Saturday, August 30, 2008

Poland's Got Talent

This Polish video is astonishing. I was sent it by the wife of an MP. Christ alone knows how she came across it... And Christ alone knows why she thought I would enjoy it. Can't think. But joking apart, doesn't it personify the concepts of teamwork and trust?

Perhaps Simon Cowell and Piers Morgan could do a reprise on the next series of BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT. On second thoughts, I think most of the audience would vomit.


  1. Any chance of deleting the blasphemy please. To many of us it is not a joke and can be very offensive. Cheers

  2. Awesome.

    I miss the Edinburgh Festival already....

  3. Less of the blasphemy - if you are going to make a song and dance about 'swearing', just stop it - it is far far worse, and much more offensive to many people than any amount of f-words, c-words, b-words and so on.

    Have a bit of respect for your readers - this is the equivalent of those asinine twits on the train playing very loud and offensive, and if one dares to complain it is 'you that has the problem'.

    Pack it on pronto, or I will be reading another blog. You wouldn't make such offensive remarks about Islam, but Christianity, hey, that is just a 'soft target' isn't it ?

  4. Why? This is a secular state. Will anonymous require evolution to be deleted from scientic knowledge because it doesn't accord with his or her beliefs? To many of us having an invisible magic friend who is so powerful that only good things may be stated is rather offensive as it unreasonably restricts free speech.

  5. The Blasphemy is bad - but the homosexual soft porn is out of order. After all this is a conservative blog, and we dont want homosexuality being promoted.

    Its ok in your own home - behind closed doors - but not on TV, where impressionable people will see it - i kn ow i sound stuffy but we have to have some moral compass.

    Maggie knew that when she stopped socialist councils in London promoting "gay" equality. We should recognise that still today

  6. Iain, perhaps the wife has a fantasy about you and your partner performing this act at next year's Conservative Party Conference as the warm up to Cameron's speech!

    But, what gymnasts. Superb.

    It does remind me of the Charles Atlas Plan I took up some 54 years ago!

    Oh, and by the way to the religious fundementalists out there. God DOES have a sense of humour. Grow up!!

  7. Why not say Dawkins instead?

  8. Does anyone know what the music was?

  9. "At August 30, 2008 1:39 PM , Anonymous said...
    Does anyone know what the music was?"

    It is Vangelis, 'Conquest of Paradise'

  10. anons @ 12:08 & 12:28 ...

    If blasphemy really, really mattered to you, you would not remain anonymous.

    and 12:28 - what gives you the right to make disrespectful comment such as: "Pack it on (sic) pronto ...". Iain Dale doesn't need to take such illiterate and common instruction from you.

    Your final comment displays the usual religious intolerance and insensitivity. Do remember that true Islam recognises and respects Jesus, even though it believes that the word of Mohammed (PBUH) supercedes his teaching. Your distinction between the two just displays ignorance.

    Your intolerance may give a clue to why Christianity is heading toward minority status, losing believers to Islam and, more relevantly, to Atheism.

  11. Music:

    I've heard this on various Russian youtube videos - they're very fond of that sort of thing. In fact there seems to be very little difference between Poles and Russians culturally. I know Poles like to think there is, but then Scots like to think they are nothing like the English.

  12. There are a number of such acts.

    I think I might have seen this one with Circ d'Soleil, certainly the same format. And the last Archaos tour - many years ago now (20?) - I think had a mum, dad and young son doing a similar act as a trio.

  13. This shows the good side of Polish immigration to the UK. The sheer number of stupendously beautiful men who have arrived her.

  14. This clip is labelled as Bejing Opening Ceromony (or something similar on You Tube) which is why the wife of an MP stumbled across it. Or maybe the MP just isn't as in shape as he used to be and the wife needed a pick me up!!?

    I stumbled across this clip a couple of weeks ago whilst searching for the opening ceromony. Apparently the opening ceremony was embargoed by NBC as they broadcast it later 'as live' across the states so You Tube was deleting any users who posted it. Hence this clip was getting numerous hits!

    CHRIST I was annoyed! :-)

  15. Oh Dawkins! He said that word! ;-)

  16. gallimaufry: "This is a secular state" How ignorant. No it's not. This is a state with a state religion, where the head of state is the head of the Church. The church is 'established', there are bishops in the legislature, the state pays millions of pounds for education with a religious bias. You do not know what you're talking about.

    cc. You're taking the p**s. Homosexuality is OK but you don't want it thrust down your throat, eh?

  17. Thank you, Percepied

  18. anonymous too: thank you for pointing out many of the faults in the British state. I meant society instead of state.

  19. Please stop with the blasphemy, Iain.

  20. It's amazing how the religious types in many faiths expect you to respect their sensitivites and feelings but don't give a toss when it comes anyone else if it crosses their own particular set of ideals.

  21. A tad Kraft durch Freude doncha think?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. It's amazing how the religious types in many faiths expect you to respect their sensitivites and feelings but don't give a toss when it comes anyone else if it crosses their own particular set of ideals.

    Precisely! Are there no blogs we can rely on to treat this nation's religion with some dignity and the basic decency so many think it deserves?

  24. Gods almighty - I loved it. Like you said, Iain, the trust and teamwork involved are amazing, not to mention the skill and strength. In a better time, a majority of straight people may be able to watch and appreciate this without being annoyed by it's homoerotic appeal.

  25. In response to the anonymongs, Iain's usage of the word 'Christ' is part of the common vernacular in the UK. If you don't like it, I suggest that you club together to buy a little island where you and all those of like mind can go and worship your god and where only 'appropriate' language is allowed. You would be most offended if, in person, you told me not to use that word in my everyday language.

    FWIW, I doubt if you would have been so offended by the use of the word Christ if the video had shown a man and a woman carrying out that same routine.

  26. chris paul.

    "I think had a mum, dad and young son doing a similar act as a trio."

    Yeah, the act was called,"The Aristocrats."

  27. I'd rather have a cheap plumber.

  28. Yep, music is available on the soundtrack CD to the 1992 movie "1492".

    Always makes me think of Nelsonian battleships wheeling under sail.

  29. Can't undestand why you have reverted to promoting Gay soft porn and mocking Christians Ian. I trust that this is NOT official Conservative policy.

  30. yup, saw this a couple of months ago on Facebook. It's widely circulating on the internet. Have you seen the one about Christian the Lion? That's pretty good too.

    Definitely very homo-erotic.

  31. Sea Shanty Irish here:

    God bless Poland and Lord love a Duck!

    Iain, hereby award you the Pagan Pat O'Leary award for shocking your own side.

    Good for their souls . . . and yer own.

  32. chris paul.

    This is the link for, "The Aristocrats" act you mentioned.

  33. Paul Halsall
    If you like the look of Polish men then perhaps you should take a holiday over there and try walking up to some big Pole and tell him how beautiful he looks.
    Good luck!

  34. I have been out all day so I have only just picked up on some of these comments. To those who have accused me of blaspheming I suggest you get a life. I have done nothing of the sort. I have used a urn of phrase which is in everyday English langiage use. If that's the worst you have to worry about consider yourselves lucky.

    And to the idiot who thinks this video promotes homosexuality, I suggest you get some therapyy, becasue boy do you need it.

    If you don't like what I write or post go somewhere else.

  35. Sea Shanty Irish here:

    Believe it was said best by previous poster above: God has a sense of humor.

    And thank Her Worship fer that!

  36. Hear, hear Iain !

  37. Come on, Ian, first your tasteless public speculation on Baroness Thatcher's funeral arrangements and now this childish blasphemy.
    Take a grip - get back to your normal standards.

  38. Ian Dale said
    "I have used a urn of phrase which is in everyday English langiage use."

    You most certainly have not.

  39. I think it is called hand balancing. I saw the former Polish hand balancing champions in a Vegas show back in May. They were the highlight of an otherwise quite ordinary burlesque show.

  40. "I have done nothing of the sort. I have used a urn of phrase which is in everyday English langiage use."

    It may be in Norfolk, but most of us have slightly higher social standards than this - I would certainly fire any employee ignorant enough to keep using language like this in the work place, and you are 'showing your slip' if you think you could get away with this form of words in somewhere like Parliament.

    But then you will never become an MP, and your 'friends' are possibly too polite to point out what a twit you look when using such offensive language in polite company.

  41. Some other words for you, Iain.





    Isn't the English language a really wonderful thing ?

  42. Personally it doesn't matter to me because I'm somewhat atheistic but if you blaspheme then you can hardly complain about others using the 'F' word.

  43. Iain - i am very suprised that at the tone of your responses - in particular in response my suggestion questioning whether this is homosexual promotion or not.

    it does seem to be very homoerotic - and that is probabbly why the MPs wife sent it to you - for your tittilation.

    There are many conservatives who do not share you ideas about the liberalisation of homosexuality - that does not mean we need our head examining - ask a large number of ordinary rank and file tories and you will find we are rather more normal than you think and moral standards prevail.

    Perhaps if you realised that we only had your best interests at heart you would not be so aggressive and discourteous

  44. I think Iain has made his position perfectly clear.

    A lot of people see absolutely nothing wrong with heterosexual titilation. Most entertainment features it. What is wrong with a bit of the other side of the argument? Anyway, Iain is acknowledging the humour for Christ's sake!

    No one is being threatened by this or a little run of the mill, garden variety blasphemy. You are not under attack so no need to fight back.

  45. For Elton's sake, what do you think you are doing Ian?

  46. I found it worked for me on several levels; awe at the physical triumph and the beauty of the human body, appreciation of the artistry and disgust at the blatant homosexuality. In the end, the homo bit put me off. I could not watch it all the way through and I would walk out if it was staged in front of me. I do not apologise for my tastes and neither should anyone else. They are tastes, not a political agenda.

  47. Iain, I recognise that you don't profess a religious faith yourself, but your gratuitous use of the name of Christ is offensive and unnecessary. A Germanist like yourself would benefit (and, I hope, enjoy) finding out about Dietrich Bonhoeffer and what guided his political and social thought. Conservatives don't poke faith in the eye, while libertarians and socialists gladly do. Conservatives understand that a reasonable, life-affirming, heart-engaging, struggle-surmounting kind of faith functions as a kind of 'glue' in society, affirming good traditions and inspiring people to rise above petty selfishness and factionalism.
    Certainly Margaret Thatcher understood this.

    As for the video, it showed great physical strength and virtuosity, while its homoerotic overtones looked fairly obvious.

    Brian K.

  48. Sarah Palin's Father on hearing his daughter's news.

    "Holy Cow"

    I suppose the fundamentalists among us will cricise this good God-fearing man for blaspheming.

    I was about to type 'Jesus wept', but then thought better of it.

    Sort of.

  49. Blasphemy, gay porn, eastern europeans... all in a single post! I can see why little england has unleashed a collected "harumph" in Iain's direction!

    All we need now is confirmation that the performers don't really like the idea of grammar schools and it'll be an even 4 out of 4.

    As for the claim that Tories understand the importance of Christian faith... I guess David Mellor, John Major, Edwina Curry, Jeffery Archer, Tim Yeo etc were shining examples of the Seventh Commandment ;-)

  50. I'm amazed at the comments this harmless piece of fun has provoked. But it isn't out of line with comments seen generally in recent weeks. We can debate whether we are a 'broken society', but we surely are increasingly a grumpy one if these threads are any indication.

    Iain: keep up the good work. Your blog is a consistent pleasure to read.

  51. wallenstein wrote:

    "As for the claim that Tories understand the importance of Christian faith... I guess David Mellor, John Major, Edwina Curry, Jeffery Archer, Tim Yeo etc were shining examples of the Seventh Commandment ;-)"

    I said 'conservatives', not 'Tories'; I am not and never have been a member of any political party. Whether the British Conservative Party understands and lives out (classical, Burkean) conservatism is another question. I don't doubt that it has as many adulterers in its ranks as Labour and the Libdems - a fact that hurt them dearly under John Major. Remember that hypocrisy is the compliment etc. No doubt there are people whose creed is libertarianism and materialism. Historically I don't consider that to be conservatism. But if you consistently undermine the personal and familial foundations of a society, there is a huge price to pay. This is a constant theme of Theodore Dalrymple, who is not a Christian believer, but often sounds like one as he surveys 'our culture and what's left of it'.

    Brian K.

  52. There seem to be a lot of people on here who are exercised about the use of "Jesus Christ". I have to say, as a Christian (a proper one) I actually failed to notice it.

    In order for language to be offensive, it must somehow appear out of context. I really do not see the problem. I wouldn't use the name of my Saviour like this, but come on, let's stop being precious. Leave that to the Muzzies. Citing Dietrich Bonhoeffer! Get a life.

  53. wrinkled weasel: Perhaps you haven't read Bonhoeffer and didn't get my point. Schade.
    My wish was to encourage Mr Dale, an intelligent person who has studied German and cares about politics and ethics, to consider one of the most outstanding Germans of the 20th century, who had a great deal to say (and suffer) on politics, ethics and faith.
    It is true that British politics has a strange and embarrassed relationship with Christianity (mirroring the Britsh people, no doubt) - from Blair with his slippery a la carte Catholicism, to son-of-the-manse Brown who can only speak vaguely about 'my values', to Cameron with his soft centre Anglicanism. Yet Christianity has always been the cultural core of this country. The secular hollowing out of that core in the past 50 or so years, and the emergence of an unapologetic Islam, has been the real story of politics. Bonhoeffer would have (and did) understand.

    Brian K.

  54. Anonymous Brian K. I have "read" everybody.

  55. Of course you "have"! Davon hab' ich kein' Zweifel.
    A propos of the video, maybe Mr Dale should read the conclusion of Faust zweiter Teil (OK, nobody reads that today, still..) on Mephisto's fate - very German, very savage!

    Brian K.

  56. The geezer being lifted didn't look like a lightweight either.

    Is there a female version ? just to strike a balance

  57. Quite simply, thank you! Stunning.

  58. saw this act a couple of weeks ago at the Lido ( Champs Elysses, Paris).

    no kiddin' these guys were truly amazing.....and all that slippy gold stuff, under hot lights didn't make it any easier.
    a piece of entertainment that neither my wife or two kids will forget.

  59. Brian K. - I do believe that we are beings of like minds.

    I adore Bonhoeffer and I strive on my blog to produce content of a quality and nature that he would be proud of.j
