Friday, September 05, 2008

EXCLUSIVE: Tories to Launch Big Group Blog

I take it all back. Well, some of it anyway! Last Friday I was rather critical of the Conservative Party's internet operation in my Telegraph column. It seems things are now happening on that front. Excellent!

I can exclusively reveal that later on tonight the Party will unveil plans for a new Party-wide Group Blog, as a precursor to a complete relaunch of at the Party Conference at the end of the month.

The blog, as yet unnamed, will have blogposts from people across the party, from Shadow Cabinet, to candidates, CF members and ordinary activists, as well as guest blogs from non party members. The intention is for there to be 5-10 blogposts a day to make it as dynamic as possible. It won't be full of boring party press releases but instead they want it to have colour, be anecdotal as well as a forum to discuss policy. Anyone can leave comments, and I am told there will "no Stalinist approach to moderation".

The Republicans already do something similar HERE. I hope that the new design and functionality will also echo some of the US political campaign sites, which leave is standing at the moment,.

One thing I am not so sure about is the idea of launching a competition to decide the blog's name. Apparently anyone on the Party mailing list will get to vote on it. I am sure my blogreaders will be full of suggestions!


  1. Prose and Cons Blogs

  2. Wow, this is exactly something I've been hoping for, a single concise blogging platform for Conservatives. Should make it easier for people to get their foot on the blogging ladder.

  3. Sounds like an attempt for the party to destroy Conservative home. ( How long before the message goes around that shadow cabinet and MPs can only blog to 'authorised' sites ? If Tim gets quoted in PMQs again then the plug will be pulled. )

    I can't see this as good news at all.

    By the way what happened to that uber-loyal platform 10 enterprise anyway ?

  4. "The Once and Future Daily Telegraph"?

  5. I knew you were a bit of a swinger, Iain, but I didn't think you'd be into group blogging.

  6. They could call it, "Dave, the home of witty banter."

  7. Gosh, do we actually get to NAME the blog? BSMBH.

  8. Isn't this what ConservativeHome is and does?

    Why re-invent the wheel? Unless they want a version of ConHome with editorial policy controlled by CCHQ...

  9. I think this is the best option available for the party. The independent blogs don't contribute a great deal to the party. But from time to time there are articles they can't/wouldn't want to be associated with. For example, wrt the US election, most of the tory supporting blogs have a Republican leaning and are clearly supporting McCain. A party that espouses to be the next government must be seen to be neutral wrt the next US president.

    Good luck to this!

  10. Oh dear oh dear!

    Party websites are meant for press releases, toeing the line, and all pulling in the same direction for an election win. Dreary yes but necessary.

    Individual Tory blogs are meant for usually snipey monomaniacs who want us to follow a UKIPish line, having a bash at Cameron and in Tim Montgomerie's case giving Brown ammo for PMQs.

    I know it must be terrible for bloggers that the Party's own website is not yet another blog reading like the BBC's Have Your Say, but it's not meant to be.

  11. Upon hearing this news, I came in my undies.

  12. anon.9.00pm.

    Try reading it twice more and go for the hat trick.

  13. ConservativeHome seeks to promote its very narrow view which is best summarised as:

    anglo centric, metro centric, authoritarian, eurosceptic and very very po faced.

  14. I'd call it: "Right in the Centre".

  15. Now all you have to get them to do is understand the importance of right of centre blogging.

  16. 1000 lines
    Don't do it - read Guido
    Don't do it - read Guido
