Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Jeremy Paxman Quote of the Day

Paxman's signoff line on tonight's Newsnight...

"I'll be here again tomorrow night, when it would be jolly nice if you could sit up an pay attention."



  1. Great stuff indeed.

    Martin Freeman(The Office) made a brilliant but unrepeatable comment on the red carpet at Leicester Square earlier this evening.

  2. Not sure whether I think he's losing it or just getting bored.

  3. Paxo is really getting bored, I'd say, but guess getting more than £1mill for sitting around looking cynical is worth it.

  4. Reminded me of Chris Morris.

  5. Neither. It just shows Paxman has a sense of humour.

  6. shame we have to pay so much for his sense of humour!

  7. Paxman is a pillock - masquerading as an intellectual.

    Last night he professed not to know that the Brown misquote of Osborne came from his own interview of Osborne a few days earlier.

    This says a great many things about Paxman - none of which can be complimentary.

  8. I think we're taking human rights now as a service industry. I've been revisiting Keynes (obviously - you have too?) and it's a deft augmentation. Nowt fancy, quick jolt to oceans. Can happily take piss out of EU - Lisbon would steal the show.

  9. Would be rather good to see Paxo interviewing the bogey man.

  10. I was a bit confused by that. Wondered if he was joking about an item I'd missed. Perhaps he was speaking to the production team, given the number of glitches Newsnight has had in the last few weeks.

  11. It's fun to watch University Challenge to see how much Paxo is ignorant about and how often he mispronounces words.

  12. Agreed he is nothing special just a big fish in a very very small pond.

  13. Perhaps he's just having fun with those "Someone is spying at me through my TV" types.

  14. I know people complain about presenter salaries, but Paxo is worth every penny. His interview with Geoff Hoon, and the punch-up last night with representatives of the Obama / McCain camps are worth a million in themselves.

  15. I would like to know the identity of the female voice overheard on BBC News 24 last night, some time after 9.00pm, as the intro titles and music were running, saying "Right glasses off and tits in".

    It sounded like that of Ms Maitland but as there was only Huw Edwards presenting, perhaps it was the producer.

    I thought it rather amusing and perhaps suggested that some at the BBC do not take themselves as seriously as Paxo.

  16. Paxo's coverage of recent financial market stories has been characterised by hysterial moralising. His knowledge of economics is minmimal - even worse than yours Iain.

    Worse he is always deferential to Uncle Vince and hostile to any and every Tory.

    Watch out for sneering agression next week. Remember how Cameron got the better of him during the Tory leadership election in 2005.
    The vain sod still seeks his revenge.

  17. Paxo and Peston - they make Chris Morris look almost normal

  18. Did make me wonder how he knew I'd overdone it slightly on the g&t last night and was "watching with my eyes shut" as my Dad used to say.

  19. Did he say "eb" or "be"?

  20. I think they should make the Paxosaur read the weather more often.

  21. We are in full support of Mr Paxman.

  22. Peston is excruciating. That droning voice is like a buzzsaw. Painfully inarticulate as well - it's just one long stream of erms. I'm told he's bright, but he comes across as half-soaped. I don't think I've ever heard such pisspoor diction in my life. Give me Jeff Randall's cultured Romford tones anyday.

  23. Perhaps if he paid a little more attention to the content of his questions and a little less attention to being bloody rude, then I might sit up and listen.
