Sunday, August 24, 2008

Brown Reveals His Normal Side

In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph 7 Days magazine GMTV presenter Lorraine Kelly reveals something rather normal about Gordon Brown...
When Lorraine Kelly and her husband were invited to lunch at [Gordon] Brown's home in Kirkcaldy for lunch one Saturday, she was slightly disconcerted because he kept looking at his watch. 'I assumed he must be expecting an important phone call. And then he turned to my husband Steve and said, 'Do you know, if we leave now, we can watch the whole of the Raith Rovers game.'

Spoken like a true football fan. Mind you, if I had Lorraine Kelly to lunch, I think I would even miss a West Ham game...


  1. Lorraine Kelly ???

    I would be off to Raith Rovers as fast as my legs would carry me

  2. I'd never heard of her until now. The picture on her website makes her look like an all-in wrestler.

    Umm, aren't you gay, Ian?

  3. I'm an SNP man through and through so as you can imagine I don't like Labour to put it mildly . . .but am I the only one who feels a great deal of sympathy for Gordon Brown?

    Or maybe I'm just too nice for this politics malarkey:(

  4. Illuminatig extract from Brown's Daily Mail interview (and not as you might imagine Private Eye) :

    ‘I’m happy to talk to you because you are here,’ he snapped. ‘I have given you special time.

    'That is very good of me. You are very fortunate.'

    Oh thankyou Great Leaderene

  5. Why would you believe anything Lorraine Kelly says? She's one of Brown's chief sycophants and as such wants to give us the false impression that he is normal.

  6. You know, I'm amost starting to feel sorry for GB. I've been feeling very sorry for the other GB for a long time.

    Nothing tht he can do looks real. He's damned if he does and he's damned if he doesn't. I don't believe that for a second that that showed a real man. He isn't a real man. He is nothing.

    Iain, you are going to have to smarten up, show a bit more bloody insight man. Better still, possess it. Try looking up the term 'neurotic psychopath'. That would be a start. Clue: it doesn't apply to you.

    No chance of dinner sometime I suppose? I know you just had a happy event. My most heartfelt congratulations to you and your partner.

  7. Pfff... just like that awful stage-managed interview between Brown and Frostrup. Anything Brown's friends in the media will do anything to make him not seem like the emotionally unstable nutcake he actually is.

    I also remember that great little scene of him and Blair filmed watching a football match together, in full suit and tie, with halves of lager poured into glasses.

  8. Lorrainne Kelly, one of those carved in marble in the Great Temple of the Monstrously Over-promoted....

  9. Shows how bloody rude he is.

  10. Normal? That's just downright rude!

  11. OMG. Isn't it just the absolute pits when a well known and popular TV personality has a good word to say about the PM.

    Whatever next?
    David Cameron isn't a hypocrite?
    GB tells right wing goading journalists to piss off?

  12. "I also remember that great little scene of him and Blair filmed watching a football match together, in full suit and tie, with halves of lager poured into glasses"

    As opposed to 'real' Cameron posing for the press in a mucky trackie, swigging lager from a can and causing a Bullingdon ruck?

  13. Its about time Broon buggered off to watch Raith Rovers full time..

  14. this must be a socialist plot to make Broon look normal - normal is going to eton, oxford, having aistocratic parents and being very rich. Dave and his Georgie are normal. Broon can't claim any of these, ergo he is not normal.

  15. Can feel sympathy for the moron who 'is just getting on with the job' Steering us through this economic mess that mostly he created in the first place.

  16. so what if he likes a game of football - he should focus on the job of getting the country sorted - Cameron should have been in Beijing - its down to us Tories that we won so many medals -John Major is the true hero - david cameron should invite Major to take on a major job - Conservatives need to be more bold in taking credit for things - it was the tories wot won it.

  17. Anon @ 5:18

    A bit like that, yes. Only I didn't have to make my stuff up.

  18. shame about Cameron taking a £42,000 one week holiday in the Med

    will not go down well

  19. why did Boris renage on his committment to pay the London minimum wage to Hotel workers
