Sunday, August 31, 2008

Quote of the Week

"You can fool some of the people all of the time,
and those are all the ones you want to concentrate on."

George W Bush doling out campaigning advice.

Hattip: Tim Shipman in the Sunday Telegraph


  1. That's like schizophrenic self analysis. Has he been concentrating on himself for so long? He'll go blind!!

  2. Surely the quote of the week must be this from the dysfunctional ex Thunderbird puppet masquerading as Chancellor "We've got to rediscover that zeal which won three elections, and that is a huge problem for us at the moment. People are pissed off with us. "

    It seems you are fitting the Sky news paper review a little to comfortable these days, what has happened to that old Spark you once showed?

  3. Yeah, he learned that from Blair.

  4. interesting quote but what do you think about it? Is it OK to you to purposely try to fool voters as an electioneering strategy?

  5. Congratulations Anonymous at 4.17, you win the prize for the most predictable comment of the day.

  6. Bless him but Alan Clarke got the cynical analysis right ages ago in that 'the Tory party was only established as an election winning machine'. Thank God we keep God out of our elections - that'd be too much for anyone to have to put up.

  7. Iain - You still didn't answer the question.

    Sorry for being predictable but asking questions is how a mere mortal like myself learn things.

  8. Sigh. The answer is no. And Bush was being ironic.

  9. Maybe you need a peloop? Try and but by my blog!!

  10. I'm sorry. Bush, irony?


  11. "Is it OK to you to purposely try to fool voters as an electioneering strategy?"

    If I were a politician I'd take that as a given.

    It's what's left OUT of manifesto's that the electorate have to worry about. Mass immigration, signing up to constitutions, sorry, treaties etc, etc.

  12. the quote may be ironic but it does accurately describe Bush's strategy in gaining approval for the Iraq invasion. Let a few prominent people suggest Saddam was behind 9/11. Lo and behold the polls start showing many people believe Saddam was responsible for 9/11. And then ride their mistaken belief straight into Baghdad.
