Thursday, September 04, 2008

Gordon Calls in the Removal Van...

A friend of mine, Ellie Levenson, went to Legoworld the other day and thoughtfully sent me these pics. She tells me: "Thought this was a bit cheeky - outside the Lego Number 10 they had a small Lego Gordon (see pic above left). And outside the back of it they had a van called 'Brown's Removals'. (see pic above right).

Sometimes you just can't win, eh? If even tourist attractions take the mickey, you know you're in trouble.

Of course, what you can't see is that Charles Clarke is driving the removal van...


  1. I cannot conceive of Gordon going by any decision of his own under any circumstance. He is in the never-never world of the deluded, as Clarke reminded us yet again today.

  2. Good one Iain, thats why Ilove this site it's politics with a little humour:)

    pssst you ain't too bad looking either:(

  3. If you look behind the removal van you can see the bailiffs are towing his car away as well!

  4. Priceless.

    And have you noticed the Dairylea advert on TV is running with "Gordon is a moron" behind it?! It's open season on the PM.

  5. Surprised that you, Iain, or especially Guido have not picked up on the scaffolding surrounding the real number 10. Plenty Roman siege scaffold, danger signs, No entry, health and safety signs and hard hats to be worn.
    A sure sign of an occupant under siege!!!!!

  6. They usually try to blame somebody else for their problems, anyway. Even Alistair Darling's at it:

  7. Shouldn't that be a ambulance with men in white coats?

  8. Forgone conclusion that Gordon will not be applauded as he departs like Blair was. Gordon's departure will be applauded though.

  9. Iain Dale Eats Polar Bears !!

  10. Thank you, Iain, I love this post! It so cheered me up. Please repeat it several times.

    One pic you missed: one of my little cottage in Essex, smothered in bunting and balloons and surrounded by my whole street having a thumping street party and singing:

    "Bye bye Gordon
    Gordon goodbye!
    Bye Gordon
    Bye bye Gordon

    Bye bye Gordon
    We hope that you cry
    Bye Gordon

  11. Good day sir, a quote you wanted was it sir? Give me five minutes or so. and the bill's going to who? Ah right..the will that be VAT paid or not cos I can do a deal for cash?
    Right, the name is Brown.....helooo. hellooooo, helooooo

  12. The real news is not New Labour theatrical productions, Shropshire millionaires on fire, or the Olympics but the state of the country's banking system.

    Banks have tapped £200 billion from the BoE in 2 months, and maybe equivalent from the ECB.

    For a report from Bloomberg see HERE

  13. Good work Dale

    Ahem..I wonder if you will be reviewing his speech he made some astonishing claims in it?

  14. The New Labour project- build it up, comes apart quicker than Lego!

  15. They must be competing with Madam Tussauds on the anti-Gordon front.

    My wife, who is Scottish, is getting very tired of all the complaints about Andrew Murray / Gordon Brown she keeps getting from English customers - most of which start before they hear her accent and realise where she's from.

    On a recent business conference the near mention of Brown's name creates a near riot.

    He is President Cyclops with his poll rating below the Boston Strangler ( kudos to anyone who gets the link ).

  16. Can I politely suggest that you go back to playing with your Lego and leave the politics to the grown ups.

    I find it very interesting that all you Tory boys appear to have fallen for matron yet again in her Alaskan reincarnation.

  17. Nice try, but the reference to Browns removals is actually to him forcing Blair out of Downing Street in 2007 as the following atests:

  18. "Iain Dale Eats Polar Bears !!"

    No, you're confusing him with Sarah Palin. She really does eat Polar Bears.

    Still don't like her though.
