Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Lefties DO Have a Sense of Humour

An hilarious post on Pickled Politics, headlined WHY TERRORISTS DON'T MAKE GOOD POLITICIANS. It's something to do with funny shaped vegetables and goats' private parts.

And in other news today, why eunuchs don't make good fathers...


  1. Perhaps I'm having a bad day but I didn't find it funny: I thought it was rather sad all round. As for the little boy 'slaughtered like a sheep' because his family didn't pledge allegiance - well, that's just tragic and immoral. Is it true or is it a spoof? Lefties don't have a sense of humour if this is the best they can do. Perhaps it's me, just having a bad day and unable to see the funny side. Roll on tomorrow.

  2. Oh no they don't! The little boy "slaughtered like a sheep" because his family didn't pledge allegiance was particularly unfunny. It could be me of course: I may just be having an off day.

  3. No episode of the grisly Esther Rantzen's show "That's Life" was complete without a vegetable shaped like genitalia.

    What a terrible programme that was!

    Where's a terrorist when you need one most?

  4. Well its the Daily Telegraph really.
    Theres a snippet rom the New Yorker in Prospect which says 80% of al Qaeda members in Afghanistan were killed in the last months of 2001

    Thast why they can have any cucumber I suppose.

  5. They definitely have a sense of humour, but is very juvenile.
    I used to laugh at that sort of thing at school (many years ago).

  6. Well, Prezza does. If this isn't him, hog calling in drag I'll eat a bacon sandie - and I don't eat meat:

