Sunday, August 10, 2008

Guest Blogs: Decision

Thanks to all of you who have voiced your opinions about the Guest Blogs. More than four hundred of you cared enough to vote by 55-45% against them contininung. However, that is a pretty even split, so I am going to reach a messy compromise and will now only run them on Saturdays and Sundays when posting is normally lighter anyway. There will be one tomorrow on the Ossetia crisis though.


  1. Good call. Not messy at all. Strong, authentic and novel 'voices' should celebrate the opportunity. And the rest of us will benefit.

  2. Iain I've gotta ask, have you sent Norm Tebbit tickets for this?

  3. I think thats a shame ,they were very good . The only thing that bothered me was that they were all by well spoken 18 year old boy political groupies.

    I have dark suspicions about the selection process

  4. Oh come on, Iain. This is wrong. You are an interesting blogger and I agree with much of what you say but I have read some fascinating pieces on here, many by well-informed teenagers my own age with differing opinions and priorities. Its your blog - if these trolls don't want to read the guest blogs they dont have to - the more the better, I say, I've read some very interesting arguments on these blogs. People might have their own blogs, but people dont make a point of going to read blogs they've never read before, they read their usual ones, so people's opinions won't get a wider airing if they aren't published on more popular blogs.

  5. Good decision. I was going to suggestr having a couple a week rather than every day anyway.

  6. how about giving us a snapshot about what the thrust of their blog is about and providing a link? we'll take it from there.

    also, run a list of the current shadow cabinet against the 80s counterparts to stimulate some debate.

  7. A good compromise, Iain - have you ever considered a career in politics?

  8. @ newnamia,

    I have no formal party affiliation, nor do my views reflect anything more than exactly what I feel makes sense.

    Please do not stereotype grassroots political enthusiasts for aesthetic reasons which seem to derive from an inherent pomposity that I have seen all to often on the comments section of this blog.

  9. Bad Call Ian. Only wishy washy liberals should be in the No Decision camp.

  10. So it's Mrs Dale's diary and other bods viewpoints then?

    I'm off to Guido, Dizzy and Bob Piper to read ORIGINAL thought. Goodbye Ian and your "Guests".

  11. Good decision.

  12. Surely Ian Dale's blog should be about what Ian Dale blogs, NOT anyone else?

    You are in great danger of becoming an online message group. Or is that your intention?

    Keep Mrs Dale's blog pure.

  13. It's the right decision. Plus today's on the BBC was short enough not to skip. Short, vitriolic and irregular, that's how I like my women, er comment.

  14. Wow! I suggested two or three a week and you're doing it! Hooray!

  15. I am sad you have decided to reduce the number to weekend only. I could only log on this morning and voted (in vain, as I find out) that you should keep them for the summer season.

    Sometimes reading things from a different viewpoint can reveal arguments that you never realised could exist - and be correct.
