Monday, September 29, 2008

Conference Diary: Monday 4

I've got a further three fringes today (listed below). I am sure they will all have a bit of spark, so if you're at the conference, do come along!

David Davis in Conversation with Iain Dale
Austin Court Hotel, 80 Cambridge Street
Freedom Zone & Total Politics
A half hour conversation followed by audience Q & A

Freedom & the Internet
Austin Court Hotel
Freedom Zone
Chair: Iain Dale. Speakers: Guido Fawkes, Phil Hendren, Chris Mounsey, Nadine Dorries

Collaboration or Control? Politics and the Internet in the 21st Century
Telford Room, Austin Court Hotel Organised by Centre for Policy Studies
Speakers: Iain Dale, Jeremy Hunt MP & Robert Colvile (Daily Telegraph), Paul Morris (Microsoft)


  1. We need more capacity, but I can't understand why everyone is wedded to Heathrow, other than certain people with vested interests. Yes a feasibility study does have to be done on a new hub airport such as Boris Island. Heathrow is a lousy place for an airport - too close to a major population centre, too cramped to be easily expandable. Both Gatwick and Stansted are more pleasant to use. Heathrow also has poor public transport connections from anywhere other than London, which is no good for the major "national" airport, and the road connections are via the over capacity M3 and M25. Yes of course we need to start thinking out of the box. And think how much housing could be built on Heathrow if and when it can be closed.

  2. Dammit, I posted that on the wrong thread. Can it be deleted? I'll copy it to the right one.

  3. Oh nooooo - freedom and the internet in the graveyard slot - at least you can talk without notes and it's an interesting subject. Count the number of slumberers - one hopes there's a few - nay one demands!!

  4. Another tough day at the "coal Face" but if you get a minute can you make enquiries in the area to see if there are any plans to bring back "Crossroads" many thanks.
    freedom to prosper
    PS Why not ban aeroplanes as this would help the ship building industry?

  5. Loved the defence debate.

    When the Tories roll out Simon Weston you know that you are in trouble - scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

    Get Thatcher's cannon fodder on the podium to spout a load of c**p. Funny how Thatcher's favoured cannon fodder didn’t fire a single shoot in combat - but is some how a hero.

    Further more he was ranting on about military funding. Didn’t all the Brit troops in the Falklands arrived on hastily commissioned white cunnard liners, because we had no proper transport ships.

  6. Dorries and the Devil?

    Could be interesting!

  7. Iain, your lack of self-awareness is staggering. You stick that photo of yourself at the top of your blog and then have the nerve to say "I have a fringe today".

  8. Good to see Guido at Conference, even speaking at a Tory event.

    That will be Gudio the Irish citizen, who doesn't live in the UK, or pays any tax in the UK, but makes his living in the UK via his Irish operation ...

    Good job his skin is white or you lot would be going mental.

    All true. Typical Tory Guido contributes nothing but complains about everything.

  9. anon September 29, 2008 11:03 AM

    He lives in London! He recently got done for Drunk Driving again in London! Rather deminishes your crap about him.

  10. I'm awaiting your summary of the fringe meeting with David Davis with interest.

    Overall a good man, whose absence from the Shadow Cabinet weakens Cameron's stance against the novice charge.

    P.S. I don't think the Conservative's BofE plan stands up to scrutiny, but then again neither does Bush's (not enough money to do its stated aim). As for Gordon's plan - there are not enough expletives on the keyboard to describe it.

  11. anon 11:03
    Could you bring home some lanolin? The goat was a bti rough when I fed it this morning.

  12. This is the final straw for this pathetuc, morally bankrupt Labour so-called "government", you mark my words.

    The British public are thirsting for a Conservative government - one which will give them their country back.

  13. Anonymous said...
    anon September 29, 2008 11:03 AM

    He lives in London! He recently got done for Drunk Driving again in London! Rather diminishes your crap about him.

    September 29, 2008 11:12 AM



    Guido fawkes aka Paul Staines is an Irish Citizen, with an Irish passport, whose home address and business address are listed in the Irish republic. He may have another London address, like many foreign business people, but that does not make him a UK citizen. FACT

  14. Iain, I'm not a Tory, but when will the Tories give you a safe seat?

  15. "Iain, I'm not a Tory, but when will the Tories give you a safe seat?"

    Such is the level of thirst for a Conservative government across Britain, EVERY seat will be a safe Tory seat at the next election as this corrupt, laughable Labour so-called "government"is wiped out entirely.

  16. "Freedom & the Internet
    Austin Court Hotel
    Freedom Zone
    Chair: Iain Dale. Speakers: Guido Fawkes, Phil Hendren, Chris Mounsey, Nadine Dorries".

    Obviously, the court jester...

  17. David from Ealing said...
    Iain, I'm not a Tory, but when will the Tories give you a safe seat?

    September 29, 2008 11:31 AM

    It would need to be a safe one. Gay boy with links to that arse Guido ( Drink drive, no insurance etx etc ). Judge a man by his friends

  18. Anon 10.44. You're quite a horrible individual.

  19. ***Further more he was ranting on about military funding. Didn’t all the Brit troops in the Falklands arrived on hastily commissioned white cunnard liners, because we had no proper transport ships.***

    Doesn't it, therefore, logically follow that he must know what he's talking about?

  20. Guido... Oh dear

    Do the Tories really need to associate with this twat.

    He whines about freedoms and restrictions, his pet hate; but try and post an anti guido or none Tory post on his Moderated blogg. Fucking hypocrite

    He claims to have uncovered many political scoops, but it then later transpired that the press knew before him, he just was quicker to post. He is also a convicted DD no insurance, and a self confessed Acid head.

    And previous posts are correct , he isn't even a British citizen

  21. dick the prick said...
    Anon 10.44. You're quite a horrible individual.

    September 29, 2008 11:52 AM

    No No Dick...all facts. Weston didnt fire a single shot. In fact he hadnt even landed on the island.

  22. Sunday evening defense dedate at Conference. Simon Weston, the US special relationship, the fall of the berlin wall; these were the big talking points... How so 1980's is that. The Falklands was 26 years ago, cannon fodder simon was injured 26 years ago, for this to spearhead your dedate shows that you are living in your typical vitiolic past

  23. dick the prick said...
    Anon 10.44. You're quite a horrible individual.

    September 29, 2008 11:52 AM

    If you want horrible nasty posts, I suggest you go to Guido, that bloke who is giving a talk at your confernce

  24. anon 11:50
    No, I think we will judge Iain by his enemies, and from the way that Dolly's trolls are spewing bile here, I'd say Iain was just fine.

  25. See the Rapid Rebuttal Unit is in full swing over here.

    Enjoy it while it lasts Dolly

  26. Yes, Old Holborn, the rapid rebuttal unit is about all Labour has left. Let them post - they only make the hole deeper.

    Osborne has just destroyed Brown as an irresponsible gambler.

    Obergruppenfuhrer Brown knew about B & B a year ago and did nothing. Ditherer!

  27. The way Derek Draper and his minions are flooding this blog with their bilious hatred tells you everything you need to know about the dying embers of this disgusting, treacherous Labour so-called "government".

    Well, the British public won't stand for it, Derek. They will see through your imbecilic trolling and vote for a party who conduct themselves with the grace and honour expected of the English. A party who will give them their country back.

    You might have heard of them, Derek. They're called the Conservatives.

  28. Interesting timing of the Bush announcement - 7.30am in the US. A bit early, even for the President surely. Or, am I suspicious enough to think that Herr Brown asked Bush to do him a small favour and time his announcement to coincide with Osborn's keynote speech?

    Perhaps Gordon has learnt a bit of subtlety?

  29. There was no mention last night on any of the news channels of the disgraceful way that the military covenant has been undermined.

    Anon at 10.44 really is quite appaling. People have died for you because they believed in that convenant which this government has cynically undermined.

    What have we come to when serving men and women who lay their lives on the line, get the same pay as a traffic warden. Where are our priorities? Where are the government's? I'd like some of the trolls on this blog to answer that one with any credibility.

    Your time, and your government's time, will come and it is a stench in the nostrils of decent people that you can even mention Simon Weston's name in that way. You exemplify all that is wrong with this country and you and your masters should go, and go now!

    It doesn't matter how much you wriggle and spin - the corpse is twitching and eventually, even if a general election isn't held till 2010, the stench of your rotting flesh will be an offence to all the decent people of this country and your name, and that of Gordon Brown, will be a byword for ignominy.

  30. Even if the Tories do win - and although that seems likely it's by no means certain that they will have a workable overall majority - the idea that all seats will be safe is laughable.

    I still cannot see the details of what David Cameron is offering and the trend of his policies runs against the views of all the Tories I have met over the years. I know you want to get back into power - I suppose that's why some Tories will say almost anything.....

  31. Interesting article about George Osbourne and Vince Cable:

  32. David from Ealing: you have clearly been on the planet Zog with your Great Leader for the last 11 years. Look at the polls, remember the GLA and London Mayor results, and wake up and smell the coffee.

    You simply don't get it - it isn't about power, it's about the survival of this country and the people in it. Don't you understand - the cupboard is bare!

  33. "Even if the Tories do win - and although that seems likely it's by no means certain that they will have a workable overall majority - the idea that all seats will be safe is laughable."

    Thanks for that, Labour troll. But given the massive public thirst for a Conservative government that will give them the British people their country back, sadly for you and your power-crazed, corrupt so-called "government" it is entirely possible the Tories could win every seat they contest at the next election.

  34. Anon 10:44 AM ,

    "When the Tories roll out Simon Weston you know that you are in trouble - scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

    Get Thatcher's cannon fodder on the podium to spout a load of c**p. Funny how Thatcher's favoured cannon fodder didn’t fire a single shoot in combat - but is some how a hero."

    You are even more despicable than Gordon Brown...

  35. Ian
    Could you rename this blog as Drapers Follys or Dollys Follys?

    They seem to be in the majority today.

  36. Reality Check: You seem to think I'm a Labour supporter. I'm not. Power is important, but only if you're doing the right things. The Labour Government has been in power for the past eleven years, but it's not done the right things, If the Tories get into power, what will they do? We still don't really know. If it's the survival of the country you're really interested in, the public deserve to know what you will do.

    John Bull, since when has 41% been 'massive thirst'?

    And if you want to know who I support you can get an idea from the link I provided earlier. I never have and never will be a Labour troll.

  37. And John Bull, you might help your argument by toning down the language you use about your opponents.

  38. Briansj & old holbon - aft'noon chaps. Guess this is what happen when Iain leaves his comment moderation off. Think we're missing out on a good gig this aft with Iain & Guido slamming the MSM - be a good laugh.

    Oh and idiots slamming GF for drink driving - he pleaded guilty and took his sentence well, posted it on his blog - err... not sure what more you want but i've no doubt it makes sense to someone, somewhere perhaps.

    And slating Simon Weston is beyond the pale or common courtesey - if you want to slag him off I suggest you do it to his face but could you let me know beforehand so I can the beers in and get a comfy seat (preferably outside so I can have a cigar too). Unbelievably sneering, rude, ignorant, pathetic etc etc.

  39. Heard it all before, and how ironic the speech was made in Birmingham . As in 2004 The Tories won Birmingham Council primarily because their leader, Mike Whitby, made the same pledge to freeze council tax. Between 2004 and 2008 he has raised council tax each and every year.

  40. Interesting how Draper's rebuttal unit has backfired. Now, if there are any individually inspired anti-Tory posts, everyone will discount them as Draper propaganda. Keep it up lads (and lasses) you will quickly destroy the credibility of anyone who supports your party.

  41. Anonymous said...
    Heard it all before, and how ironic the speech was made in Birmingham . As in 2004 The Tories won Birmingham Council primarily because their leader, Mike Whitby, made the same pledge to freeze council tax. Between 2004 and 2008 he has raised council tax each and every year.

    September 29, 2008 2:00 PM


    Even funnier, only last week Mike Whitby ( Tory Council Leader in Brum ) was complaining in The Birmingham Mail that central government interfered to much when it came to setting council tax levels; and he demanded more autonomy. Now he has the prospect of a Tory central government actually setting the actual rate. Floppy flop flop flop.

    As ever looking left right up and down, then claiming consistency

  42. Dolly's toy-boys! What a pathetic bunch of has-beens and no-hopers.

  43. Oh trolls!

    Thank you for all of your guidance and informative posts.... I'm converted.

    Now clear off!

    The verb to Ex-troll: When a Troll talks about their leader and how good they are it is called ‘ex-troll-ing’ their virtues.

    (From the troll website)

  44. An awful lot of desperate trolls, trying to make amends for their failure of a conference suddenly.

    Helpful tip: if you are going to join Derek's InternetForce Squad Commando or whatever its called.. then get yourself a name.
    Its not hard, and you can choose a new one each time.

    Start with something begining with A to keep it easy. Try Ass

  45. Anon 2.10 - it's a voluntary scheme but don't let facts concern your pretty little head. What's mum cooking for tea tonight? Is it beefburgers? Is it? Oh, beefburgers are nice aren't they?

  46. "John Bull, since when has 41% been 'massive thirst'?"

    Labour troll - you know as well as anybody here the polls printed in the ZanuLab-controlled MMS are about as reliable as Gordon so-called "Brown" himself. I suspect a true opinion poll would put the Tories closer to 99% - but I'm sure newspapers and the Brown Broadcasting Corporation wouldn't refuse to report on such polls because their masters in Downing Street might be upset. Noooo....because the MMS in this country are COMPLETELY independent of ZanuLab, aren't they...

    Fortunately, rigging a true election is not as easy as rigging a poll. The Tories will win a landslide at the next election, this corrupt, depraved Labour so-called "government" will be gone - and the Great British people will have their country back.

  47. Weston a war hero - MY ARSE.

    What ever next, that other Tory lick arse Sen McCain.

    How can you be a hero in a war that you lost. How can you be a hero when your skills as a pilot meant you were shot down by an enemy who were armed with bamboo shoots and pea shooters.

    Vietnam was an neo con ideological war, that they lost - American's killed millions of civilians, dumped napalm and agent orange on the masses - McCain is no War hero.

    Funny how the impeding Democrat win has kept the presidential election of Tory bloggs

  48. You need the trolls, now more than ever. The Shadow Chancellor just gave his speech. Tory bloggs greeted with silence, because it was terrible.

    All the obsession with Boris has gone out the window in the past few months; Latin for young offenders, tree hugging, Fantasy Island airports. This is just plain embarrassing. Hence the silence on Tory bloggs.

    Then we have Iain Oakley, Spielman admitting that you can still lose, Boris still being a daft twat, one of you ardent supporter Guido being a complete air head freak . Not fogetting Obama heading for the white house. Seems McCain visit to Tories last year was a waste of time - the list goes on.

    And finally, you have absolutely nothing positive to say about yourself. Obsessed with Labour , not Tory.

  49. I like chips too said...

    Anon 2.10 - it's a voluntary scheme but don't let facts concern your pretty little head. What's mum cooking for tea tonight? Is it beefburgers? Is it? Oh, beefburgers are nice aren't they?

    September 29, 2008 2:22 PM

    Oh I am laughing my socks off. So its watered down already. Jesus you couldnt make this up.

    Oppostion for 11 years, and this is the best a shadow chancellor can do, during a time of economic uncertainty. PATHETIC

  50. Blogs only has one "g"

  51. Anon 2.26 - you, Sir, are an arse, Sir. I know Iain doesn't like swearing so if you could just nip off back to cif then it'd be better. In the mean time you could go back to studying for your social work course or tap dancing yourself to social ridicule - or whatever the hell pointless garbage takes up your depraved and irrelevant life.

    Oh, and it's probably financial issues that have kind of distracted debate about the US general election - i'm no pundit but that'd be my guess. 5th form analysis from a 3rd form brain.

  52. Government for 11 years, and this is the best a chancellor can do, during a time of economic uncertainty. PATHETIC

    Works both ways.....

  53. "Anonymous said...

    Weston a war hero - MY ARSE.

    What ever next, that other Tory lick arse Sen McCain....How can you be a hero when your skills as a pilot meant you were shot down by an enemy who were armed with bamboo shoots and pea shooters.
    September 29, 2008 2:26 PM"

    With such a thin grasp of history, I can now understand your blind and unquestioning fixation with all things Labour (despite 11 years of continual lies and f**k ups).

    The North Vietnamese were supplied with Migs and SAAMs courtesy of their Communist (Socialist?) friends, while the Argentinians were supplied with Mirage aircraft and Exocet missiles by their French friends (while we subsidised their farmers through the EC - as it was called then).

  54. I don't think he can get his head around localism - government dictat is the only gig in town for these idiots.

  55. I rest my case.

    On this blog ( with one g ) you can make numerous salient points, in the hope that one of the brain dead ( still dreaming of Maggie ) tory types just might offer a repost, or half decent argument.

    But instead all you will get is complaints about spelling. Or accused of being a troll, which invariably includes a personal insult, nasty as ever.

    A Tory blog ( with one g ) during a Tory conference and none of you have anything to say about Conservatism. All obsessed with Labour.

  56. monkey

    You do not make any points worthy of a decent discussion.
    You're just digging yourself a deeper hole.
    Best to leave it and go play somewhere else.

  57. Monkey - I do not believe you are aware of the level of vitriol that ha been garnered by this administration. I watched Osborne's speech though it capable, well researched and realistic. However, the Torie are in opposition and this current pile of ne'er do wells have sold us all down the river - RBS on the wain - God knows when it'll end. So if you don't mind resting your blinkered weltenshaung elsewhere I'd appreciate it - what the hell are you doing here anyway?

  58. Four weeks away from the US voting the most powerful man on earth to office.

    Sen McCain was at Tory confernce last year, you are alined to the Republicans, they are your sister party.

    Yet with only 4 weeks to go, across the board, all Tory blogs are silence about the issue. Ashamed are you, or did Dave tell you all to shut up about the issue.

    The entire world is praying for Obama, while you are all praying for McCain...shhhhh don’t tell anyone this fact.

  59. monkey

    This is the UK not USA

    Silly you!

  60. Rex said...

    This is the UK not USA

    Silly you!

    September 29, 2008 3:09 PM

    WHAT..... is that how you greeted Sen McCain last year. Jesus you people are amazing.

    Earilier this week you were all keen to high light Brown not getting to meet the president on his trip. Then he did meet him and he was a lap dog. Flip Flop, look left look right, up, down, then claim consistancy.

  61. Monkey - Tories don't have sister parties - we're not socialists. We have fluid coalitions. Have you taken the day off school?

  62. Come on then Tory boys and girls.

    Back Obama do you. The whole world is praying for him to be the next man in charge in the USA.

    Didn’t Boris back Hilary – for which he had his hand smacked, then likewise when he backed Obama. But then when Brown backed Obama – you all went fuckin mental. Neo Cons when the surface is scratched.

    So come on Tories, Obama or your buddy McCain

  63. Monkey,

    Last time I heard, the polls in the US were split. And we did not mock Brown for not meeting Bush, we mocked him for getting custard pied by the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve.

  64. geoff hoon said...

    Monkey - Tories don't have sister parties - we're not socialists. We have fluid coalitions. Have you taken the day off school?

    September 29, 2008 3:19 PM

    So the William Vague is liar then

    Quote Andrew Marr Show 27th July 2008-09-29

    WILLIAM HAGUE: Well the Republicans are our sister party. There will be Conservatives at the Republican Convention.

  65. Jaco - bit of a difference between BoJo - Mayor of London & the PRIME MENTALIST & DEPUTY LEADER of the PLP but err....i'm sure you had a point.

  66. September 29, 2008 3:24 PM

    So you will be hoping for a McCain win then. ????? Like the whole of the Tory party.

  67. Every man woman child and dog knows that the Labour Party would love the Democrats to win the next US election. - and they make no bones about that being the case.

    Some people know that the Tory Party would love the Republicans to win the next US election - But you would rather keep stum, as you would rather every man woman child and dog NOT to know.

  68. Draper and his twats are to the fore,fiddle while Rome burns boys,it's coming down around your ears...and you know it,yet all you can do is get your RRU boys to try and balls up a good comments page...arseholes

  69. SNP 1-4 to win Glenrothes,safer bet than nationalising high street banks donchaknow

  70. Anonymous said...
    SNP 1-4 to win Glenrothes,safer bet than nationalising high street banks donchaknow

    September 29, 2008 3:46 PM

    Any odds on a Tory win

  71. Who is this Draper bloke you are all obsessed with

  72. Anonymous said...

    Weston a war hero - MY ARSE.

    What a disgusting creature you are!

  73. Methinks the so-called "rapid rebuttal unit", one lonely troll, is none other than our old friend DES, posting as "monkey" (which he's done before), using a spell checker (with difficulty) but forgetting that "bloggs" is a proper name and doesn't get picked up. Idiot.

    Is that really the best you can do, Dolly?

  74. I thought that Iain had banned JHL from this blog?

  75. anon 10:44. Oh dear, I realise that all this must just be a bit of a difficulat subject for you bearing in mind that you were not even born during the time of the Falklands. I am of course making that judgement from the content of your post. It is so infantile that a mature adult could not possibly have written it. As for taking up shipping from trade. This has occured in every conflict the world has ever known. There is no way or requirement to maintain a huge shipping fleet on the off chance it will be required. Even the Americans and Russians do not maintain enough shipping lift capacity to move their troops. Something else you should bear in mind before making pathetic juvenile comments such as yours is that we currently are the proud owners of more Admirals (41) than ships (40). Now get back to your homework and stop bothering the adults.
    P.S. I thought that the Dollies rebutal unit was rubbish initially but the more of this dreck that appears the more I am coming to believe it. No one other than Zanu Liebour functionaries could be this poor at the job they suck money out of the tax payer for.

  76. anon 4.06

    Derek "DROOPER" Draper,called in from the cold by Snotgobbler,has set up a NuLab Web Stasi to run down any pro Consevative blogs and comments,he is,my friend,pissing in the wind,the tide has turned and will sweep ol' One Eye out of power,when he dares to go to the people.

  77. Tories Tories Tories - Out Out Out!

  78. The Tories have Gideon, we have Gordon! No match!

  79. Derek Draper said...

    Tories Tories Tories - Out Out Out!

    September 29, 2008 4:34 PM

    And how much is Gordon paying you for that masterpiece?

  80. Come on lads say BAD things about these toffs,we can win can't we Gord...Gord....GORDON...oh you are looking at me

  81. Who is paying for Draper's drones? Please tell me it is the tax-paying public (both of them). They will take exquisite enjoyment in eviscerating him...and make the Labour Party pay back every penny.

  82. Dez - you're quite right - Gideon actually studied economics whilst Jonah did history - and history ofsome weirdo Glaswegian knob if memory serves. He had no friends at school and doesn't now. How long were you persona non-grata in Labour circles? Does chesty Kate know about your coke fuelled 3 in a bed sessions with whores or your persistent alcohol problem. Yup, no match at all.

  83. Derek,

    Remember to stop off at Tesco on the way home

  84. I see all the Tories has so much to say about the conference.

  85. Derek Draper from what I have seen has failed to ignite a debate, let alone end Tory dominance of Cyber-space. Childish rants aside from Labour, they do not have any fire in their belly or arguments to counter the Tory insurgency.

    The Tories are on the side of the public, Labour are in it only for themselves. Labour and the Liberal Democrats are doomed at the next election. Between Labour and the LD's they have turned this country into a basket case!

  86. Gordon is the Peoples PrimeMinister,I think it's important to recognise that when one is in crisis one needs a one-eyed,twitchy,compulsive liar by ones side.......who needs pensions and Gold reserves anyway,huh?.By the by Connaught Sq is available for 200k.. anyone

  87. peter mandleson said...

    Gideon actually studied economics whilst Jonah did history..

    Oh really, was Gideon studying Neo Con economics when he worked with the Republican Party in 2000, ie Gideon was paid to help Bush in power.

    Didnt Thatcher do chemistry !!!!!

  88. I think Derek Draper is the personification of the Labour party. A washed-up, bit part player that is a shadow of it's former self. A rag-bag appearance wearing a threadbare suit of clothes. The message is as bad as the image for Labour: LABOUR are Doomed - DOOMED! The Labour Party is not heading for a close shave but a thorough routing like Dapers stubble!

  89. Jaco said...
    Come on then Tory boys and girls.

    Back Obama do you. The whole world is praying for him to be the next man in charge in the USA.

    Didn’t Boris back Hilary – for which he had his hand smacked, then likewise when he backed Obama. But then when Brown backed Obama – you all went fuckin mental. Neo Cons when the surface is scratched.

    So come on Tories, Obama or your buddy McCain

    September 29, 2008 3:21 PM

    Not a single reply.. I rest my case

  90. jaco.

    "....I rest my case."

    Did the nuts get too heavy?

  91. Anon - whilst I kinda like Gideon I think holding him in anyway significant in getting Bush elected is err tenuous beyond belief and should have the tag - utter bollox.

    Jaco - it's because you're an ejeet. I've never known anyone except Charles Clarke quote himself but who cares? Is it hamburgers? Is it hamburgers for tea? Oooh - you're a lucky boy arencha? Now off you fuck.

  92. The David Davis event was great, the blogging one less so but it was smashing to see the lot of you up on stage like that.

    Whoever it is slagging off the Tories for "using" Simon Weston; it seems clear to me that you did not actually see his speech. He absolutely made the most of his time at the podium and was brutally frank in his fears that an incoming Tory government would forget the issue. Definitely the most impassioned of yesterday's speeches (I haven't seen any of today's mind!)

  93. Just ignore Draper - he's a prime prat.

    If he represents the media face of Labour, more power to his arm. That sour, snivelling mug of his makes Ed Balls the new Paul Newman.

    And what comes out of the gap between his nose and his chin - well, it fits in with the mug.

    Simply ignore him - he's not worth the effort. The more I see of him, the more I see Labour's extinction at the next election.

  94. Hope Cameron brings back my main man David Davis to cabinet.
    Meanwhile does anyone else find these evil nu lab anons commenting here tiresome? I think they're getting desperate as the public is actually paying attention to the Tories. Tories are discussing care of the elderly at the moment and it's all very thoughtful.
    Meanwhile, in view of anon @ 11.50 am, pls ask if nu lab are now an anti gay party.

  95. I want some of Dollys fingermen to come over to my place too.

  96. It wouldn't surprise me if this Draper nonsense was being paid for by the taxpayer. We all know Labour doesn't have any money. I wonder if there's a way for us to find out. Naturally, they will refuse FoI requests...

  97. Labour rape the English Tax payer and then through a feedback loop charge them for the priviledge.

    Labour are a pointless party, the members of the PLP should be rounded up and exterminated.

  98. Is sir john bull one of Draper's acolytes? He's extremely irritating and behaves like a leftie troll. Either that or someone trying to be funny and failing miserably. It makes me miss Gary Elsby.

  99. Wako said...
    Anon - whilst I kinda like Gideon I think holding him in anyway significant in getting Bush elected is err tenuous beyond belief and should have the tag - utter bollox.

    Sorry for bursting your baloon, but facts are facts. Before being an MP Gideon Osbourne was a paid political advisor to George Bush's during his 1999-2000 election campaign.

    The Tories and Bush and the Reps with McCain are joined at the hip ... fact




  101. Went to the freedom for bloggers freedom zone today.

    Guido is without doubt the biggest fucking prick i have ever heard. he can hardly string together.

    he was embarrassing

  102. "Went to the freedom for bloggers freedom zone today.

    Guido is without doubt the biggest fucking prick i have ever heard. he can hardly string together.

    he was embarrassing"

    String what together?

    Irony in its purest form.

  103. Sorry

    String what together?

    String a ""sentence"" together.

    possibly one of the most stupid idots i have ever heard. A man in his 40's. It was like listening to a misguided teenager, who should when 41 look back and squirm at video tape of themselves when 17. But Guido is still doing it.

  104. Wanko - you're sayin that Gideon won the 2000 Presidential election???? You utter, utter, utter imbecile and I don't claim my worthless Zimbabwean 5 pounds.

  105. Yo Derek Draper, no use in hiding behind anonymity. Your stupidity shows. It is for twits like you, I gave the speech attacking that Liverpool militant worm. With people like you on his side, no wonder Brown bottled it and is sulking inside that No10 bunker.

  106. Iain,

    I don't like comment moderation but with the RRU out in force I think it might be a good idea. Intelligent and well thought out left-wing comments are fine but there's a load of blatant winding up going on on this thread.

  107. Can I quote Derek Draper with this?

    "Funny how Thatcher's favoured cannon fodder didn’t fire a single shoot in combat - but is some how a hero." @10.44

    Fuck it, I'm going to.

  108. Iain, any chance of IP-tracing Anon @10:44. Would be great if that came from Labour HQ.

  109. Aren't there spam laws in this country?

  110. Iain, I've seen some disgusting comments here and on Guido...and I've made a few myself, but Anon @1044 takes the custard cream.

    Assuming it's Dolly....and why shouldn't I? Draper, you are a pathetic travesty of a human being. I'll bet that took real balls to attack someone who put his life on offer.

  111. Get home now Derek. Those skid marks aren't going to remove themselves you know.

  112. I see Labour trolls have been busy here but also on telegraph and other sites. Well, put this in your pipes trolls:

    Gordon goes to see Bush and what happens: the bailout deal falls through. Jonah strikes again. I rest my case m'lud.

  113. Blair got re elected for the third time .... Milibands ,Vaz, Balls,Harperson , straw ,mandy ,and even the bloody chipmonk , also get re elected , ....the world is in financial meltdown , and people on here are knobbin off on on an 80's war , probably why the broon still thinks that he still has a chance to part the seas and lead us to his promised socialist screwed up utopia
    ...the voices told him so ....and the muppets who vote for him ... will let him get on with his self anointed job ....

    Its all an empty toss ...and a pox on ALL POLItico's ....fed up with them all.... bast'ards

    In 8 years time we will be having the same conversations about who ever is running the cons (and it wont be dave ,he will have been knifed , smaller balls than thatcher and too much like blair ....)

    We need a minimum age of around 45 before any potential pig can put their snout in the public trough , So they will have a bit more realism to their political positions and more effin common sense
    ... no bastard "professional"politicos straight from student life and running the tea and coffee kitty to effin number 11.....
    and we put them there ....what ..?

    A crises of confidence my arse ...Its a crises of competence

    May Dante's vision come true to every one of the tossers who have sat in the Westminster sty over the last 10 years

    all of them

    Burn !

    and let our country ....start fresh

  114. peter mandleson said...
    "Dez - you're quite right - Gideon actually studied economics whilst Jonah did history"

    Wrong. Osborne's degree was in Modern History. His knowledge of Economics is very limited. That is why Evan Davis in the Today programme this morning, after Osborne had been trying to belittle Cable and his economics views, said "Do you know as much economics as Vince Cable, George?". Osborne didn't know how to respond to that.

  115. bollacks

    Ive got a degree in geology(Bsc hon) OK ,its a desmond , but do you think I could drill a hole and find oil ......nah

    But I've got more chance of that , than the son of the manse selling gold for a profit with his BA ....and thats a given ...innit !


    mind you think it was little john who said ....
    " Just when you thought that nulabour couldn't dig a hole for itself any deeper ....


    maybe he should have done geology

    I'm just fed up with it all....


  116. Anonymous @ 10.48 pm - what bollox! First Osborne did not try to belittle Cable, he simply said he disagreed with him on Northern Rock (fair point) Evan Davis then announced that people should vote for Vince Cable. An extraordinary breach of BBC rules on impartiality.

  117. The pure hatred of the Conservative Party was evident on Newsnight. Relegated to five minutes at the end, there was an interview with George Osborne and a minute's "analysis" from their political editor that amounted to "Labour have a small chance of pulling through due to the world financial crisis".

    Emily Maitliss interrupted Osborne throughout. Her attitude was acrid adn truculent. Osborne was barely allowed to speak.

    It seems to be all out war at the BBC against the Tories. No change there, then.

  118. Dolly, while you're busy here, where's Mrs D and with whom?

  119. What a childish commenr, osborne has a economics degree therefore he is qualified to run UK PLC.

    Thatchers degree was in chemistry..

    Oh yes thats right, she totally fucked up the economy.

    Flip flop flip flop. make your minds ups

  120. Next year should be interesting for the Tories.

    All your buy to let developers, hedge fund fuckers, and city bastards will be commiting suicide. Who gonna fund your party next year.

  121. Anonymous said... "Who gonna fund your party next year."

    Who is going to fund your dole? Gordo's broke and it's going to get worse.

  122. I have just cut and pasted some of the disgusting comments here and sent them off to my father. He's a labour man through and through and active in the party. But he is also an honourable man which is more than I can say about the pathetic trolls here today.

    You don't get it do you ... we hate, detest, loathe and abhor you and your party. We hold you and your leader in deep contempt and the only thing that I am sorry about is that I will not be able to hang the lot of you from the lamp posts.

    Now is it beginning to sink into you thick skulls you despicable sewer rats?
