Monday, August 11, 2008

A New Career Opportunity Beckons

Forget Obama, forget McCain, it's Dale in 2008...


  1. Shame the software hasn't reached the stage where the candidate can be mentioned by name.

    'looks like this is one candidate that's coming up from behind'. Ooer missus.

  2. News Channel 3 eh. Does that mean that this news channel is transmitted on the old Analogue TV channel 3?

    In which case Iain, be prepared to appear with a green face on viewers sets. This is a 'benefit' of the ancient NTSC colour system still used in the USA. (Along with the 'cardboard cutout' appearance of many American TV programmes.)

  3. This could have been "Tony Blair", "Osama bin Laden" or "Abu Hamster". Better still "Ranting Bible-Basheer", "Carpet Muncher" or even "Wedding Vegatable".

    It is a nice piece though, but I spotted it as a fake because the zooms and panning are not quite on the money yet. Won't take long.

    Imagine this technology plus Brass Eye material...

    p.s. NTSC gives that just-sprayed permatan orange glow and is not an issue with modern HD broadcasts. America leapfrogged Europe, getting widescreen HD long before we did.

  4. Just think, in our Democracy, such a thing could not happen! One must be part of a political party approved by the Electoral Commission. The EU cannot have any nasty surprises, can they?

  5. This was done by Danny Finkelstein a few months ago.

  6. i did that a month ago
