Saffron Walden County High School. Or then again, maybe not.

(Note: not being of public school background, in the original post I described him as being the new headmaster. Apparently that's different from a Provost. That'll learn me to be educated under Shirley Williams...)


  1. Well, at least the poor littyle darlings at Eton will eat well. Waldegrave's wife is Caroline, right hand woman to Prue Leith for many years, stalwart of the eponymous Leith's cookery school and author of many gastro-tomes. It's bad news for spotted dick and custard or traditional 'Eton mess'.

    Does WW have any teaching or educational managemnt experience at all? How on earth have the governors made this appointment? And who on earth wants a yesteryear,discredited clapped-out politico in charge of such a school? I'm sure the parents won't. he should resign before he dons his mortar board in earnest.

  2. Next they'll be giving you the Freedom of Wicken Bonhunt :-)

    We used to play rugby against SWCH... they used to hammer us on a fairly regular basis!

    Dunno what they feed 'em in north Essex but I still feel the bruises when the weather turns.

    My best mate's mum taught Economics A-level there for many years (but chose to send her kids to school across the county border...).

  3. Iain Dale: First for ALL the Tory news

  4. Bit chippy there, Iain.

    There's hope for you yet. ;-)

  5. WW "educated beyond his intelligence" in the words of Dennis Skinner's immortal (and no doubt apocryphal) Tea Room gag.

  6. Colin,

    Just look up his academic record if you've a moment to spare. He isn't just another retired politician of aristocratic descent.

  7. That'll learn me to be educated under Shirley Williams

    What on Earth could you have learnt down there? ...

  8. On the verge of revolution, and this is news?

  9. You know what that photo of Alistair Darling reminds me of....



  10. Oh dear. Looks like Brown and Darling's argument that it is all the fault of the world economy is looking a bit threadbare now.

    Channel 4 News, 02 Sep 2008

    "The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said the UK would be the only leading industrial nation to shrink in two consecutive quarters, the definition of a recession."

    Who can they blame now when the only people who are responsible for the UK's position being worse than everyone else is ... Brown and Darling.

  11. You have to be qualified Iain. Can't see what you're qualified for except muckraking.

  12. The Provost of Eton is not the Headmaster of Eton.The position of Provost traditionally goes to someone who has no teaching background. Lord Charteris of Amesfield (A former Private Secretary to The Queen) being an example. Sir Eric Anderson was an exception in this regard. The Headmaster of Eton is a separate appointment.

  13. Provost is like Chairman of the Governors only with more work and more ceremonial/ambassadorial duties than for the average comp. It also comes with a house. So it's a bit like Master of an Oxbridge College. It has a lot to do with the finances as well as the strategic objectives. He is effectively the nearest the Headmaster has to a boss. He has rarely been an ex-teacher.

    There is almost always one Fellow (Governor) who is an OE politician (often retired but not always). Douglas Hurd was for quite a few years. Means they have eyes and ears within that world to look after their interests. A bit like having a County Councillor if you are a large secondary school. I think Waldegrave may already have been a Fellow in that role himself.

    As an OE with political nouse, quite long experience as a Govt Minister, and a one-time Fellow of All Souls, as well as an academic disposition, he seems perfect for the role. He was also the original Tory Green when a junior environmental Minister in the 1980s. Is it this latter point that leads you seemingly to disparage him?

    As for your school - actually quite a lot of schools have distinguished former pupils as Governors (along with others with a different perspective). Whether you will ever be distinguished enough to be worthy of that role for your old school, only time will tell.

  14. Have only just noticed your postscript saying you thought Provost was Headmaster. More understandable for you to be surprised then. But I am a bit puzzled that you have never heard of the term used elsewhere, such as, I believe, by several Oxford Colleges. One doesn't have to have been there to know such things.

  15. "not being of public school background"

    Perhaps explains why you're having trouble getting Selected...

  16. Wasn't Shirley Williams' husband, Sir Bernard Williams, a Fellow of Eton for many years?

  17. Just Another Tory, er I think not. Firstly I have not been applying for seats this year, and secondly, I have been interviewed for every seat I have ever applied for.

  18. Anonymous said...
    "Wasn't Shirley Williams' husband, Sir Bernard Williams, a Fellow of Eton for many years?"

