Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ways of Driving Traffic to Paul Waugh's Blog: No 94

Paul Waugh of the Evening Standard (who writes an excellent blog) will have caused a few male blood pressures to raise this morning, not to mention the hackles of a few feminists. He's written about an interview Total Politics has done in next month's issue (out tomorrow) with Boris Johnson, in which he reveals that he prefers blondes. Waugh has illustrated his story on this blog with a picture of Cheryl Tiegs with ... well, there's no other way of putting this ... her tits out.

I just emailed him to say I wonder how he gets away with it. If I put that picture on here I would be kicked from pillar to post. Or perhaps not...

Just in case you think interviewer James Silver was only interested in talking to Boris about fluff, let me dispell that. He also called Ken Livingstone's administration "pretty sleazy" and warned that criminal prosecutions in connection with misuse of public funds are "almost certain". More HERE. The full interview will be available from tomorrow on the TP website.

UPDATE: The Scotsman also has a long piece about an interview I have done with Alex Salmond. Thankfully Salmond doesn't get his tits out in the interview.


  1. ... well, there's no other way of putting this ... her tits out.

    Not a bare breasted Cheryl Tiegs? Perhaps a picture of Cheryl Tiegs posing topless? Even a semi-naked Cheryl Tiegs?

    For you, Mrs Dale, to assert that there is "no other way of putting this" is either:

    a big fat lie on your part, or;

    an illustration of just how poor a grasp of the English language you have.

    Go to the bottom of the class.

  2. It's fairly ghastly picture - almost enough to turn you gay!

  3. Just goes to show that the Evening Standard and the Sun have more in common than previously imagined.

  4. I complained about TP having two blobby-faced fat blokes on its front cover, - GB and then Morgan T.

    Am I to believe that you are going for a hat trick in the Blobby stakes and putting Mr Scottish Blobby on the next cover?

  5. How could that picture not be gratuitous?? I now realise that 'The Evening Standard' is somewhat of a misnomer ...

  6. His Grace drew attention to such strategies when he linked to the TotalPolitics voting system:

    "...And neither will he compete with the likes of Sky who are offering free pornography to those who vote for its own political blog. Such manipulative strategies undermine the integrity of Mr Dale's blogging lists, which are already subject to a certain subjectivity and bias."

    One is in danger of compiling lists of the top blogging pornographers.

  7. My friends who are wiser in these matters tell me that such pictures are freely available on the internet. The last place that a silver surfer will look for pictures of (would be entitle to a bus pass if she was British) Ms Tiegs would be on a political blog.

  8. Ms.Tiegs is, phycally, a beautiful woman...and I would like to hope that her mind reflects her advantage...Assuming that it does, she probably cringed when described as 'getting her teats (please, if you must)out'where 'breasts' would have been politely apposite.
    When faced with loveliness, tits,guts,bellies,butts, cunts etc.desert my vocabulary until a slag appears on the horizon.
