Sunday, September 14, 2008

Being Vince Cable

The Observer has made a seven minute biographical film on Vince Cable, to which I have contributed the odd bon mot. Click HERE to watch it. They've also done similar films on Jacqui Smith and Eric Pickles, which will be released during the Labour and Tory conferences.


  1. Vince Cable is certainly the most interesting Liberal Democrat MP at this time. This is because he had a career before becoming a LD Member of Parliament - indeed I think he worked with Labour in the 1970's and helped to advise and where possible assist them on the mess they were creating.

    Whilst he is an affable chap, he may well suffer at the hands of the electorate with a violent swing at the next election. He has the red blood of Labour's mismanagement on his hands and smeared over his political robe.

    Like all silver tongued LD representatives he speakes with a forked tongue. Resembling a ventriliquest he projects sympathy to the left fork for the socialists and a duplicitous negative appriasal of the current situation to the right in British politics.

    As with all forked tongued creatures, their is a huge gap in the middle and nothing for where his party lies, these LD politicians survive on creating cynism of others and advocating a substance in policy that contradicts there main pavement politics message: There war on excrement!

    Tony Blair has been cited as being proppeled into nuber 10 by using the words "Tough on crime - Tough on the causes of crime". Alas for the LD's I think there motto of "Tough on dog excrement , tough on the causes of dog excrement" will provide little assistance in retaining seats, let alone proppeling Clegg into number 10!

  2. Iain! Vince Cable is NOT ugly. Nick watt's no picture and have you seen David Miliband? Eew!

    Miliband might get the gay vote but from a woman's point of view I'd rather look at Vince Cable any day, especially on the dance floor. I'd rather vote for Cable too!
