Friday, September 26, 2008

Blog Regulations Proposals Thrown Out

The European Parliament proposals to regulate bloggers were thrown out yesterday, thank goodness. EU Observer has the full story HERE.

UPDATE: My original story can be found HERE. I suspect this isn't quite the end of the story and that periodically they will return to the issue, as is usual in EU matters. Eternal vigilance is required!


  1. Remind us what doom you prophesied when you first saw the report?

  2. Let's keep our eyes on this one but I suspect it is inevitable, like Lisbon and Ireland. One way or the other, they'll do it.

  3. They'll be back. Freedom of expression and belief is in direct contradiction to the EU's subjugation of Europe by stealth.

    Its possible they've figured out what a massive mistake dealing with us this way would be.

    I would expect a more tangential approach using DRM, and liable to be used to snuff us out.

  4. Anti EU sentiments... Nothing has changed at Tory HQ. Didn’t you think new regs and prices for mobile phones across the EU was a good thing. Yes a very good thing, but we don’t do positive EU stories do we - Neo Cons.

    Shame Your buddy McCain isn't at this years conference

    Looking forward to the Blue Blogg. Contributor after contributor ranting right wing ideals and
    various foaming at the mouth nonsense

  5. @ Monkey

    You need a bleeding good spanking. Don't confuse restrictions on freedom of speech with restrictions on gross profiteering.


    As to Blue Blog, well nobody's forcing you to read it are they? That's one of the advantages of not having the EU interfering with what we can and cannot see on the Internet - for the present, at least.

  6. This is the final nail in the coffin for this despotic, quasi-fascist Labour so-called "government".

    Their attempts to regulate bloggers, most of whom are simply trying to report the way in which their government have tried to trample over every freedom the English have so long held dear, is exactly what we have come to expect.

    Well, Mr Brown, we will not except it. Fortunately, your time is coming to an end. David Cameron is coming to town - and he is a true Englishman who values our freedoms as much as we all do.

  7. monkey said @ 10.00 - is that the sum total of benefit we gain by membership of the eu ?
    i don't consider that'cheaper'
    mobile phone costs across europe (even if the providers don't recover the cost by doing away with 'free'handsets etc) can ever compensate for what the eu costs us in corruption, inefficiency,and, most importantly,our freedoms which were won over centuries and given away over decades starting with the traitor heath!

  8. What shocks me is that someone actually had the nerve to propose this. But then I suppose if you live under Soviet rule you start to see such behaviour as normal.

  9. Blogging is a bit like a Roman games arena. You don't last long if you don't capture the zeitgeist and wield a drawn sword to part the darkness of ignorance. To that extent is is very effectively self-regulating.

    Also, Iain, you are the only major blogger (perhaps two or three others) who has not been exposed as an utter knob - either by the MSM (Guido on Newsnight) or by their own very silly behaviour (Alex Hilton et al).

    What the EU fears is exposure. It fears an uncontrollable rebuttal of its agenda, particularly the parts of that agenda that are not public.

    The only thing blogging cannot and will not do is to start a popular uprising, for it requires literacy and intelligence and reflection and the kind of understanding of current issues that elude the common man and woman.(Ok, you might not think that)

    By the way, I was appalled to read in the article that Sweden has now given public officials the power to read all emails and listen to all telephone calls. I shall accordingly boycott IKEA and stop buying Saabs.

  10. @ W W

    Saab is American owned. You could still be in trouble....

  11. The good lady still doesn't sound too convinced, does she?

  12. Thank you Unsworth, for the info. I nearly said, "stop buying Volvos" but I guess they are made in Kazakhstan now.

    I recently got rid of a Volvo on economic grounds. I shall stealth edit my reasons according to my new protest.

    It is getting difficult to boycott everything I disagree with. These days I have to wear clothes made out of gorse and live on a diet of Toblerones and wild berries.

  13. "Thrown out"? That suggests a democratic process, and the EU is viscerally anti democratic. You know perfectly well that the EU does not allow its ideas to be thrown out. They will just implement it another way. It isn't that they think we're too stupid to notice, its more that they don't give a flying fcku if we do, because they are the masters now.

  14. Monkey>>Didn’t you think new regs and prices for mobile phones across the EU was a good thing. << No. roaming charges were falling anyway with consolidation and new entries, I was paying nothing to receive calls well before the EU stuck its long wooden nose in. - prices will now rise. Next you'll be claiming the EU has kept the peace for 60 years, (as they claim) or opened up the airways, when in fact they fought tooth and nail for their flag carriers. They are unpleasant and unnecessary political crooks who put their own interests and holding onto power well above the interests of the people they have conned into accepting their rule.

  15. more online regulations heading our way from nulab.
