Monday, September 15, 2008

Lembit Unveils Campaign Vehicle

I took this picture last night on Bournemouth seafront, just after Nick Clegg had had no choice but to walk past Lembit Opik riding he, er, well, whatever it's called. A few words were exchanged and Clegg rather wisely declined the chance to have a ride. Ahem.

It's interesting that Lembit is using this as his campaign vehicle in his quest to become LibDem President. Indeed, it is very appropriate, because as far as I can see, the only person supporting Lembits campaign is Lembit himself. Judging from the Ros for President badges being sported by conference delegates, Ros Scott should be home and dry. But you never know. The activists might vote for her, but they could be far outweighed by ordinary members.


  1. that is amazing! how funny

    beats the lil train we had at the conservative conf in bournemouth 06!


  2. You should have had him should arrested as it is illegal to ride a Segway on public roads.

    Typical, no boys in blue around when you want one.

  3. It's called a segway, which is intended to sound like Segue, and thus "To move smoothly and unhesitatingly from one state, condition, situation, or element to another" Which is far too intellectual for the Lems.

  4. ohmyword - you guys! lighten up. i think its amusing.
    next time they're in bournemouth they can use a catapult to get you to the Highcliffe from the BIC

  5. Kind of sums up idiot Opik really. Rely upon this excuse for an MP to go with a "cause" with plenty of photo ops. Hopefully he'll get his wake up call when Ros wins. Surely even the Libido Dems aren't going to make the mistake of putting this clown in a top job? He's one of the reasons that no one takes them seriously. And he's getting worse......Someone please enroll him with Celebrities Anonomous

  6. Anon 3.05pm

    From memory I think Opik is on the public pathway(hence not classed as a road under the RTA and therefore the Segway use is legal from that point of view although it may still infringe the local Bournemouth by-laws regarding skateboarding,roller-skating and cycling on said path, Segways had obviously not been thought of)leading down from the Cliffs to the Beach and that should he have a "Piers Morgan Segway Moment" and go backwards the contest for LibDem President will be settled rather immediately particularly if it's low tide

  7. Just goes to show what a twat he is. The Segway is as dead as the proverbial dodo; doomed since its inception by the prior existence of the near perfect machine that is the common bicycle.

  8. How does such a complete prat as Opik get to be an MP?

  9. The saddest things about the Lib Dums now is, the public really couldn't be bothered. We seen how nasty and 2-faced they are in dumping Kennedy, so they're not even worth a protest vote. The Tories are now less scary, so people can actually imagine voting for them. Wish between now and 2010 the British people get a 4th party that's worth voting for. Now it seems Cameron would get the job by default, which would be a shame.

  10. Lembit Opik is as stupid as he looks!

  11. Lembit Opik is as stupid as he looks!

  12. Didn't A tory MP get taken to court for driving a vehicle without tax and insurance? The prosecution was succesful because it relied on photographic evidence!

    Oh dear Mr opik!

  13. On yer bike, Lembit, or whatever that thing is.

  14. Darling, how incredibly banal.

    Opik I mean, not your blog.

  15. That's a number of times I've seen Mr cheeky on a segway ....over a few days..

    What's the connection ?
    ... Has he had one for free ? couple of grands worth!... campaign contributions ? , nah , cannot be ...its a US firm

    'bout as useful as a sinclair C5
    ...Climate change transport ? ...chack..

  16. There is something political about a Segway. It's kept upright by a gyroscopic motion sensor.

    If it stops spinning, the whole thing at once falls down.

  17. Opik thinks he's so damned interesting and sets himself up as soe sort of commentator on the issues of the day, but just look at him on that stupid machine. He really hasn't got a clue. God forbid that they would ever elect him as anything vaguely serious. Official Lib Dem jester would do, were it not for the fact that he really is a highly dangerous person. This is a man who really does believe he's something special and destined to do great things. He can't take on board that even a ghastly Cheeky girl dumped him! Just hope that his electorate in Wales do the same.

  18. Cheeeeky Boy!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Got a picture of the truck the Segway was delivered in?

  20. must be honest, seeing the Bournemouth sea has just reminded me what a mistake we are making in going to Birmingham! (how can I go for a paddle at 4 am in Brum?)

  21. Martin Day said...
    "Didn't A tory MP get taken to court for driving a vehicle without tax and insurance? The prosecution was succesful because it relied on photographic evidence!"

    Maybe you are thinking of Nicholas Soames. He was fined and disqualified from driving receently after someone video'd him driving an uninsured quad bike down a country lane with a child perched precariously behind him and towing a trailer illegally.

    The difference was that he was on a public highway. Opik was not.
