Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Prezza Launches Attack on Shaun Woodward

The hilarious John Prescott is blogging again on LabourHome, bless him. And he's not amused by Poicy Exchange's report on northern cities. No, John, you're not alone. Anyway, I digress. Here's how John start's his blog...
Hello I’m back again, more angry than before.

He's taking to blogging like a duck to water, isn't he? He continues...
It would be easy to dismiss this as the work of a bunch of wonkers.

Easy, but wrong. Fifty per cent of it was the work of a Liberal Democrat 'wonker'. He ends his piece of intellectual argument with this killer punchline.
Liverpool should tell him to get on his bike and go back to Oxford. With his butler following him in the car behind.

No, John. You've got the wrong Member for Witney. That would have been Cameron's predecessor, Shaun Woodward, now astonishingly a member of Gordon Brown's Cabinet. He really did have a butler. Probably still does.


  1. He was obviously referring to David Cameron who behaves as if he does have a butler.

  2. Typical socialist and class warrior behaviour from Jabba the Fat. A report can't say anything questionable about salt of the earth Northeners - for the record I don't think the report was any good at all - but it's fine for him to scream about rich people having butlers and being out of touch.

    He's not just wrong, Iain; he's more hateful than anything in the PE report.

  3. Proves my contention that the decline Of Great Britain can be traced directly to the moment that JP became Deputy Dawg.

    Also, I thought Northerners were having to move south because some deep-thinking socialist minister was knocking all northern houses down ?

    Alan Douglas

  4. Now that's not fair. Shaun Woodward may be rich but wealth and objectionableness do not necessarily go hand in hand.

    I don't imagine Woodward is sat in a comfortable semi with a new car and two Spanish holidays a year, ruminating over his roast beef, horseradish, and petit bourgeois Poujadist hatred of his fellow man - "Bloody Scousers? They should get on their bikes, that's what Norman told them. Why, only last week we wanted a man to weed the garden, and we simply couldn't get one. They don't want to work, that's all it is!"

    Face it, Policy Exchange got it hopelessly, stupidly, wrong, and even if it were right, the pointy-headed Thatcherite wonk in the reality-hating theoretic bunker might have taken two seconds to consider the asinine stupidity in gifting Labour the chance to paint Tories as northerner-hating prats.

  5. When I lived in Yorkshire there would have been no need to introduce "Tories as northerner-hating prats", since the Yorkies seemed to hate each other already. I gather that Lancastrians are altogether more amiable coves.

  6. re: your Twitter status (apologies for threadjacking, this seems the least inappropriate to do it in). Heroes is an underwhelming waste of time. Kristen Bell, who shows up in series 2, is by far the best thing in it. Your time would be better spent watching her excellent show, Veronica Mars, instead.

  7. Its interesting to see where Labour wants to build all its new towns. In the south. Now why is that do you think.

  8. Did you him on Newsnight last night. He was allowed just to rant on and proper questions were put to him and there was no representation from any other party. The BBC at its worst with Wark with a silly grin on her face.

    Max 2 more years.

  9. Nice to see Prezza has come round to supporting Norman Tebbit though.

  10. Johnny Norfolk said... "Its interesting to see where Labour wants to build all its new towns. In the south. Now why is that do you think."

    You are obviously implying that you think it is because the south is predominantly Conservative. However, you are ignoring the fact that it is the south that has the housing shortage.

    There are few jobs in the north and not many people want to move there.

  11. On the other hand, good A-level results. All candidates scored As across the board.

  12. I took the trouble to look at the policy Exchange website. It seems to be a charity – is he suggesting that it’s an arm of the Conservative party and therefore this status needs to be removed?
    Also, the list of recent speakers is led by Hazel Blears, closely followed by Nick Clegg. It seems to be an independent think tank, which produces studies by academic experts. Attack the ideas by all means but don’t pretend they are Tory policy. But then such is the intellectual barrenness of the current Labour Party that it’s “ideas” they don’t like.
    Interesting that the Beeb seemed to go along with the view that this was a Tory proposal.

  13. Still a thick, useless buffoon who proves the point every time he opens his very large mouth..

  14. Strange how your blog was taken off the CCHQ "useful links" roll and yet Policy Exchange hasn't been!

  15. "Still a thick, useless buffoon who proves the point every time he opens his very large mouth.." says Mirtha Tidville

    I presume we are now talking about Boris Johnson.

  16. It is embarassing that the Beeb keeps wheeling that fat Welsh Bastard, John Prescott out to speak on all things Yorkshire.
    He does not represent anyone outside his own constituency and not even them, now. Few people owned up to voting for him and most hated his guts - no wonder he pushed for postal voting up here!
    His son was rewarded with a load of very cheap council houses, which he sold on for a massive profit. Of course, they did nothing wrong. Not la-la-politician land, anyway.

  17. Donal has a butler.

