Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Using Your Wife as a Prop

Great comment from The Dirty Rat on Guido's blog...

I have a rather important interview today. My wife is coming along and will introduce me to the board and tell them what a f****** good bloke I am etc. etc. Nice touch don't you think?


  1. Looks like Ruth Kelly and David Miliband are already having their names trashed.

    Ruth Kelly: The devout Catholic minister who once had a fling with David Miliband

    Upset Gordon at your peril.

  2. Iain,

    Have you noticed the Telegraph article by Rosa Prince, saying how Mrs. Browns decision to take part was made on the day and was a total surprise to Gordon ?

    Interesting that Gordon had a rather different story on Today this morning.

    It's good to see that the Telegraph is reduced to reheating Labour spin and downright lies to show our great leader in a holy light.

    They can't even be truthful about something so simple.

    Sad, so sad..............

  3. No money on earth would induce me to be the wife of Gordon Brown.

    Typical hypocracy from Brown. I won't use my kids but here's my wife to introduce me. (Excuse me while I vomit.) Given that exquisite kiss, one can only assume he's a better husband than he is a PM or leader of his party but maybe there were other incentives?

    I assume now that she's clearly working for him that she's on his payroll? Or would it be a donation in kind? Some marriage, if she says it was a spur of the moment decision, a total surprise to her husband. Maybe they haven't talked for weeks then. Given the mcCavity contol freakery, I find it hard to imagine that anyone even farts without his say so.

  4. Sarah is a PR ? I would have thought that a PR would have some semblance of an idea of what is actually possible ?

    I mean, I have heard of even Max Clifford turning clients down.

    Speaks volumes for her (lack of) judgement !

    Or was it the attraction of being First Lady ?

    Alan Douglas

  5. Probably the prop comment was a little bit low - he seems to have gotten away with it. But there did seem a ring of truth in it. Politicians use their families that way.

    I don't think its really the same thing though when Sarah introduced him. She wanted to speak, two things props cant do.

  6. He was probably shit scared that he was going to be booed as he took the stage.

    Using his wife as a prop by having her break the ice would have been calculated to head that off.

    He really should be taken to task for his habit of bending the truth.

  7. The Ruth Kelly / David Miliband thing has been out in the open for years, anonymous number one. And I mean "wikipedia-level out in the open", not "Lobby hacks know but smuggly keep the secret to themselves open".

    Did anyone else spot Tom Watson's two-year-old being used as a prop for the cameras just as GB announced free nursery care for two year olds?

  8. "I have a rather important interview today. My wife is coming along and will introduce me to the board and tell them what a f****** good bloke I am etc. etc. Nice touch don't you think?"

    Hmmm. Will you be patting her pregant belly and muttering 'love ya babe' just loud enough for everyone to hear?
    Pass the sick bag.

    Whatever Cameron and his missis do re PR, Gordon and Sarah can do too, but more tastefully, and with dignity.

  9. Actually Brown let stories about his dead kid out at opportune moments and holds the all time nadir prize for use of family.

    His prop was a corpse and anyone who thinks he woud not eat his family to get a few years a of power ought to have good look at his nasty piggy eyes ...oh yes..

  10. Remarkably, when Cameron patted his wife and whispered "Love you babe" - completely forgetting his microphone was still on - he was feted as a genuine person/PR genius on sites such as these:

  11. At least he didn't shake her hand!

  12. His Sarah pales into insignificance compared to a certain "hockey mom".

  13. Jeremy Vine's wife introduced his show as a bit of a parody this lunchtime.

    I couldn't help thinking when Brown said that - "I don't give a rats ass about your children - just give us our election and get lost"

  14. Makes you wonder whom Ted Heath would have asked to introduce him??

    Margaret Thatcher?

  15. newmania.
    Perhaps Iain should start another one of his lists.
    Titled. Top Twenty Sickest Posters.
    Obviously you'd be elevated to No.1
    Recognition for your one talent at last.

  16. Anonymous said...
    "Newmania ... Top Twenty Sickest Posters. Obviously you'd be elevated to No.1
    Recognition for your one talent at last."

    Newmania. Isn't he the insurance salesman with a mail-order wife?

  17. Anonymous said...

    "Newmania. Isn't he the insurance salesman with a mail-order wife?"

    Yes. Not many decent English girls left who would marry a tory. Or even shag one - that's why tory totty have to work so hard.
