Sunday, August 10, 2008

I Give You Prime Minister Michael Portillo...

A few years ago I co-edited a book of political counterfactuals with Duncan Brack called PRIME MINISTER PORTILLO & OTHER THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPENED.

Searching through an old computer this evening, I came across the entry I wrote which gave the book its name. It's a rather gossipy account of how Michael Portillo became Prime Minister and has a twist right at the end.

If you'd like to read it as a bit of light entertainment on a Sunday night (it's about 4,000 words) click HERE.


  1. Iain, you should give this YouTube video the same treatment as the downfall one. It's great.

  2. I actually brought it when I was at the 2003 Labour Party Conference. Some interesting ones, including the often wondered, what if Callaghan went to the country in 1978?
