Saturday, July 26, 2008

Top Ten Blogs Update

Just a quick update on voting in the Top 200 blogs list for the 2008-9 Guide to Political Blogging.

So far, more than fifty blogs from all over the political spectrum have encouraged their readers to vote. They have voted for 443 different blogs. The top 100 is broken down as follows...

Conservative blogs 20
Right Wing blogs 9
Libertarian blogs 6
Labour blogs 16
Left Wing blogs 13
LibDem blogs 8
Media blogs 11
Non Aligned blogs 11
Green blogs 2
Humour blogs 1
Plaid Cymru blogs 1
SNP blogs 1

So if you add them up, there are 35 right of centre blogs and 41 left of centre blogs (if you count LinDems as left of centre). Perhaps the tide is turning...

If you haven't voted yet, send in your top ten blogs, ranked in order to


  1. That would be telling ... but I can tell you that you are in the top 100 ... so far.

  2. Rather O/T, Labour Home has a story (from the Indie but I can't see it the online edition) on the percentage of MPs with ‘second’ jobs:

    Lab 19
    Lib 37
    Con 66

    Read into this what you will but given their current malaise Labour MPs’ minds might be rather more focussed on the chances of retaining their seats in the next couple of years.

    If you enjoy a good gloat it’s right next to a despondent posting ‘The case against Brown staying’. They consider his strongest card is the dearth of talent amongst Labour MPs.

    Do we really get the politicians we deserve? It’s a poor lookout for Britain if that’s the case.

  3. How is Irfan Ahmed doing as i nominated him?

  4. Is it correct that off-shore Guido is barred from this contest?

  5. PS If they wre comparing other Labour politicians to cameron rather than to Brown and Blair there'd be 20 to go for. Brown must stay and slay the conservative demons.

  6. Chris, if you had read the rules you would know the answer to your question.

  7. How convenient for you that you can count Lib Dems as "left of centre"

  8. I've read the rules Iain. They are as ambiguous as the ones allowing Lord Michael to gift flights to the Tories.

    UK Blogger covering off shore matters is barred.

    Offshore blogger ... is barred.

    GuF must be furious.

  9. No Tim Worstall? (Or have you got him under Libertarian instead of UKIP?)

  10. "So if you add them up.." I get 99

  11. Chris Paul, you are even thicker than I thought you were. And that's saying something.

  12. Grumble, grumble...not all Lib Dem blogs are left of centre1

    Blimey! You will persist in using such old hat methods of pigeon holing people such as being on a left right continuum...grumble grumble.

    What about left or centre, right of centre and progressive!

    Am I one of the 8 linking to you (I'm sure I did link to you...I certainly wrote about it...I'll just go and check!!)?

  13. Progressive is such a bullshit word that it actually makes things less clear instead of more.
