Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Conference Diary: Tuesday 3

Our good friend Derek Draper has just been spotted in the conference centre. I know we have a big tent nowadays, but there are limits. Perhaps he has come to post comments on the blog in person...

All parties allow one or two observers to attend from their rivals, but they are normally junior officials rather than well known names. I am sure he is getting a very warm welcome.


  1. Guido reckons he's wearing an Hawaiian Shirt and sandals.

    I think he's somewhat overdressed for Brum if he is and also extremely brave as well.

    I for one wouldn't be wearing that get up after dark on a wet Tuesday evening in Birmingham although no doubt he will be safe within the security perimiter although I fear he'd be asking for trouble poncing around New Street like an extra from Hawaii -5-O

  2. Yes, but bet old Dolly doesn't go telling porkies to the Evening Standard about things members of the front bench are alleged to have said about your leader. (In of course, the manner of that little dweeb who was knocking around Manchester last week, and who was nowhere near Ruth Kelly at the end of Brown's speech.)

  3. What an opportunity for you to ask if he's set up the online rebuttal unit Iain.
    But if he hasn't - what are you to make of the anti-tory comments that are allegedly all over the blogosphere?

  4. Oh give it a rest about the online rebuttal. I wish Draper was paying me. The self-importance is getting a little tedious.

  5. we have always had a mass of tw*ts on here attempting online rebuttal; I would hope that if Draper's unit were responsible for it then it would at least show some signs of sophistication.

  6. Iain - as my mum would say we should care for these people, not pity them. I know gov recommends 5 a day - i've just converted 3; no work really. I cud've been a priest but I got Tory!!!! And economics - He loves me because I love Him. Polls, poles & Poles - take your pick.

  7. Yes. We could all take lessons from the likes of the sophisticated 'dick the prick'

  8. So just how big is Dolly's "rapid rebuttal unit", and does it dress to the right or left? And how big a tent does it need?

    Just curious, you understand.

  9. Iain, I hope you like this little ditty:

    Hello, Dolly, well, hello, Dolly.
    It's so nice you're on your back where you belong.
    You're looking swell, Dolly,
    we can tell, Dolly,
    Gordon made you wear that shirt, those sandals
    and that thong.
    We feel the room swayin
    as your shirt's wavin'
    one of your old hawaian shirts from way back when.
    So, take a nap, fellas,
    Draper's full of crap, fellas.
    Just let him wait, till Dave's in number 10.

  10. For those Lefties querying “Dolly” Draper’s rapid rebuttal unit, here’s one story confirming it first appeared in the prestigious trade paper “PR Week”:

    “From PR Week: the Labour Party is exploring plans for an online rapid rebuttal unit, designed to kill off damaging stories circulating in the blogosphere. Former lobbyist Derek Draper will oversee the initiative, having recently been called in by Labour’s general secretary to advise on how the party can communicate its message.”

    LINK: http://www.britishblogs.co.uk/theme/richard-benyon-derek-draper-lobby-loses-rebuttal-unit-online-rapid/

    What is astonishing is the Comrades’ high command feel the need to advertise this!

  11. You can spot trolls a mile off. Just delete the bastards. They don't change minds; they just irritate.

  12. I did see DD this evening on my way out of the ICC. I asked him where his Big Issue sellers' badge was but his reply was quite curt. I therefore pocketed the pound I was going to give him. Anyway he was too scruffy to be a B.I. seller.
