Friday, September 19, 2008

Tories Got Talent

As part of the Freedom Zone at the Tory Conference, I will be hosting a talent show called TORIES GOT TALENT. Simon Cowell I ain't (teeth not white enough, trousers not high enough), but it's rather worrying that they are promoting it as "a political talent show that could be a work of genius or a complete disaster!" Well, with me presenting and Sharon Osborne Nadine Dorries and Piers Morgan Jonathan Isaby as my fellow judges, what could go wrong?

If you would like to take part as a contestant, email me. The event is being held in the Freedom Zone at 7.30pm on Tuesday 30th September.


  1. Is it true John Redwood is going to be a contestant?

  2. This, er, Freedom Zone, does that mean that Joe Public (e.g. me) can just walk in to events off the street?
