Monday, September 15, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Monday

1. Mandate points our that two of the Labour rebels were praised by Blair in his last conference speech "for their loyalty".
2. Norfolk Blogger publishes the results of his reader survey.
3. Dizzy thinks we may get a repeat of February & October 1974. In reverse.
4. Danny Finkelstein asks: who are going to be appointed to some important government jobs?
5. Liberal England on how MAKE IT HAPPEN should have happened.
6. Yorkshire Gob explains how she's blagging a free pass at the LibDem conference and she has a very amusing report on Day 3.
7. Peter Franklin on bias on Radio 4's How to be a Good President programme.
8. Michael Crick was impressed by the Make it Happen debate.
9. LabourHome wonders why Derek Draper is back on the scene.
10. Fraser Nelson on Nick Clegg's tax con.
11. Tom Harris on why he likes a Tory.
12. Valleys Mam on the value of blogs.


1. UKIP Blog (by Tim Worstall)
2. Darryl Beckford (Cheshire Tory councillor)
3. Something on my Mind (A moderate British Conservative writes about America)
4. Dr Sean's Diary (Politics in eastern Europe)
5. Paul Lockett - Questioning Everything (Libertarian)


  1. Iain, after reading the Yorkshire Gob's post you linked to, I was wondering if the Conservatives will be doing a similar scheme? (Skint Teenager here)

  2. When I commented on the Indy piece the other day I said I was surprised it said you had a "Daley" dozen not a Daily Dozen, assuming it was really the latter.

    I have now, extremely belatedly and only whilst typing this comment), finally understood the "joke" (Daley as in Dale, ha ha!!) but I don't understand why sometimes nonetheless it is "Daily". Also, are you sure you can shoulder the responsibility of your younger and more impressionable readers for ever misspelling "daily"?

    And have you had a lie in thsi morning or did you ban my comment on the Minister of State thread late last night suggesting that it might be Lord Jones (AKA Digby Jones)?

  3. OK. Your Minister of State thread is now up to date, inc my comment.

    As you seem a bit grumpy lately, we all love and appreciate you really Iain! Quite right not to comment on Lehmans when it's not your speciality - you have avoided the equivalent of the grisly spectacle of Paxman interviewing 4 experts on it on last night's Newsnight and clearly barely understanding a word they were saying. He didn't seem to be able to understand that the shareholders of Fanny Mae and Fanny Mac lost all their money when the companies had been "rescued" (i.e. nationalised without compensation)!

  4. Comrade Digby has already notified of his impending depature in 6 months! I am sure the Government will collapse without his input.

  5. Ahem, Iain, Valleys Mam might have mentioned the value of blogs but the post she mentioned was over at the Bevan Foundation's blog - in case anyone is interested.
