Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Poll: Most Influential Journalists

In a future issue of TOTAL POLITICS we will be doing a big feature on the 50 Most Influential Political Journalists in the UK. And we'd like your help in compiling it. We've created an online poll, which you can take part in HERE...

There are six questions in the survey and it should take around five minutes to fill in.


PS: If you have a blog, please feel free to encourage your readers to vote!


  1. Toynbee better not win this!

  2. bit optimistic with the 5 mins Iain!

  3. Yes, never mind exploding the Pompeii myth, please demolish the Toynbee myth.

  4. Is this being advertised on left-wing blogs as well?

  5. Great, but Mr Spank gets a short sharp visit to botty land for omitting Brian Taylor, who reduced Aleister (sic) Darling to jelly over his comments about Wendy Alexander.

  6. "At £1 million this must be one of the biggest stings yet"

    At 0.2% of her reported £500 million I wouldn't call it a sting. If snotty and his liebor cronies limited themselves to 0.2% of my money I'd consider voting for him.

    On second thoughts I hate them too much for that. Even if they let me live tax free I still wouldn't vote for them.

  7. Another list?!?!?!

  8. How many lists do we need? It is like Channel 4 trying to fill a Saturday evening with "Iain's Top 300 medicore hits".

  9. How are you going to compare between the various categories, Iain? Or are there in fact going to be several lists?

    I only ask because I think it's pretty hard to differentiate between the kind of "influence" that opinion-forming columnists like Rawnsley and Riddell wield and the influence in terms of setting the news agenda of story-getting reporters like Walters and Webster - leaving aside the kind of influence exerted by Nick Robinson and Adam Boulton by virtue of being on our TV screens night after night.

  10. Link posted from the Dojo...

  11. 3.14pm

    I demand that you identify anyone whose opinion has been "formed" by Mary Riddell. Now.

    They need to be tracked down and shot on sight.

  12. Good grief not another list!

    The most influential journalist in any particular field is the one who is a must read by the people within that field. A list is meaningless as the relevant people will not vote.

    Dogs have bones. Bloggers have lists or less unique visitors per month!

  13. Has anyone else noticed the astonishing resemblance between Anne McElvoy, lefty Labour-hugging journalist, and Daryl Hall, of the popular Eighties beat combo Hall & Oates?

    Anne (on the left, appropriately): http://tinyurl.com/459anm

    Daryl: http://tinyurl.com/4k6naa

    Amazing, no?

  14. Journalists are lots of things but I don't think influential is one of them. You could have a poll of the most entertaining; the best informed; the most irritating; the most just about anything but influential.

  15. Why can't your program let me put dowwn my -10 for George Galloway ?
