Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Farage & Medvedev: Separated at Birth?

Nigel Farage, Leader of UKIP

President Medvedev

Could they by any chance be related?


  1. Has anyone seen them in the same room at the same time?

  2. They seem to be round the wrong way...but yes, I can see the resemblance.

    I suppose the way to tell them apart is that one wants to get out of "foreign" States, and the other likes going in...

  3. Medvedev eyes are too close
    together, it shows he is not trustworthy!

    Farage has properly spaced eyes in comparison!

  4. Neither of them is particularly fond of Europe it would appear.

  5. I can only assume that Farage has annexed Suffolk and Kent without me hearing then ?

  6. John m ward said, "They seem to be round the wrong way...but yes, I can see the resemblance".

    Doh! Obviously not a reader of Private Eye.

    Good spot Iain.....spooky!

  7. Bloody hell Iain - do try to keep up! :)

  8. I should read your blog more often James!

  9. Ah, so (from James Graham's site) "rokhdenoya" means birth. I didn't know that: I know very little Russian and am decidedly rusty nowadays, so that was useful.

    Oh, and no, fonyblair -- I don't read Private Eye; but even so I allowed for the possibility of this being a deliberate transposition via the inclusion of the word "seem" in my earlier comment. I hope that covered it.

  10. Show pictures of Gordon Brown and President Nixon for a big surprise.

  11. Similarity not just physical, then?

  12. What about £21K a week "Dangerous Dave" and Blair?

  13. Farage is the MAN as I fear Dave is about to find out.

  14. Medevedev wants to be free of the EU. So does Nigel.

    Medvedev might get there first.

    He is helping Nigel and his kind, by sending the EU reeling over Georgia. There is no effective response coming from the EU.

    Sarkozy flies around the place like a demented spider high on cocaine. In Brussels, meetings are held every ten minutes, but there is never any agreement as to do.

    The whole episode has exposed the EU's 'foreign policy' as a sham. It doesn't have one. Germany just wants a steady supply of gas and doesn't mind if Putin occupies any country he desires.

    Miliband thinks that the EU should be challenging Putin. Sarkozy will do absolutely anything he can to stop Putin other than send any armed forces into theatre.

    It's a total bloody shambles.

    The Americans must surely notice that their EU and NATO allies are falling to pieces.

    In fact they have, and they've made
    a unilateral guarantee to Poland that they will fight there if Putin were ever to threaten Polish territory. That then leaves the question of Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, but never mind.

    At least Americans are able to take decisions however flawed they may be. The EU can't even work out whether to tie its shoelaces.

  15. Tapestry 8.50 a.m.

    I seem to remember that we got into a spot of bother in 1939 -
    regarding a "guarantee of Polish Sovereignty"


    Hasn't the US also guaranteed the sovereignty of the "Baltic States" too ?

  16. Careful Iain, Medvedev and Osborne are also look alikes.....

    Do you have a picture for comparison?

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. They both have a thing about self determination, though I should add that I think Mr Farage actually means it.

  19. John M Ward - you must be a politician hedging your bets like that!! :-)

  20. Both are nationalists in their own way.

    Farage wants the UK back from the tentacles of the E. Commission; Medvedev is probably signing a Molotov-Ribentropp type pact with Germany, trading gas supplies for territorial 'influence' considerations over a mutual neighbour - and its not Bylo-Russia either.

    Sarkozy? Well, he is just playing the old French game of trying to be Napoleon.

    History repeats itself yet again.

  21. tom hanks and george osborne are separated at birth.

  22. anne diamond and Caroline Flint are separated at birth...

  23. Medvedev's head is too big for his body, when he walks around it looks like he's a puppet, with somebody else pulling his strings.

    errr, am I on to something?

  24. john m ward: considering your advanced years, have you never read Private Eye?

    I did a similar article on my blog a while back and someone made the john ward comment "you've got the names the wrong way round". Is it really that difficult to work out the joke? DOH!!


  25. lollipopitia - when a persons head is too big for their body

    other sufferers include Mariella Frostrup

  26. dave and Mary poppins were seperated at birth.

  27. The Ruskies obviously used Farage as a model for the hand puppet they call Medvedev.

    He should try to sue for copyright.

  28. speaking of big heads whatever happened to V*****? This blog is a more pleasant and thoughtful place for her absence but since i moved to US I keep worrying she'll pop up on some ranty right wing cable station from mexico.

  29. Thank you. I knew he looked like someone, but I couldn't work out who.

    All you Russia-baiters, roll on President Obama, and then you might ever be able to admit that the American Administration of the day was wrong about anything.

    When, with full Russian backing, Nagorno-Karabakh declares independence from "Western" (Anglo-American-Israeli) backed, Islamist Azerbaijan, what will you say?

    When with full "Western" (Anglo-American-Israeli) backing, Islamist Chechnya declares independence from Russia, what will you say?

    And so one could go on.

  30. Putin 4 Obama !!!

    Obama can do his talking and say "yes we can" while in the real world Putin/Medvedev annex what they feel appropriate.

  31. Medvedez also looks quite like George Osborn, when you see him pulling facial expressions.

  32. Anon, USA has not guaranteed territorial integrity of The Baltics, only Poland.

  33. Ah, so (from James Graham's site) "rokhdenoya" means birth. I didn't know that: I know very little Russian and am decidedly rusty nowadays, so that was useful.

    Errm, not quite. That funny letter after the first o is zh and after the n there ought to be a soft sign and not an o. Otherwise correct.
