Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Separated at Birth: No 94


  1. Hmmm, not on a par with Medvedev and Farage, Iain.

  2. Lorainne Kelly will sue you for defamation! How very dare you.

    Lorainne Kelly is no redneck.

  3. Separated at birth No 94.5

  4. Looks nothing like Senator Magoo Iain. Did you forget your specs?

  5. Who is the woman on the right ?

  6. Hmmm... I'm not sure any self respecting female in the western world has that same bizarre combo of weird glasses and 'beehive' hairdo..

    She looks like something out of the film 'Hairspray'..

    Watching the intellectual somersaults as Dave's 'New Conservatives' try to 'rah-rah-rah' a woman so out of touch with values of tolerance and freedom of the individual is just hilarious...

  7. Specsavers for you Iain.
    Palin looks more like the model on the home page of the Telegraph promoting their dating service, not Lorraine Kelly

  8. please don't assume we're all up to speed with celebrity culture.. I haven't the faintest idea who the woman on the right is.

  9. What about Nana Mouskouri?

  10. You need your eyes seeing to Iain; she looks nothing like John McCain!

  11. Meanwhile, still plenty of sneering in our own broadcast media about Palin. Can't wait till November when real Americans cast a real vote.

  12. dave, surrey.

    "please don't assume we're all up to speed with celebrity culture.. I haven't the faintest idea who the woman on the right is."

    Ian couldn't be bothered to google anyone from the Edwardian era you might have recognised.

  13. Iain

    What chance a credible independent candidate now running for President in November? And if so, who do you think might stand?

    I suspect that the US will be unable to vote for Obama - the race issue will be too great, irrespective of what the polls might suggest; McCain is increasingly looking unelectable - this latest farce with Sarah Palin reeks of poor judgement and there is bugXer all he can now do about it. I think the US can live with the pregnant teenage daughter bit but the other noises regarding SP's connection with AIP, her husband's (in)activities with his employer and the Monegan/Wooten investigation will hit home.

    BTW, Levi Johnston, the home-schooled, school hockey star (go figure), lined up as hubby for young Bristol Palin looks a real catch for the potential second family of the nation. Bet he will be getting lots of photo ops in the next sixty days.

  14. harpoon

    so because I'm not immersed in weak minded celebrity flim flam I'm regarded as Edwardian.. Odd that. Anyway enjoy your copy of hello magazine, I'll stick with more grown up stuff.

  15. America's equivalent of the Westminster village + our beeb and channel 4 are sneering at Palin. Meanwhile, in the real world, she's building up a large female fanclub, of all backgrounds. Especially when Obama wondered how she could do her job with so many little kids around. How could he do his own job with his own little 2 kids?

  16. >>I suspect that the US will be unable to vote for Obama - the race issue will be too great, irrespective of what the polls might suggest; McCain is increasingly looking unelectable - this latest farce with Sarah Palin reeks of poor judgement and there is bugXer all he can now do about it.<<

    What a silly comment. I suspect most Americans are longing for a black candidate they can vote for, but Obama isn't that candidate for many. They love the fact that he talks like Tony Blair (Blair remains amazingly popular in the States), but lost their enthusiasm once they realise that he votes like Dennis Skinner (when he can be bothered to vote at all), and has probably the worst record in the Senate for "working well with others" - which is supposed to be his USP. Of course, my opinion of Palin is unsullied by the BBC (I don't watch or listen to any BBC news any more), so I don't know what you believe her qualifications to be, but I'm impressed so far.

  17. Cath - and I thought I was alone in spotting that Nigel Farage has been leading a double life as Russia's President ...

  18. here you go again Iain - your Sarah Palin obsession, obviously seen through rose tinted glasses -not even close!!!

    TINA FEY as Liz Lemon - what's up don't you guys get 30 Rock????

    And guess who's hosting SNL this Saturday....

  19. dave, surrey.

    "please don't assume we're all up to speed with celebrity culture.. I haven't the faintest idea who the woman on the right is."

    Dave-what was it really like in the trenches?

  20. Like most old soldiers, he doesn't like to talk about it. He has fond memories of Marie Lloyd though.

  21. I'm just wondering... If it had been a male VP candidate whose daughter had become pregnant at 17... would there have been the same level of fuss?

  22. PS// I'm just not seeing the resemblance there. Sorry!
