Saturday, August 09, 2008

Yet Another Book from El Gordo

Gordon Brown's third book in four years on the subject of Courage will be published later this year. And in tomorrow's Independent on Sunday we are told that he is now writing another book on Britishness. Does anyone seriously believe that he writes these books himself? And if he does, where on earth does he find the time to do so? Doesn't he have a country to run?

Not for much longer perhaps, if the polls are anything to go by. In which case he will no doubt have so much time on his hands that he can churnout at least three books a year to delight us with. Hang on a minute, that's even more prolific than I manage to be :)


  1. Didn't Harpic recently suggest banning MPs from having second jobs?

  2. Stick your "Britishness" Broon!, we are ENGLISH and we dont want you or your vile inept treasonous regime either!, go back to the Scotch Region of EU where you belong! - England doesnt want YOU!.

  3. Rather than "writing" books, one book Brown should take the time to read is "The Credit Crunch" by Graham Turner.

  4. I believe he does write them. 'Courage' was too badly written to be by a ghost writer.

    That's a serious comment. We read it for a book club I'm in. It was not that good.


  5. Nice one on the BBC News paper review, Iain! You made the same comment as in your blog. It's viral marketing at its best!

  6. Of course he doesn't write them himself. In fairness to Brown, very few politicians do. Mrs Thatcher certainly didn't, as far as I'm aware. Wasn't "Statecraft" basically written by Nile Gardiner?

    The problem with the book is not so much that it'll be ghosted (although it is faintly annoying), as it is that it'll be rubbish.

  7. Incidentally, I saw you doing the newspaper review on the Beeb. Unfortunately, you were alongside Y A-B, so I had to change channels after about thirty seconds in order to avoid the emission of vomitus. Try to get them to pair you with Michael White in future.

  8. All ghost written of course and in many cases he did not meet the people he was supposedly impressed by.
    As nice Mr. Cameron said ,"The only thing with a spine in No. 10 is Gordon`s book on courage"

    He is a coward whose interest in Britain is as deep as a puddle.

  9. 'Look how clever I am. I can write books.'

    If you cannot do, teach.

    Brown came out the classroom. That's where he should go back to. ASAP.

  10. Will his next book be about decisive decision making?

  11. I shall waste no time reading it.

    this is like a virgin writing about sex he knows "courage" exists but doesn't know what it really is.What a waste of a tree.

  12. Ah yes - Everything that Gordon knows about courage

    Something that other people have....

  13. He's certainly cramming them in, isn't he. The mindset of a failing PM does have a wider appeal than the missed xanado of the savagely inept Ex-PM.

    The reason is clear, the country doesn't need therapy, you only return to things best forgotten when you can't move on. The country it seems have collectively agreed to bide their time in waiting for the General Election....

  14. Not again? Brown's peculiar habit of publishing ghost-written tomes about people he thinks have courage tells us volumes about his own psychological inadequacy. He is desperate to deflect the charge most often laid against him, which he secretly knows is true: dithering cowardice.

    Perhaps he hopes that in the public's mind some of this 'courage' will rub off on him by association. Yet another sad delusion. Too late, Gordon. We've all seen through you, and we don't like what we see.

    Did Hunter Davies do this one as well?

  15. His next book will be on interpersonal skills. These headlines are from today's er, Mail. Still they might be true:

    "Relations between Gordon Brown and Chancellor Alistair Darling sank to a new low last night"

    "Gordon Brown’s relationship with Alan Johnson has been described as ‘close to breaking point’"

    Could the recent launch of a disposable mobile phone be a canny piece of timing? The Beeb even referred to it as a throw-away phone.

  16. Who reads them? (Apart from Anon @ 11.39 PM's book club.)

  17. Newmania said...
    - As nice Mr. Cameron said ,"The only thing with a spine in No. 10 is Gordon`s book on courage"

    Pot calling the ketle black?

  18. I'd have a lot more(well probably a bit) respect for Brown if he actually said "I am Scottish. I am proud of that fact and proud of the country of my birth !" than all this hypocritical rubbish about "Britishness" in an attempt to placate the English.

    The problem is that the English voters hate him;the Welsh detest him; as do the Irish and the Scots' opinion of him is unprintable.

    The best and most lasting thing he can do for "Great Britain" is to resign rather than keep writing books which will end up in "Bookends" anyway

  19. Anonymous said...
    Newmania said...
    - As nice Mr. Cameron said ,"The only thing with a spine in No. 10 is Gordon`s book on courage"

    Pot calling the ketle black?

    Newmania is evidently a darn sight more courageous than you, anon, since he puts his name to his postings.

  20. Mr. Dale,

    Writing these books is Mr. Brown's favourite displacement activity. He writes them while dithering over what to decide.

    The books are surely less dangerous to to the poor British voter than the decisions he might have taken. Let us be content that the worst that is happening is that an ill-advised publisher is suffering a modest loss.

  21. For a guy sadly lacking in both qualities, they surely must be works of fiction.

  22. I work in a Library.

    Please ban this crap as I am sick of trying to shelve puffed up tomes of no intellectual worth - makes Mills & Boon seem believable.

    Between this rubbish, Prezza's achingly bad borefest and the wide-mouthed-frog's shagfest with the scouse git's son-in-law, I have back ache, a cracking headache and footache from trying to kick the dratted things under an ill-lit shelf...

  23. As that other prolific author, Ernie Wise, said, "This is another book wot I wrote."
