Wednesday, September 24, 2008


For some reason some people are getting this message when they try to access this blog - including me. Can anyone explain why this is and what I can do about it?


  1. It's a Google message and you can complain about it. On your blog perhaps?

  2. Just got the same message whilst digging around in some Plaid blogs.

  3. Blogger was buggered. I was getting the same message accessing my blog and all blogger blogs. It seems to be ok now.

  4. If I were you i'd try and clear your browser cache and try again.

    If you're using IE7 then press "alt" to see the File, edit, view, favourites, tools etc... bar and go to tools and delete your private data.

    If you're sensible enough to be using firefox then you already know what i'm talking about and that you just have to go to tools ---> Clear private data.

    I have no idea how computer literate you are, so apologies if this is very patronising.

    Overall this isn't a problem that happens often, and I haven't seen it on your blog at all, so I wouldn't worry about it effecting too many of your readers.

  5. Anonymous, many thanks. That's done the trick!

  6. It is a Google foul up, it is OK deleting all the files and cookies but some are useful ie those for subscription sites.

    Occurred on my machine after I downloaded Chrome, which I have now uninstalled

  7. I was getting that for all blogspot sites, but it seems to have stopped now.

  8. Anon @ 2:08pm seems to be on the case but I always just wait a bit - blogspot goes down occasionally, as does Yahoo and all the others. But complaining does allow you to vent rather than to throw the bloody machine through the window. That option can get expensive.

    If only you could reboot other things.

  9. I'm using Google Chrome and haven't had a problem :-)

  10. It's fine for me. However I haven't been able to access Mini Dale (Shane Greer)'s blog for ages.
    :( Has he done any good stuff on there or has it really just vanished?

  11. I get this when I have to use TOR to access blogs to get past the Great Firewall of China. It usually only comes up at the third of fourth site I hit.

  12. it's telling you Google thinks you look like a spam bot Iain.

    Delete Temporary Internet Files, empty your cookies folder restart your machine and you should be OK.

    Also check your Temporary Internet Files folder is set to empty on shutdown. Doing that chucks out any malware scripts that have sneaked past your firewall.

  13. Download and use the Google Chrome Beta Version browser.

    No problems so far...

    Probably better then IE7 or even IE8 beta anyway.

  14. Best thing to do ... move to a self-hosted WordPress solution.

    ... or you could clear your cookies.

  15. I had the same problem with another blog. When I went to the help bit, and filled out the contact form it was rejected. Turns out that it only accepts dates in US format, despite not saying so and it not being an international standard. Very amateurish of Google.

  16. Internet Explorer is really for computer illiterates, as anonymous said clear your cache, but ideally change to Safari or FIREFOX, you will be a damm sight more secure whilst surfing.

    Google is fantastic and only computer illiterates slag it off because they don't know what they are talking about.

  17. Google is fantastic and only computer illiterates slag it off because they don't know what they are talking about.


  18. Iain,

    I thought it was just me getting that message on my blog.

    I've been having a bit of local difficulty (it's not easy being a Tory blogger in Scotland!) and thought the Nats had found a new tool with which to suppress opposition to their tribalism.

    I ran Spybot and Ad-Aware but it now seems that the problem was resolved by Google/ Blogger.
