Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Does Gordon's Visit Signal the End of the Gold Rush

[tongue firmly in cheek] Have you noticed how since Gordon Brown congratulated our olympians for their gold medal haul, we haven't won any more? Our athletes are dreading his arrival in the Olympic Village today. "The game's up," said Tom Daley. "My gold medal hope has just gone down the tube," said Triple Jump hope Philips Idowu. [extracts tongue from cheek].

NB I'm supposed to be having a day off today, but am having to spend it proof reading the Blogging Guide. Allow me my little bit of fun...

By the way, check out THIS post on the PR Media blog. It seems that even his PR staff are ignoring orders from the Fuehrerbunker now...

UPDATE: Donal Blaney has a new version of the medals table HERE.


  1. Still now you come to mention it I wish he was not there ....

  2. "Fuehrerbunker" - Just brilliant! Haha!

    I'm starting to wonder whether Gordon Brown actually exists, or is he some kind of CGI trickery?

  3. If he was CGI, surely he could be made to look more realistic than he does!

  4. Newspaer headlines upon Bean's arrival in China

    "Typhoon suddenly appears in the South China Sea"

  5. James 'Chunky' DeGale was clearly inspired - his great clunking fist is guaranteeing an unexpected bronze in the Boxing Middleweight.

    Apparently he was equally inspired by the accomplishments of his team-mates, who are finally benefitting from State investment in Sport.

    Oh , but of course, it was Major's cunning plan invent the national lottery to make up for concreting over the sports fields, wasn't it?

    Looking forward to seeing egg on your face after more gold medals this week-end (though in a light-hearted, tongue in cheek way of course)

  6. Amazing watching the scramble of Ministers claiming some of the glory.

    As in Sir Humphrey land:

    I take the credit
    You take the knighthood
    He takes the blame.

  7. Interestingly, Tom Daley was the only member of the Olympic team to be invited by Gordon Brown to Downing Street for a pre Olympic chat

  8. Tongue firmly in cheek? Could you get it in there whilst your foot was firmly in your mouth?

    Or are one of those right-wing reactionaries who refuse to acknowledge Christine Ohuruogu' brilliant Gold Medal?

  9. I think Ohuruogu was lucky - her race was before the arrival of Pa Broon.
    Actually, it's working already. we've only got a bronze from the hurdles. She looked like she was about to come 2nd or better. I thought only Boris needed to be at the closing ceremony.

  10. Gordon'courage'Brown AKA Jonah McDoooooom seems to place a curse on everything he touches!
    The meme of the moment seems to be, dont go anywhere near captain courage if you dont want to be afflicted with bad luck.
    I wondered why Gordon'bravely ran away'Brown disappeared when the georgia crises happened and after some research I found that the Russians and Georgians are a very superstitious lot and they may have politely refused entry to the Jonah, not wanting to be jinxed?

    I wonder how Bob Piper really feels about the total destruction of his party by the NuLab champagne comrades? The third rate midgets that make up the cabinet only have to open their cakeholes for thousands to flee the party. I am glad my NUM/Labour activist uncle is dead as the sight of his beloved party degenerating into its current pathetic mess would have broken his heart!

  11. Cassandra... fancy being glad your uncle was dead! Nasty party indeed. I had an auntie who once voted conservative, but even then we didn't wish her dead.

    Strange folk you Tories.

  12. Gordon Brown aka Jonah is Guido territory. And we can swear there.

  13. bob piper, can't move without falling over the loony left wishing Thatcher was dead.

  14. I notice Bob'change the subject'Piper skated over the issue like a good NuLab drone! Anyone reading the post would know that I said 'I am glad he isnt alive to see the utter and complete moral degeneration of the party he gave his life for, because it would have broken his heart. Obviously you thought fit to ignore that part didnt you? For the record and not that it matters to you, I am not a Tory!
    Just in case your brain auto deleted the parts of my post that you just didnt want to hear, ill say it again.
    The NuLabour party has degenerated into a selfish,corrupt,dishonest,self obsessed,elitist,nest feathering,arrogant,nasty and seedy party that has betrayed its founding fathers and traditional supporters and is led by a malignant and brooding coward.
    The Labour party is heading to total annihilation at the coming elections and will be very lucky to retain enough seats to remain the (dis)loyal opposition, how do you like them apples comrade?

  15. Post script to my last entry.

    Dont listen to me Bob, look at the poll ratings!
    Dont believe me Bob, look at party membership numbers and then go to a working mans club and LISTEN to the anger!
    Dont read my critisisms Bob, go and LISTEN to ordinary people and their anger and dismay and frustration!
    Dont take my word for it Bob, go and visit a job centre or OAP day centre and LISTEN to the stories about life in 'modern Britain' by the real people affected by your party policies!
    One of the reasons your party is so hated is that your party is deaf to its critics and blind to its faults and too dumb to respond accordingly!

  16. Somebody from the Cabinet was reported as saying.

    As I came down the Downing St Stair
    I met a man who wasn't Blair
    He wasn't Blair again today
    I wish that man would go away.

    Whatever you think of Blair (not much in my case, he exuded power effortlessly, which is the only way to exude it.

    I am Josef Stalin and I approved this message.

    No, I don't think it's funny either.

  17. killemallletgodsortemout said...
    "Christine Ohuruogu?
    Drugs test, anyone?"

    As a winner she will automatically be tested for drugs.

    Despite banning her for a year, the British Olympics officials admit that they have never actually suspected her have having taken drugs. She was penalised because she missed three out-of-competition drugs tests, due mainly to her carelessness in not keeping the authorities notified of her whereabouts.

    On one of the three occasions she was actually competing abroad when she was expected to appear at short notice in London for a test. She had not formally notified them because she knew that they were already aware that she was abroad.

  18. cassandra said...

    "Dont take my word for it Bob, go and visit a job centre"

    The working class know very well that nulab have been far worse than the tories.

    Unemployed people know exactly who to blame for what has been done to them. Any nulab **** who goes anywhere near a Job Centre had better take an armed police guard for protection.

  19. Brown just wants to get his hands on the gold medals so he can sell them for a quarter of their value, or maybe just give them away...

  20. Gordon Brown will steal those gold medals. Boris is the man - if it wasnt for Boris and Cameron and Major and John redwood and Coe and all Tories who are the true believers of competition we would not have any medals - Labour would abolish sport if they could

    socialists hate success and hate us having our proud place in history - it doesnt mattter that they put 500 million in sport - on top of the lottery money - its a con to persuade us that they care they dont care - only conservatives care about sport - which is why all sportsmen i know are tories. Labour are sick and we have become broken and sick - we need tories to stop the rot - under tories we would double the number of golds - for half the amount of money
