Tuesday, September 16, 2008

David Cairns Resigns: Open Thread

Sky has just broken the news that David Cairns, Minister of State in the Scottish Office, jas just resigned. Unfortunately, I am now unable to give a running commentary as I am heading off to Maidstone to collect Ann Widdecombe before our sellout (600+!) theatre show in Chelmsford tonight. I will approve comments as quickly as I can.


  1. And who was it that predicted Brown would go? Me.

  2. David Cairns has never been a fan of Gordon Brown's, but he is also a Labour loyalist of sound judgement and good conscience.

    He won respect for his competent handling of the thankless Glasgow East byelection campaign, and could have looked forward to continuing success as a minister.

    His resignation therefore cannot be dismissed as a mere Blairite plot or as the act of someone who feared he was for the chop. This is serious.

  3. This looks like the movement of Change has gathered critical mass. A resignation of this type is an eye opener because the Minister involved is sacrificing not only there career but also a salary.

    This really looks as though it is game over for Brown as this will be a dirrect transfer from payroll vote to a vote for change: A leadership election.

  4. Labour are doomed - Doomed!

    They have turned against each other and look likely to ignore the national interest due to their self interest.

  5. He is an brave and honourable guy.

  6. The SNP have frit 'im.

    Oh I love it when a plan comes together.

    Question is, who's next????

  7. Cairns' resignation won't help Labour win the Glenrothes by-election. If Brown loses that, he's done like dinner.

  8. I don't think one junior minister whom nobody has ever heard of is likely to tip Gordon Brown out of office.

    The question is, though, what did Des Browne know about it (assuming that he was the source of the 11am update on this story) and had he given it his tacit blessing? Because if so that suggests the Cabinet's support might finally be cracking up...

  9. Perhaps he couldn't face having to be Labour's face at the Glenrothies By-election, having had to do Glasgow East.

  10. He is a highly respected MP...yes there still are some...and I imagine he has been shocked at the bully boy tactics by God Father Brown and the No 10 mafiosio following Miss McDonald's flushing out. Eventually all will be revealed as to what went on in No 10 after the conclusion of the TUC get together last Friday!

  11. Another question is, WHY is there a Scoth Region office anyway?, they have their OWN Parliament, in fact theyve got TWO! the Scottish Parliament North, and the Scottish Parliament South at McWestminster!

    Not flash - Just McBean


  12. Gosh, it's just like when Heseltine went isn't it? Or Lawson? Eh?
    Or Howe?

    I mean that all brought the Govt down didn't it?

    So when's Dave meeting the Queen (I hope he blows his nose before the ceremony)?

  13. He'll be fine, he can have his old job back : http://www.w4mp.org/html/personnel/jobs/disp_job.asp?ref=16030

  14. I don't know which I'm happier about, staying out of the City or getting out of the Labour Party.

  15. A Tory win is a psephological impossibility.

  16. Should we set up a UK branch of the Movement for Democratic Change?

    BTW has anyone looked at Nick Robinson's blog coverage of this? It gives a list of 'reasons to stick with Gordon' bullet points, then hints at Tory sleaze. Biased or what?

  17. Who is this David Cairns anyway? Wrong on this one I'd say.

  18. He might be unheard of down south, but in Scotland he was one of the only Scotish Labour MPs who talked about and attacked the SNP without sounding like an angry toddler.

  19. Technically Minister of State but de facto Sec. of State for Scotland, given that Des is spending almost all of his time on the MoD. In fact Cairns has been the presentable, public face of Labour in Scotland for a long while now. This is very serious indeed. Much more so than the MSM are admitting...

  20. I'm not getting my hopes up over Brown leaving just yet, according to the press Brown was going to be kicked out if he failed in:

    the local elections
    Crewe and Nantwich
    Glasgow East
    raising the reds opinion poll ratings over the summer.

    He failed in all of them, and constant rumours of Jack Straw or Milliband (heaven fortend) replacing him have come to nothing. He is a political cockroach, you just can't remove him.

  21. I am one who wants Brown to stay.
    The longer he stays in his bunker, the greater the chance for labour losing the next election.

  22. This is a non story until someone people have heard of actually resigns and nomination papers are sent out. Till then, all we know is we're all going down the pan economically and Labour MPs and their dear leader have all moved to another galaxy far, far away.

  23. Emperor Hirohito's broadcast to the allies in 1945 had the sort of refusal to face facts and to accept uncomfortable truths, that the Labour Party hierarchy would surely appreciate.

    Just after the two nuclear bombs fell on Japan he broadcast..

    "The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage"

  24. David Cairns is one of the nicest, most decent people in politics.

  25. Wouldnt get too excited about this fella...He`s the Kevin Keegan of Politics.. First he was a Priest, then jacked that in to be a councillor in London,jacks that in after 4 years to be elected MP in Scotland..meteoric rise to where he is today then jacks that in...

    Just watch next week he`ll jack in being an MP and become Manager of Newcastle!!!!!!!..right clown

    No threat to Broon thank God...We need him to stay in that bunker until the electorate shoot him..

  26. Careful not to run out of gas. She can get a bit frisky.

  27. Emperor Hirohito's broadcast to the allies in 1945"

    Bill-his broadcast was NOT to the Allies!

    It was towards his OWN PEOPLE!

    Waken up!

  28. There is an opportunity:

    Brown could reorganise the devolved government ministries - give Swiss Des Browne Defence full-time, appoint a new SoS for the devolved governments, with three supporting ministers.

    A display of patronage and initiative...hmm, unlikely! Plod on as before.....

    A few more military-related thoughts are at

