Thursday, September 25, 2008

LibDems Found Guilty of Breaching Privacy Rules

Remember THIS? Sky is reporting that Nick Clegg and the LibDems have been found guilty of breaking privacy rules by phoning people without their invitation on the evening of Clegg's speech at their party conference. It's not as if they weren't warned.


  1. Yes, I hope the LD's get fined (Big style)!

    In the usual pious LD way, they tried claiming they were above it all. Clegg is doomed as are the LD's.

    The LD's have shown themselves to be nothing more than the private parts of Labour.

    Interestingly, like the stolen money they recieved off the fraudster - the LD's claim they have done nothing wrong. Have they returned the Brown money yet? I think not! LD's are a sleazy little outfit, full of snivalling little devils!

  2. What we need is a Lib Dem preference service, where you can sign up so as to never hear from the Lib Dems again !

  3. Tut, tut! Reminds me of Homer Clegg.

  4. @ Man in a Shed

    Love it!

    Can we have a Jehovah's Witness Preference Service too?

  5. This is the absolute last straw for this pathetic Labour so-called "government".

    For god's sake Brown, go now and give the British people what they're thirsting for. A Conservative government.

  6. Sky News are reporting it? Must be true then! LOL the world would be a scary place if everything Sky said was true!

  7. @ john bull - you're a troll, surely?

  8. Yawn Yawn Yawn Yawn... Is this the best you can do.

    Your tone and manner is like a school kid claiming that their dad is bigger than yours etc etc..... None story !!!!.

    Bet ""Camera On's"" Tories will be doing the same phone thing within a year.

  9. I am sure they were "acting in good faith".

  10. Indeed Iain. In your story about this last week you stated.

    ""Personally, I have no problem with political parties making these kind of calls if they think it will do them any good""".

    Now its a rule breaking affair, all of a sudden you flip flop cameroooon style, and the Lib Dems are guilty for crimes against humanity for making a few calls....How very Conservative of you. More double facing

  11. Anyone catch Boris on Radio Four last night. He was keen to defend all those Bankers who have made obscene salaries and bonuses. Also condemed any further banking regulations and expressed his love for short sellers. What a C**t, just helping the Neo Cam project move more to the right, within 18 months you will be in jack boots and white hoods

  12. "@ john bull - you're a troll, surely?"

    In the past I have found myself agreeing with a lot of what "john bull" says while at the same time wishing he would f off. Am not sure if it's the same person but that was an earlier incarnation who used to put the word "sir" before every comma.

  13. It was very stupid of the Liberal Democrats, but remember that the Conservatives did do pretty much exactly the same thing at the last election (and, I suspect, subsequently) – completely dismissing the Information Commissioner’s complaints. So if the Tories don’t take the Commissioner’s judgements seriously, they can hardly be too pious when the Lib Dems get caught doing the same thing.

  14. "What a C**t, just helping the Neo Cam project move more to the right, within 18 months you will be in jack boots and white hoods"

    You do know that neo-Nazis etc greatly dislike finance capitalism don't you? Libertarians and fascists are politically related.

    Incidently, there's nothing oscene about earning large amounts of money if your employer is willing to allow you to.

  15. correction to last post - libertarians and fascists are NOT politically related!

  16. Anonymous 2.26, you are very muddled aren't you? I don't have a problem with these calls at all. However, the rules are quite clear and they broke them. They knew what they were as they had already complained that the SNP had broken them.

  17. Iain Dale said...
    Anonymous 2.26, you are very muddled aren't you? I don't have a problem with these calls at all. However, the rules are quite clear and they broke them. They knew what they were as they had already complained that the SNP had broken them.

    September 25, 2008 2:36 PM

    No Daley not muddled at all. First its OK, then its not - your stand point. Flipity Flopp Cambo style.

  18. Are you thick? I haven't flip flopped at all. Personally I have no problem with parties making these calls, but the rules clearly say they can't. So unless there is a change in the rules, they shouldn't. No flip flop.

    Mind you, I suppose you think the LibDem stance on tax cuts isn't a flip flop either.

  19. There need to be effective checks and balances in any organisation engaging in campaigning behaviour.

    One problem with the Lib Dems is that far too much deference is accorded to those, undoubtedly talented, individuals who seem to have the capacity to 'win' elections with dramatic % swings. While this talent is worthy of respect (perhaps especially so in a third party), it does not make such people the source of all wisdom and knowledge. For example, an election agent may be a humanities/arts/science graduate and have read a mere three books on election law (produced by the Lib Dem party machinery) and undergone just a few hours of training that wouldn't even count towards Law Society CPD, yet be considered a legal expert by other party members (who themselves know even less about the law).

    It may seem akin to a situation in a financial institution where traders are given freedom to interpret the regulatory rules as they see fit since they are the ones actually making the money. It isn't a model that works in finance and this is widely accepted.

    In my view, election supremos should, similarly, be subject to some kind of effective oversight, whichever political party they are working within.

  20. Acceptable or not, legal or not - one thing's for sure: this ruling makes it even more likely that the Great British public will kick this corrupt Labour so-called "government" out of power at the next general election and elect the Conservatives.

    And the sight of David Cameron walking down Downing Street to take up his rightful residency in No 10 will certainly be something worth phoning a friend about.

  21. Iain Dale said...

    Are you thick? I haven't flip flopped at all. Personally I have no problem with parties making these calls, but the rules clearly say they can't. So unless there is a change in the rules, they shouldn't.


  22. john bull, dear

    It was the Lib Dems making these calls, not Labour

  23. juss' leeve 'im Iain. 'Ee's no' werff it.

  24. Golden Rose, I suspect those individuals are long gone anyway judging by recent results.

  25. A blast from the bast, courtesy of Lib dem Voice:

  26. Boris was absolutely right!

    Could we hear something from the Left about all the senior Civil Servants who 'managed' major projects for the Govt and the NHS into multi-million pound deficits and outright failure, yet still got their bonuses? and their golden, guaranteed pensions?

    Most of those in the big-finance sector have faced real risk, and have paid humungeous taxes (well, ok, not Brown's friends Ronnie Cohen and Geoffrey Robinson) - don't remember the PM turning his nose up at those rich reapings.

  27. Anonymous @3.08.

    No-ones making a fuss, just reporting on what's happened and commenting on it.

    Open debate = democracy innit!

  28. "Anonymous said...
    john bull, dear

    It was the Lib Dems making these calls, not Labour"

    Oh, the Labour trolls are out in force. Just accept the British public have had enough of you and your squalid, corrupt so-called "government". They're desperate for the Conservatives. And, dear troll, this ruling has only served to shore that up.

  29. Enjoy your conference in Brum. A few things you need to known.

    Tory Run Birmingham City council has in the past 4 years.

    Scrapped Lollipop crossing staff.

    Closed numerous swimming baths.

    Closed numerous care homes.

    Scrapped Light rail Metro expansion.

    Lost the Motor show, and the CBI Conference to London.

    Has one of the worst recycling and reuse collection systems in the country.

    Wasted £100K on an absurd feasibility study for a Tube network.

    Manchester is now already the Uks second city. The Tories finally lost the city its status

  30. perhaps Michael Brown couldpay the fine.

  31. "Could we hear something from the Left about all the senior Civil Servants who 'managed' major projects for the Govt and the NHS into multi-million pound deficits and outright failure, yet still got their bonuses? and their golden, guaranteed pensions?"


    1. Any deficits in public sector are always due to lack of public 'investment' therefore always fault of Tories. Axiomatic.

    2. Public servants dutifully work 4 hours a day for a third (if that) of what they could get working 12 hours a day in private sector. Therefore quite entitled to public pensions and knighthoods for heroic sacrifice.

    3. 'We' want 'everyone' to have a decent pension. Abandoning the public service benchmark will .. er .. excuse the wholesale destruction of private sector pensions, which is due to scandalous underinvestment by cynical private sector management therefore all fault of Tories.

  32. Flippy floppy dale at it again I see. The bitterness of being trounced by teh Lib Dems still hasnt faded.

  33. Quite unbelievable. I report a factual account of something and get this idiotic bile.

    Are you saying that it is not legitimate to report a finding by the Information Commissioner that the LibDems have been found guilty of a breach of the rules? If you are, you are deluded. But you have made that quite clear already. Please carry on making an arse of yourself. You are so good at it.

  34. Ignore the Labour trolls, Iain. They know how damaging this is for their pathetic, morally bankrupt, so-called "government" and watch to deflect attention.

    It won't work, Labour trolls - this is just the latest in the drip, drip, drip...

  35. is anon 4:11 des (overseen by his English teacher)?

  36. Looks like Dolly Draper's got his Rapid Rebuttal Unit up and running already then judging from the number of Liebor Trolls who've managed to get out of bed.

  37. LD LD LD - Out Out Out!

    LD are the nasty party, they look well saying Iain has flip flopped when there useless leader has flippity-floped from saying he wants to rape the English taxpayer to now saying he wants tax cuts! Nobody believes a word the LD's say. They are a nasty little band of liars, cheats and hypercrits.

    LD's seem to think it clever to mislead and trick all sorts of people to get them to vote for them and provide misleading information.

    I wish the tories and LD's would push some legislation through parliament banning Two horse race bar graphs etc as they misrepresent the real fight on the ground. If you have to lie and decieve voters, how can you trust such a party. LD's made much of Iraq but LD's lie even about who is in second place in some local election!



    Tory policy group recommends London-style metropolitan mayors for the areas around Greater Newcastle, Greater Manchester etc.

  39. Sorry should say:
    I wish the tories and Labour

    What a vile party the LD's are, they twist and turn at every point. They are the donought of British politics. Ever moving in circles!!!!!!!!

    If Dollyhas set an internet rebutal unit, why is he protecting LD's. Is it because a Vote for the LD's is a vote for Labour?

  40. Can someone hush John Bull up- has nothing to do with Labour.

    For the record I'm a Lib Dem...certainly not a Labour troll, but his insane ramblings are p***ing me off!

    As for the actual event- its unfortunate tbh, I thought the arguement that was research was a fair enough one but ce la vie, lesson learnt, wont happen again (I hope).

    Btw- I don't think you flip-flopped Iain, but I'm sure a smile corssed your face when you heard the news :-p

  41. The LibDems have lost all the poll bounce they got from their conference and are back to square one.
    Let's hope that also happens to Labour in the next week or two, who as we speak are quietly beginning the coercion of the purchasing of ID cards.

  42. roman said...
    "Most of those in the big-finance sector have faced real risk, and have paid humungeous taxes"

    Er, that means they have been paid even more humungeous salaries.
